[chirp_devel] [PATCH] Fix some GTK errors in mainapp #7923

Alex Page
Tue Jun 2 10:54:19 PDT 2020

I'm on a new install of 20.04 and CHIRP is working fine (for me) after
those minor patches for Python3 and GTK syntax.  I didn't have to jump
through any hoops to install prereqs.  Actually, I think pyserial was the
only thing I needed to install.

I tried running my fork in a fresh 18.04 VM, and only needed to install
`future` and `serial`.  Unfortunately I don't have a way to test on other
platforms (e.g. Windows).

Note that I am operating from the py3 branch, so maybe some work was
already done there to remove the problematic dependencies you mentioned.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 1:11 PM Tony Fuller <goldstar611 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> So the rabbit hole extends outside the codebase and IMO won't help users
> who are not upgrading from an older Ubuntu install. (Did you upgrade or
> install fresh?)
> For instance, it's not feasible for the everyday chirp user to collect all
> of the dependencies needed for chirp to run on Ubuntu 20.04 from a fresh
> install because many of those packages aren't in the focal fossa repo.
> For instance, try to apt install python-libxml2 python-gtk and you may see
> a message like "couldn't find package xyz but is referenced by another
> package" from apt.
> Tony.
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