[chirp_devel] "Success" to port Chirp as a stand alone app for Ubuntu Bionic...

Pavel Milanes Costa (CO7WT)
Fri Jul 3 11:23:00 PDT 2020

Hi, playing here with pyinstaller and at first glance I managed to run 
latest chirp from the hg repository.

See here https://pasteboard.co/JfYqbrL.png for a pic of it.

There are warnings in the import with some modules, but that must be a 
few hours of work to make it happy.

That's build on a Ubuntu 18.04 lxc image and crafted with pyinstaller 
(there are other options) packed as a really standalone app (just give 
exec permissions and fire it, no dependencies or other installs)

Is there a solution like this already?

It worth to work on this pro provide a way for the Focal users?

I can at the end provide a script or a recipe to build it on any of the 
free platforms out there (travis, etc)

Cheers, Pavel.

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