[chirp_devel] New Kenwood TS-480 Clone mode driver

Rick DeWitt AA0RD
Thu Nov 7 15:15:31 PST 2019

Kenwood TS-480 clone mode driver patch, img and manifest files attached.
Not sure how the manifest should read after already submitting the new 
ts590.py driver, so this version of the manifest has them both.
I guess that means that this patch should be built AFTER the ts590...
Sorry these are all hitting at once, but they just finished testing 

Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494

-------------- next part --------------
# HG changeset patch
# User Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
# Date 1573168095 28800
#      Thu Nov 07 15:08:15 2019 -0800
# Node ID 04a07dfa947c72c08290ba194c0538324c006dfa
# Parent  60b0754e45de1557ca2597c41a2966129653eeef
[ts480] New Clone Mode driver for Kenwood TS480 models, Issue #7079

New driver fixes issue #7079

diff -r 60b0754e45de -r 04a07dfa947c chirp/drivers/ts480.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chirp/drivers/ts480.py	Thu Nov 07 15:08:15 2019 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
+# Implementing mem as Clone Mode
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import time
+import struct
+import logging
+import re
+import math
+import threading
+from chirp import chirp_common, directory, memmap
+from chirp import bitwise, errors, util
+from chirp.settings import RadioSettingGroup, RadioSetting, \
+    RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
+    RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettingValueInteger, \
+    RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings, InvalidValueError
+from textwrap import dedent
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+#seekto 0x0000;
+struct {            // 20 bytes per chan
+  u32  rxfreq;
+  u32  txfreq;
+  u8   xmode;     // param stored as CAT value
+  u8   tmode;
+  u8   rtone;
+  u8   ctone;
+  u8   skip;
+  u8   step;
+  char name[8];
+} ch_mem[110];   // 100 normal + 10 P-type
+struct {        // 5 bytes each
+  u32 asfreq;
+  u8  asmode:4,     // param stored as CAT value (0 -9)
+      asdata:2,
+      asnu:2;
+} asf[32];
+struct {        // 10 x 5 4-byte frequencies
+  u32  ssfreq;
+} ssf[50];
+struct {
+  u8   ag;
+  u8   an;
+  u32  fa;
+  u32  fb;
+  u8   mf;
+  u8   mg;
+  u8   pc;
+  u8   rg;
+  u8   ty;
+} settings;
+struct {            // Menu A/B settings
+  char ex000;
+  u8   ex003;       // These params stored as nibbles
+  u8   ex007;
+  u8   ex008;
+  u8   ex009;
+  u8   ex010;
+  u8   ex011;
+  u8   ex012;
+  u8   ex013;
+  u8   ex014;
+  u8   ex021;
+  u8   ex022;
+  u8   ex048;
+  u8   ex049;
+  u8   ex050;
+  u8   ex051;
+  u8   ex052;
+} exset[2];
+  char mdl_name[9];     // appended model name, first 9 chars
+LOCK = threading.Lock()
+BAUD = 0    # Initial baud rate
+MEMSEL = 0  # Default Menu A
+BEEPVOL = 5     # Default beep level
+W8S = 0.01      # short wait, secs
+W8L = 0.05      # long wait
+TS480_DUPLEX = ["", "-", "+"]
+TS480_SKIP = ["", "S"]
+# start at 0:LSB
+TS480_MODES = ["LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM", "FSK", "CW-R", "FSK-R"]
+EX_MODES = ["FSK-R", "CW-R"]
+for ix in EX_MODES:
+    if ix not in chirp_common.MODES:
+        chirp_common.MODES.append(ix)
+TS480_TONES = list(chirp_common.TONES)
+TS480_BANDS = [(50000, 24999999),  # VFO Rx range. TX has lockouts
+               (25000000, 59999999)]
+TS480_TUNE_STEPS = [0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5,
+                    15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 50.0, 100.0]
+RADIO_IDS = {   # From kenwood_live.py; used to report wrong radio
+    "ID019;": "TS-2000",
+    "ID009;": "TS-850",
+    "ID020:": "TS-480",
+    "ID021;": "TS-590S",
+    "ID023;": "TS-590SG"
+def command(ser, cmd, rsplen, w8t=0.01, exts=""):
+    """Send @cmd to radio via @ser"""
+    # cmd is output string without ; terminator
+    # rsplen is expected response char count, including terminator
+    #       If rsplen = 0 then do not read after write
+    start = time.time()
+    #   LOCK.acquire()
+    stx = cmd       # preserve cmd for response check
+    stx = stx + exts + ";"    # append arguments
+    ser.write(stx)
+    LOG.debug("PC->RADIO [%s]" % stx)
+    ts = time.time()        # implement the wait after command
+    while (time.time() - ts) < w8t:
+        ix = 0      # NOP
+    result = ""
+    if rsplen > 0:  # read response
+        result = ser.read(rsplen)
+        LOG.debug("RADIO->PC [%s]" % result)
+        result = result[:-1]        # remove terminator
+    #   LOCK.release()
+    return result.strip()
+def _connect_radio(radio):
+    """Determine baud rate and verify radio on-line"""
+    global BAUD        # Allows modification
+    bauds = [9600, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 4800]
+    if BAUD > 0:
+        bauds.insert(0, BAUD)       # Make the detected one first
+    # Flush the input buffer
+    radio.pipe.timeout = 0.005
+    junk = radio.pipe.read(256)
+    radio.pipe.timeout = STIMEOUT
+    for bd in bauds:
+        radio.pipe.baudrate = bd
+        BAUD = bd
+        radio.pipe.write(";")
+        radio.pipe.write(";")
+        resp = radio.pipe.read(4)
+        radio.pipe.write("ID;")
+        resp = radio.pipe.read(6)
+        if resp == radio.ID:           # Good comms
+            resp = command(radio.pipe, "AI0", 0, W8L)
+            return
+        elif resp in RADIO_IDS.keys():
+            msg = "Radio reported as model %s, not %s!" % \
+                (RADIO_IDS[resp], radio.MODEL)
+            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+    raise errors.RadioError("No response from radio")
+    return
+def read_str(radio, trm=";"):
+    """ Read chars until terminator """
+    stq = ""
+    ctq = ""
+    while ctq != trm:
+        ctq = radio.pipe.read(1)
+        stq += ctq
+    LOG.debug("   + [%s]" % stq)
+    return stq[:-1]     # Return without trm
+def _read_mem(radio):
+    """Get the memory map"""
+    global BEEPVOL
+    # UI progress
+    status = chirp_common.Status()
+    status.cur = 0
+    status.max = radio._upper + 10  # 10 P chans
+    status.msg = "Reading Channel Memory..."
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX0120000", 12, W8S)
+    BEEPVOL = int(result0[6:12])
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX01200000", 0, W8L)   # Silence beeps
+    data = ""
+    mrlen = 41      # Expected fixed return string length
+    for chn in range(0, (radio._upper + 11)):   # Loop stops at +10
+        # Request this mem chn
+        r0ch = 999
+        r1ch = r0ch
+        # return results can come back out of order
+        while (r0ch != chn):
+            # simplex
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, "MR0%03i" % chn,
+                              mrlen, W8S)
+            result0 += read_str(radio)
+            r0ch = int(result0[3:6])
+        while (r1ch != chn):
+            # split
+            result1 = command(radio.pipe, "MR1%03i" % chn,
+                              mrlen, W8S)
+            result1 += read_str(radio)
+            r1ch = int(result1[3:6])
+        data += radio._parse_mem_spec(result0, result1)
+        # UI Update
+        status.cur = chn
+        status.msg = "Reading Channel Memory..."
+        radio.status_fn(status)
+    if len(data) == 0:       # To satisfy run_tests
+        raise errors.RadioError('No data received.')
+    return data
+def _make_dat(sx, nb):
+    """ Split the string sx into nb binary bytes """
+    vx = int(sx)
+    dx = ""
+    if nb > 3:
+        dx += chr((vx >> 24) & 0xFF)
+    if nb > 2:
+        dx += chr((vx >> 16) & 0xFF)
+    if nb > 1:
+        dx += chr((vx >> 8) & 0xFF)
+    dx += chr(vx & 0xFF)
+    return dx
+def _sets_val(stx, nv, nb):
+    """ Split string stx into nv nb-bit values in 1 byte """
+    # Right now: hardcoded for nv:3 values of nb:2 bits each
+    v1 = int(stx[0]) << 6
+    v1 = v1 | (int(stx[1]) << 4)
+    v1 = v1 | (int(stx[2]) << 2)
+    return chr(v1)
+def _sets_asf(stx):
+    """ Process AS0 auto-mode setting """
+    asm = _make_dat(stx[0:11], 4)   # 11-bit freq
+    a1 = int(stx[11])               # 4-bit mode
+    a2 = 0                          # not used in TS-480
+    asm += chr((a1 << 4) | (a2 << 2))
+    return asm
+def my_val_list(setting, opts, obj, atrb, fix=0, ndx=-1):
+    """Callback:from ValueList. Set the integer index."""
+    # This function is here to be available to get_mem and get_set
+    # fix is optional additive offset to the list index
+    # ndx is optional obj[ndx] array index
+    value = opts.index(str(setting.value))
+    value += fix
+    if ndx >= 0:    # indexed obj
+        setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, value)
+    else:
+        setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+    return
+def _read_settings(radio):
+    """ Continue filling memory map"""
+    global MEMSEL
+    # setc: the list of CAT commands for downloaded settings
+    # Block paramters first. In the exact order of MEM_FORMAT
+    setc = radio.SETC
+    setc.extend(radio.EX)  # Menu A EX params
+    setc.extend(radio.EX)  # Menu B
+    status = chirp_common.Status()
+    status.cur = 0
+    status.max = 32 + 50 + 8 + 17 + 17
+    status.msg = "Reading Settings..."
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+    setts = ""
+    nc = 0
+    for cmc in setc:
+        skipme = False
+        argx = ""           # Extended arguments
+        if cmc == "AS0":
+            skipme = True   # flag to disable further processing
+            for ix in range(32):        # 32 AS params
+                result0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 19, W8S,
+                                  "%02i" % ix)
+                xc = len(cmc) + 2
+                result0 = result0[xc:]
+                setts += _sets_asf(result0)
+                nc += 1
+                status.cur = nc
+                radio.status_fn(status)
+        elif cmc == "SS":
+            skipme = True
+            for ix in range(10):     # 10 chans
+                for nx in range(5):     # 5 spots
+                    result0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 16, W8S,
+                                      "%1i%1i" % (ix, nx))
+                    setts += _make_dat(result0[4:], 4)
+                    nc += 1
+                    status.cur = nc
+                    radio.status_fn(status)
+        elif (cmc == "MF0") or (cmc == "MF1"):
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 0, W8S)
+            skipme = True   # cmd only, no response
+        else:   # issue the cmc cmd as-is with argx
+            if str(cmc).startswith("EX"):
+                argx = "0000"
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 0, W8S, argx)
+            result0 = read_str(radio)    # various length responses
+            # strip the cmd echo
+            xc = len(cmc)
+            result0 = result0[xc:]
+        # Cmd has been sent, process the result
+        if (cmc == "FA") or (cmc == "FB"):    # Response is 11-bit frq
+            skipme = True
+            setts += _make_dat(result0, 4)   # 11-bit freq
+        elif (cmc == "MF0") or (cmc == "MF1"):  # No stored response
+            skipme = True
+        # Generic single byte processing
+        if not skipme:
+            setts += chr(int(result0))
+        if cmc == "MF":     # Save the initial Menu selection
+            MEMSEL = int(result0)
+        nc += 1
+        status.cur = nc
+        radio.status_fn(status)
+    setts += radio.MODEL.ljust(9)
+    # Now set the initial menu selection back
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "MF", 0, W8L, "%1i" % MEMSEL)
+    # And the original Beep Volume
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX0120000%i" % BEEPVOL, 0, W8L)
+    return setts
+def _write_mem(radio):
+    """ Send MW commands for each channel """
+    global BEEPVOL
+    # UI progress
+    status = chirp_common.Status()
+    status.cur = 0
+    status.max = radio._upper + 10  # 10 P chans
+    status.msg = "Writing Channel Memory"
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX0120000", 12, W8S)
+    BEEPVOL = int(result0[6:12])
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX01200000", 0, W8L)   # Silence beeps
+    for chn in range(0, (radio._upper + 11)):   # Loop stops at +20
+        _mem = radio._memobj.ch_mem[chn]
+        cmx = "MW0%03i" % chn
+        stm = cmx + radio._make_base_spec(_mem, _mem.rxfreq)
+        result0 = command(radio.pipe, stm, 0, W8L)     # No response
+        if _mem.txfreq > 0:            # Don't write MW1 if empty/deleted
+            cmx = "MW1%03i" % chn
+            stm = cmx + radio._make_base_spec(_mem, _mem.txfreq)
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, stm, 0, W8L)
+        status.cur = chn
+        radio.status_fn(status)
+    return
+def _write_sets(radio):
+    """ Send settings and Menu a/b """
+    status = chirp_common.Status()
+    status.cur = 0
+    status.max = 124   # Total to send
+    status.msg = "Writing Settings"
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+    # Define mem struct shortcuts
+    _sets = radio._memobj.settings
+    _asf = radio._memobj.asf
+    _ssf = radio._memobj.ssf
+    _mex = radio._memobj.exset
+    snx = 0     # Settings status counter
+    stlen = 0   # No response count
+    # Send 32 AS
+    for ix in range(32):
+        scm = "AS0%02i%011i%1i%1i" % (ix, _asf[ix].asfreq,
+                                      _asf[ix].asmode, _asf[ix].asdata)
+        result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+        snx += 1
+        status.cur = snx
+        radio.status_fn(status)
+    # Send 50 SS
+    for ix in range(10):
+        for kx in range(5):
+            nx = ix * 5 + kx
+            scm = "SS%1i%1i%011i" % (ix, kx, _ssf[nx].ssfreq)
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+            snx += 1
+            status.cur = snx
+            radio.status_fn(status)
+    # Send 8 thingies
+    scm = "AG0%03i" % _sets.ag
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "AN%1i" % _sets.an
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "FA%011i" % _sets.fa
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "FB%011i" % _sets.fb
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "MG%03i" % _sets.mg
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "PC%03i" % _sets.pc
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    scm = "RG%03i" % _sets.rg
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    # TY cmd is firmware read-only
+    scm = "MF0"   # Select menu A/B
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+    snx += 8
+    status.cur = snx
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+    # Send 17 Menu A EX
+    setc = radio.EX     # list of EX cmds
+    for ix in range(2):
+        for cmx in setc:
+            if str(cmx)[0:2] == "MF":
+                scm = cmx
+            else:       # The EX cmds
+                scm = "%s0000%i" % (cmx, getattr(_mex[ix],
+                                    cmx.lower()))
+            result0 = command(radio.pipe, scm, stlen, W8S)
+            snx += 1
+            status.cur = snx
+            radio.status_fn(status)
+    # Now set the initial menu selection back
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "MF", 0, W8L, "%1i" % _sets.mf)
+    # And the original Beep Volume
+    result0 = command(radio.pipe, "EX0120000%i" % BEEPVOL, 0, W8L)
+    return
+ at directory.register
+class TS480Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio):
+    """Kenwood TS-590"""
+    VENDOR = "Kenwood"
+    MODEL = "TS-480_CloneMode"
+    ID = "ID020;"
+    # Settings read/write cmd sequence list
+    SETC = ["AS0", "SS", "AG0", "AN", "FA", "FB",
+            "MF", "MG", "PC", "RG", "TY", "MF0"]
+    # This is the TS-590SG MENU A/B read_settings paramter tuple list
+    # The order is mandatory; to match the Mem_Format sequence
+    EX = ["EX000", "EX003", "EX007", "EX008", "EX009", "EX010", "EX011",
+          "EX012", "EX013", "EX014", "EX021", "EX022", "EX048", "EX049",
+          "EX050", "EX051", "EX052", "MF1"]
+    # EX menu settings label dictionary. Key is the EX number
+    EX_LBL = {0: " Display brightness",
+              3: "  Tuning control adj rate (Hz)",
+              12: " Beep volume",
+              13: " Sidetone volume",
+              14: " Message playback volume",
+              7: " Temporary MR Chan freq allowed",
+              8: " Program Scan slowdown",
+              9: " Program Scan slowdown range (Hz)",
+              10: " Program Scan hold",
+              11: " Scan Resume method",
+              21: " TX Power fine adjust",
+              22: " Timeout timer (Secs)",
+              48: " Panel PF-A function",
+              49: " MIC PF1 function",
+              50: " MIC PF2 function",
+              51: " MIC PF3 function",
+              52: " MIC PF4 function"}
+    _upper = 99
+    def get_features(self):
+        rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
+        rf.can_odd_split = False
+        rf.has_bank = False
+        rf.has_ctone = True
+        rf.has_dtcs = False
+        rf.has_dtcs_polarity = False
+        rf.has_name = True
+        rf.has_settings = True
+        rf.has_offset = True
+        rf.has_mode = True
+        rf.has_tuning_step = True
+        rf.has_nostep_tuning = True     # Radio accepts any entered freq
+        rf.has_cross = False
+        rf.has_comment = False
+        rf.memory_bounds = (0, self._upper)
+        rf.valid_bands = TS480_BANDS
+        rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_UPPER_NUMERIC + "*+-/"
+        rf.valid_duplexes = TS480_DUPLEX
+        rf.valid_modes = TS480_MODES
+        rf.valid_skips = TS480_SKIP
+        rf.valid_tuning_steps = TS480_TUNE_STEPS
+        rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL"]
+        rf.valid_name_length = 8    # 8 character channel names
+        return rf
+    @classmethod
+    def get_prompts(cls):
+        rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+        rp.info = _(dedent("""\
+            P-VFO channels 100-109 are considered Settings.\n
+            Only a subset of the over 130 available radio settings
+            are supported in this release.\n
+            """))
+        rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+            Follow these instructions to download the radio memory:
+            1 - Connect your interface cable
+            2 - Radio > Download from radio: Don't adjust any settings
+            on the radio head!
+            3 - Disconnect your interface cable
+            """))
+        rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
+            Follow these instructions to upload the radio memory:
+            1 - Connect your interface cable
+            2 - Radio > Upload to radio: Don't adjust any settings
+            on the radio head!
+            3 - Disconnect your interface cable
+            """))
+        return rp
+    def sync_in(self):
+        """Download from radio"""
+        try:
+            _connect_radio(self)
+            data = _read_mem(self)
+            data += _read_settings(self)
+        except errors.RadioError:
+            # Pass through any real errors we raise
+            raise
+        except Exception:
+            # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+            # a RadioError and log the problem
+            LOG.exception('Unexpected error during download')
+            raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+                                    'with the radio')
+        self._mmap = memmap.MemoryMap(data)
+        self.process_mmap()
+        return
+    def sync_out(self):
+        """Upload to radio"""
+        try:
+            _connect_radio(self)
+            _write_mem(self)
+            _write_sets(self)
+        except Exception:
+            # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+            # a RadioError and log the problem
+            LOG.exception('Unexpected error during upload')
+            raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+                                    'with the radio')
+        return
+    def process_mmap(self):
+        """Process the mem map into the mem object"""
+        self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
+        return
+    def get_memory(self, number):
+        """Convert raw channel data (_mem) into UI columns (mem)"""
+        mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+        if number > 99 and number < 110:
+            return          # Don't show VFO edges as mem chans
+        _mem = self._memobj.ch_mem[number]
+        mem.number = number
+        mnx = ""
+        for char in _mem.name:
+            mnx += chr(char)
+        mem.name = mnx.strip()
+        mem.name = mem.name.upper()
+        if _mem.rxfreq == 0:
+            mem.empty = True
+            return mem
+        mem.empty = False
+        mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq)
+        mem.duplex = TS480_DUPLEX[0]    # None by default
+        mem.offset = 0
+        if _mem.rxfreq < _mem.txfreq:   # + shift
+            mem.duplex = TS480_DUPLEX[2]
+            mem.offset = _mem.txfreq - _mem.rxfreq
+        if _mem.rxfreq > _mem.txfreq:   # - shift
+            mem.duplex = TS480_DUPLEX[1]
+            mem.offset = _mem.rxfreq - _mem.txfreq
+        if _mem.txfreq == 0:
+            # leave offset alone, or run_tests will bomb
+            mem.duplex = TS480_DUPLEX[0]
+        mx = _mem.xmode - 1     # CAT modes start at 1
+        if _mem.xmode == 9:     # except there is no xmode 9
+            mx = 7
+        mem.mode = TS480_MODES[mx]
+        mem.tmode = ""
+        mem.cross_mode = "Tone->Tone"
+        mem.ctone = TS480_TONES[_mem.ctone]
+        mem.rtone = TS480_TONES[_mem.rtone]
+        if _mem.tmode == 1:
+            mem.tmode = "Tone"
+        elif _mem.tmode == 2:
+            mem.tmode = "TSQL"
+        elif _mem.tmode == 3:
+            mem.tmode = "Cross"
+        mem.skip = TS480_SKIP[_mem.skip]
+        # Tuning step depends on mode
+        options = [0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0]    # SSB/CS/FSK
+        if _mem.xmode == 4 or _mem.xmode == 5:   # AM/FM
+            options = TS480_TUNE_STEPS[3:]
+        mem.tuning_step = options[_mem.step]
+        return mem
+    def set_memory(self, mem):
+        """Convert UI column data (mem) into MEM_FORMAT memory (_mem)"""
+        _mem = self._memobj.ch_mem[mem.number]
+        if mem.empty:
+            _mem.rxfreq = 0
+            _mem.txfreq = 0
+            _mem.xmode = 0
+            _mem.step = 0
+            _mem.tmode = 0
+            _mem.rtone = 0
+            _mem.ctone = 0
+            _mem.skip = 0
+            _mem.name = "        "
+            return
+        if mem.number > self._upper:    # Specials: No Name changes
+            ix = 0
+            # LOG.warning("Special Chan set_mem @ %i" % mem.number)
+        else:
+            nx = len(mem.name)
+            for ix in range(8):
+                if ix < nx:
+                    _mem.name[ix] = mem.name[ix].upper()
+                else:
+                    _mem.name[ix] = " "    # assignment needs 8 chrs
+        _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq
+        _mem.txfreq = 0
+        if mem.duplex == "+":
+            _mem.txfreq = mem.freq + mem.offset
+        if mem.duplex == "-":
+            _mem.txfreq = mem.freq - mem.offset
+        ix = TS480_MODES.index(mem.mode)
+        _mem.xmode = ix + 1     # stored as CAT values, LSB= 1
+        if ix == 7:     # FSK-R
+            _mem.xmode = 9      # There is no CAT 8
+        _mem.tmode = 0
+        _mem.rtone = TS480_TONES.index(mem.rtone)
+        _mem.ctone = TS480_TONES.index(mem.ctone)
+        if mem.tmode == "Tone":
+            _mem.tmode = 1
+        if mem.tmode == "TSQL":
+            _mem.tmode = 2
+        _mem.skip = 0
+        if mem.skip == "S":
+            _mem.skip = 1
+        options = [0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0]    # SSB/CS/FSK steps
+        if _mem.xmode == 4 or _mem.xmode == 5:   # AM/FM
+            options = TS480_TUNE_STEPS[3:]
+        _mem.step = options.index(mem.tuning_step)
+        return
+    def _parse_mem_spec(self, spec0, spec1):
+        """ Extract ascii memory paramters; build data string """
+        # spec0 is simplex result, spec1 is split
+        # pad string so indexes match Kenwood docs
+        spec0 = "x" + spec0  # match CAT document 1-based description
+        ix = len(spec0)
+        # _pxx variables are STRINGS
+        _p1 = spec0[3]       # P1    Split Specification
+        _p3 = spec0[5:7]     # P3    Memory Channel
+        _p4 = spec0[7:18]    # P4    Frequency
+        _p5 = spec0[18]      # P5    Mode
+        _p6 = spec0[19]      # P6    Chan Lockout (Skip)
+        _p7 = spec0[20]      # P7    Tone Mode
+        _p8 = spec0[21:23]   # P8    Tone Frequency Index
+        if _p8 == "00":
+            _p8 = "08"
+        _p9 = spec0[23:25]   # P9    CTCSS Frequency Index
+        if _p9 == "00":
+            _p9 = "08"
+        _p14 = spec0[39:41]  # P14   Step Size
+        _p16 = spec0[41:50]  # P16   Max 8-Char Name if assigned
+        spec1 = "x" + spec1
+        _p4s = int(spec1[7:18])  # P4: Offset freq
+        datm = ""   # Fill in MEM_FORMAT sequence
+        datm += _make_dat(_p4, 4)   # rxreq: u32, 4 bytes/chars
+        datm += _make_dat(_p4s, 4)  # tx freq
+        datm += chr(int(_p5))       # xmode: 0-9
+        datm += chr(int(_p7))       # Tmode: 0-3
+        datm += chr(int(_p8))       # rtone: 00-41
+        datm += chr(int(_p9))       # ctone: 00-41
+        datm += chr(int(_p6))       # skip: 0/1
+        datm += chr(int(_p14))      # step: 0-9
+        v1 = len(_p16)
+        for ix in range(8):
+            if ix < v1:
+                datm += _p16[ix]
+            else:
+                datm += " "
+        return datm
+    def _make_base_spec(self, mem, freq):
+        spec = "%011i%1i%1i%1i%02i%02i00000000000000%02i0%s" \
+            % (freq, mem.xmode, mem.skip, mem.tmode, mem.rtone,
+                mem.ctone, mem.step, mem.name)
+        return spec.strip()
+    def get_settings(self):
+        """Translate the MEM_FORMAT structs into settings in the UI"""
+        # Define mem struct write-back shortcuts
+        _sets = self._memobj.settings
+        _asf = self._memobj.asf
+        _ssf = self._memobj.ssf
+        _mex = self._memobj.exset
+        _chm = self._memobj.ch_mem
+        basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
+        pvfo = RadioSettingGroup("pvfo", "VFO Band Edges")
+        mena = RadioSettingGroup("mena", "Menu A")
+        menb = RadioSettingGroup("menb", "Menu B")
+        amode = RadioSettingGroup("amode", "Auto Mode")
+        ssc = RadioSettingGroup("ssc", "Slow Scan")
+        group = RadioSettings(basic, pvfo, mena, menb, amode, ssc)
+        mhz1 = 1000000.
+        # Callback functions
+        def _my_readonly(setting, obj, atrb):
+            """NOP callback, prevents writing the setting"""
+            vx = 0
+            return
+        def my_adjraw(setting, obj, atrb, fix=0, ndx=-1):
+            """Callback for Integer add or subtract fix from value."""
+            vx = int(str(setting.value))
+            value = vx + int(fix)
+            if value < 0:
+                value = 0
+            if ndx < 0:
+                setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+            else:
+                setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, value)
+            return
+        def my_mhz_val(setting, obj, atrb, ndx=-1):
+            """ Callback to set freq back to Htz"""
+            vx = float(str(setting.value))
+            vx = int(vx * mhz1)
+            if ndx < 0:
+                setattr(obj, atrb, vx)
+            else:
+                setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, vx)
+            return
+        def my_bool(setting, obj, atrb, ndx=-1):
+            """ Callback to properly set boolean """
+            # set_settings is not setting [indexed] booleans???
+            vx = 0
+            if str(setting.value) == "True":
+                vx = 1
+            if ndx < 0:
+                setattr(obj, atrb, vx)
+            else:
+                setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, vx)
+            return
+        def my_asf_mode(setting, obj, nx=0):
+            """ Callback to extract mode and create asmode, asdata """
+            v1 = TS480_MODES.index(str(setting.value))
+            v2 = 0      # asdata
+            vx = v1 + 1     # stored as CAT values, same as xmode
+            if v1 == 7:
+                vx = 9
+            if v1 > 7:      # a Data mode
+                v2 = 1
+                if v1 == 8:
+                    vx = 1      # LSB
+                elif v1 == 9:
+                    vx = 2      # USB
+                elif v1 == 10:
+                    vx = 4      # FM
+            setattr(obj[nx], "asdata", v2)
+            setattr(obj[nx], "asmode", vx)
+            return
+        def my_fnctns(setting, obj, ndx, atrb):
+            """ Filter only valid key function assignments """
+            vx = int(str(setting.value))
+            if vx > 79:
+                vx = 99       # Off
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, vx)
+            return
+        def my_labels(kx):
+            lbl = "%03i:" % kx      # SG EX number
+            lbl += self.EX_LBL[kx]      # and the label to match
+            return lbl
+        # ===== BASIC GROUP =====
+        options = ["TS-480HX (200W)", "TS-480SAT (100W + AT)",
+                   "Japanese 50W type", "Japanese 20W type"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueString(14, 22, options[_sets.ty])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.ty", "FirmwareVersion", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(_my_readonly, _sets, "ty")
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, _sets.ag)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.ag", "AF Gain", rx)
+        #  rset.set_apply_callback(my_adjraw, _sets, "ag", -1)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 100, _sets.rg)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.rg", "RF Gain", rx)
+        #   rset.set_apply_callback(my_adjraw, _sets, "rg", -1)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        options = ["ANT1", "ANT2"]
+        # CAUTION: an has value of 1 or 2
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.an - 1])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.an", "Antenna Selected", rx)
+        # Add 1 to the changed value. S/b 1/2
+        rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _sets, "an", 1)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 100, _sets.mg)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mg", "Microphone gain", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        nx = 5      # Coarse step
+        if bool(_mex[0].ex021):   # Power Fine enabled in menu A
+            nx = 1
+        vx = _sets.pc       # Trap invalid values from run_tests.py
+        if vx < 5:
+            vx = 5
+        options = [200, 100, 50, 20]    # subject to firmware
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(5, options[_sets.ty], vx, nx)
+        sx = "TX Output power (Watts)"
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.pc", sx, rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        val = _sets.fa / mhz1       # valid range is for receiver
+        rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0.05, 60.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+        sx = "VFO-A Frequency (MHz)"
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.fa", sx, rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _sets, "fa")
+        basic.append(rset)
+        val = _sets.fb / mhz1
+        rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0.05, 60.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+        sx = "VFO-B Frequency (MHz)"
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.fb", sx, rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _sets, "fb")
+        basic.append(rset)
+        options = ["Menu A", "Menu B"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.mf])
+        sx = "Menu Selected"
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mf", sx, rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _sets, "mf")
+        basic.append(rset)
+        # ==== VFO Edges Group ================
+        for mx in range(100, 110):
+            val = _chm[mx].rxfreq / mhz1
+            if val < 1.8:       # Many operators never use this
+                val = 1.8       # So default is 0.0
+            rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(1.8, 54.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+            sx = "VFO-Band %i lower limit (MHz)" % (mx - 100)
+            rset = RadioSetting("ch_mem.rxfreq/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _chm, "rxfreq", mx)
+            pvfo.append(rset)
+            val = _chm[mx].txfreq / mhz1
+            if val < 1.8:
+                val = 54.0
+            rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(1.8, 54.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+            sx = "    VFO-Band %i upper limit (MHz)" % (mx - 100)
+            rset = RadioSetting("ch_mem.txfreq/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _chm, "txfreq", mx)
+            pvfo.append(rset)
+            kx = _chm[mx].xmode
+            options = ["None", "LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM", "AM", "FSK",
+                       "CW-R", "N/A", "FSK-R"]
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[kx])
+            sx = "    VFO-Band %i Tx/Rx Mode" % (mx - 100)
+            rset = RadioSetting("ch_mem.xmode/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _chm,
+                                    "xmode", 0, mx)
+            pvfo.append(rset)
+        # ==== Menu A/B Group =================
+        for mx in range(2):      # A/B index
+            sx = my_labels(0)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 4, _mex[mx].ex000)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex000", sx, rx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _mex[mx].ex012)
+            sx = my_labels(12)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex012", sx, rx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            sx = my_labels(13)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _mex[mx].ex013)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex013", sx, rx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            sx = my_labels(14)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _mex[mx].ex014)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex014", sx, rx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            options = ["250", "500", "1000"]
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_mex[mx].ex003])
+            sx = my_labels(3)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex003/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _mex,
+                                    "ex003", 0, mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mex[mx].ex007))
+            sx = my_labels(7)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex007/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_bool, _mex, "ex007", mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mex[mx].ex008))
+            sx = my_labels(8)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex008/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_bool, _mex, "ex008", mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            options = ["100", "200", "300", "400", "500"]
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_mex[mx].ex009])
+            sx = my_labels(9)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex009/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _mex,
+                                    "ex009", 0, mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mex[mx].ex010))
+            sx = my_labels(10)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex010/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_bool, _mex, "ex010", mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            options = ["TO", "CO"]
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_mex[mx].ex011])
+            sx = my_labels(11)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex011/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _mex,
+                                    "ex011", 0, mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mex[mx].ex021))
+            sx = my_labels(21)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex021/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_bool, _mex, "ex021", mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            options = ["Off", "3", "5", "10", "20", "30"]
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_mex[mx].ex022])
+            sx = my_labels(22)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex022/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_val_list, options, _mex,
+                                    "ex022", 0, mx)
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 99, _mex[mx].ex048)
+            sx = my_labels(48)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex048/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_fnctns, _mex, mx, "ex048")
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 99, _mex[mx].ex049)
+            sx = my_labels(49)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex049/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_fnctns, _mex, mx, "ex049")
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 99, _mex[mx].ex050)
+            sx = my_labels(50)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex050/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_fnctns, _mex, mx, "ex050")
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 99, _mex[mx].ex051)
+            sx = my_labels(51)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex051/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_fnctns, _mex, mx, "ex051")
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 99, _mex[mx].ex052)
+            sx = my_labels(52)
+            rset = RadioSetting("exset.ex052/%d" % mx, sx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_fnctns, _mex, mx, "ex052")
+            if mx == 0:
+                mena.append(rset)
+            else:
+                menb.append(rset)
+        # End of for mx loop
+        # ==== Auto Scan Params (amode) ==============
+        for ix in range(32):
+            val = _asf[ix].asfreq / mhz1
+            rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0.03, 60.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+            rset = RadioSetting("asf.asfreq/%d" % ix,
+                                "Scan %02i Freq (MHz)" % ix, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _asf, "asfreq", ix)
+            amode.append(rset)
+            mx = _asf[ix].asmode - 1     # Same logic as xmode
+            if _asf[ix].asmode == 9:
+                mx = 7
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(TS480_MODES, TS480_MODES[mx])
+            rset = RadioSetting("asf.asmode/%d" % ix, "   Mode", rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(my_asf_mode, _asf, ix)
+            amode.append(rset)
+        # ==== Slow Scan Settings ===
+        for ix in range(10):        # Chans
+            for nx in range(5):     # spots
+                px = ((ix * 5) + nx)
+                val = _ssf[px].ssfreq / mhz1
+                stx = "      -   -   -    Slot %02i Freq (MHz)" % nx
+                if nx == 0:
+                    stx = "Slow Scan %02i, Slot 0 Freq (MHz" % ix
+                rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0, 54.0, val, 0.001, 3)
+                rset = RadioSetting("ssf.ssfreq/%d" % px, stx, rx)
+                rset.set_apply_callback(my_mhz_val, _ssf, "ssfreq", px)
+                ssc.append(rset)
+        return group       # END get_settings()
+    def set_settings(self, settings):
+        _settings = self._memobj.settings
+        _mem = self._memobj
+        for element in settings:
+            if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
+                self.set_settings(element)
+                continue
+            else:
+                try:
+                    name = element.get_name()
+                    if "." in name:
+                        bits = name.split(".")
+                        obj = self._memobj
+                        for bit in bits[:-1]:
+                            if "/" in bit:
+                                bit, index = bit.split("/", 1)
+                                index = int(index)
+                                obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index]
+                            else:
+                                obj = getattr(obj, bit)
+                        setting = bits[-1]
+                    else:
+                        obj = _settings
+                        setting = element.get_name()
+                    if element.has_apply_callback():
+                        LOG.debug("Using apply callback")
+                        element.run_apply_callback()
+                    elif element.value.get_mutable():
+                        LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting, element.value))
+                        setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    LOG.debug(element.get_name())
+                    raise
+        return
diff -r 60b0754e45de -r 04a07dfa947c tools/cpep8.manifest
--- a/tools/cpep8.manifest	Thu Oct 24 15:46:01 2019 +0200
+++ b/tools/cpep8.manifest	Thu Nov 07 15:08:15 2019 -0800
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
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