[chirp_devel] IC-2730 Update; 2nd try

Rick DeWitt AA0RD
Thu Jun 27 14:57:57 PDT 2019

OK, here is the modified JC-2730 driver update. Back to Unix EOL chars, 
and many style fixes.
I tried to use function calls in get_settings to make it more readable 
but I think it only made it worse, so I reverted back to the original 
all-in-line format.
I have to respectfully disagree on the Information prompt; the manuals 
either do not mention these issues, or are very confusing. Issue #2745, 
items #54 and #55 both attest to this.
I still can't get the cpep8.py test to run under windows... import errors.

Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494

-------------- next part --------------
# HG changeset patch
# User Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
# Date 1561661194 25200
#      Thu Jun 27 11:46:34 2019 -0700
# Node ID e2e89a50d1a291dfcd29b02af7397ea45cd10d50
# Parent  3f9d47c267437b8d3d467a38cb2fbbd2b38104a2
[IC-2730a] Update to Icom IC-2730A Issue #6711

Adding settings and fixing special channels.Issue #6711

diff -r 3f9d47c26743 -r e2e89a50d1a2 chirp/drivers/ic2730.py
--- a/chirp/drivers/ic2730.py	Wed Jun 26 08:00:02 2019 -0700
+++ b/chirp/drivers/ic2730.py	Thu Jun 27 11:46:34 2019 -0700
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Copyright 2018 Rhett Robinson <rrhett at gmail.com>
+# Added Settings support, 6/2019 Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -13,16 +14,19 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import struct
+import logging
 from chirp.drivers import icf
 from chirp import chirp_common, util, directory, bitwise, memmap
+from chirp import errors
+from chirp.settings import RadioSettingGroup, RadioSetting, \
+    RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
+    RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettingValueInteger, \
+    RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings, InvalidValueError
+from textwrap import dedent
-# Still missing:
-# - scan edges
-# - priority watch
-# - hope channel beep
-# - DTMF memory
-# - weather channel alert
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 struct {
   u24  freq_flags:6
@@ -52,31 +56,164 @@
 #seekto 0x4440;
 struct {
-  u8 bank;
-  u8 index;
+u8 bank;
+u8 index;
 } bank_info[1000];
+#seekto 0x4c40;
+struct {
+char com[16];
+} comment;
 #seekto 0x4c50;
 struct {
-  char name[6];
+char name[6];
 } bank_names[10];
-#seekto 0x5004;
-u8   unknown12:4,
-     autorptr:2,
-     unknown13:2;
+#seekto 0x4cc8;
+u8 codes[24];
+} dtmfcode[16];
+#seekto 0x4c8c;
+struct {
+char nam[6];
+} pslnam[10];
+#seekto 0x4e80;
+struct {
+u24  loflags:6
+     lofreq:18;
+u24  hiflags:6
+     hifreq:18;
+u8  flag:4
+    mode:4;
+u8  tstp;
+char name[6];
+} pgmscanedge[25];
-#seekto 0x5030;
-u8   unknown14:6,
-     backlight:2;
-#seekto 0x5056;
-u8   unknown15:6,
-     power:2;
+#seekto 0x5000;
+struct {
+u8  aprichn;
+u8  bprichn;
+u8  autopwr;
+u8  unk5003;
+u8  autorptr;
+u8  rmtmic;    // 0x05005
+u8  pttlock;
+u8  bcl;
+u8  tot;
+u8  actband;
+u8  unk500a;
+u8  dialspdup;
+u8  toneburst;
+u8  micgain;
+u8  unk500e;
+u8  civaddr;
+u8  civbaud;
+u8  civtcvr;
+u8  sqlatt;
+u8  sqldly;
+u8  unk5014a:4
+    fanspeed:4;
+u8  unk5015;
+u8  bthvox;
+u8  bthvoxlvl;
+u8  bthvoxdly;
+u8  bthvoxtot;  // 0x05019
+u8  btoothon;
+u8  btoothauto;
+u8  bthdset;
+u8  bthhdpsav;
+u8  bth1ptt;    // 0x0501e
+u8  bthpttbeep;
+u8  bthcustbeep;    // 0x05020
+u8  ascanpause;
+u8  bscanpause;
+u8  ascanresume;
+u8  bscanresume;
+u8  dtmfspd;
+u8  unk5026;
+u8  awxalert;
+u8  bwxalert;
+u8  aprgskpscn;
+u8  bprgskpscn;
+u8  memname;
+u8  contrast;
+u8  autodimtot;
+u8  autodim;
+u8  unk502f;
+u8  backlight;
+u8  unk5031;
+u8  unk5032;
+u8  openmsg;
+u8  beeplvl;    // 0x05034
+u8  keybeep;
+u8  scanstpbeep;
+u8  bandedgbeep;
+u8  subandmute;
+u8  atmpskiptym;
+u8  btmpskiptym;
+u32 vfohome;
+u8  vfohomeset;
+u16 homech;
+u8  mickyrxf1;
+u8  mickyrxf2;
+u8  mickyrxup;
+u8  mickyrxdn;  // 0x05045
+u8  bthplaykey;
+u8  bthfwdkey;
+u8  bthrwdkey;
+u8  mickytxf1;
+u8  mickytxf2;
+u8  mickytxup;
+u8  mickytxdn;
+u8  unk504d;
+u8  unk504e;
+u8  unk504f;
+u8  homebeep;
+u8  bthfctn;
+u8  unk5052;
+u8  unk5053;
+u8  ifxchg;
+u8  airbandch;
+u8  vhfpower;
+u8  uhfpower;
+u8  unk5058;
+u8  unk5059;
+u8  unk505a;
+u8  unk505b;
+u8  unk505c;
+u8  unk505d;
+u8  unk505e:6
+    rpthangup:1
+    unk505e2:1;
+u8  unk505f;
+} settings;
 #seekto 0x5220;
+struct {
 u16  left_memory;
 u16  right_memory;
+} initmem;
+#seekto 0x523e;
+struct {
+u8  awxchan;
+u8  bwxchan;
+} abwx;
+#seekto 0x5250;
+struct {
+u8  alnk[2];
+u16 unk5252;
+u8  blnk[2];
+} banklink;
+#seekto 0x5258;
+struct {
+u8  msk[4];
+} pslgrps[25];
 #seekto 0x5280;
 u16  mem_writes_count;
@@ -89,8 +226,14 @@
 DUPLEX = ["", "-", "+"]
 MODES = ["FM", "NFM", "AM", "NAM"]
 DTCSP = ["NN", "NR", "RN", "RR"]
+DTMF_CHARS = list("0123456789ABCD*#")
+MICKEYOPTS = ["Off", "Up", "Down", "Vol Up", "Vol Down", "SQL Up",
+              "SQL Down", "Monitor", "Call", "MR (Ch 0)", "MR (Ch 1)",
+              "VFO/MR", "Home Chan", "Band/Bank", "Scan", "Temp Skip",
+              "Main", "Mode", "Low", "Dup", "Priority", "Tone", "MW", "Mute",
+              "T-Call", "DTMF Direct"]
 class IC2730Bank(icf.IcomNamedBank):
@@ -105,8 +248,7 @@
 def _get_special():
-    special = {"C0": 1000,
-               "C1": 1001}
+    special = {"C0": 1000, "C1": 1001}
     return special
@@ -133,13 +275,53 @@
     _ranges = [(0x0000, 0x5300, 64),
                (0x5300, 0x5310, 16),
-               (0x5310, 0x5340, 48),
-               ]
+               (0x5310, 0x5340, 48)]
     _num_banks = 10
     _bank_class = IC2730Bank
     _can_hispeed = True
+    @classmethod
+    def get_prompts(cls):
+        rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+        rp.info = \
+            ('NOTE 1: Click the Special Channels tab on the main screen to '
+             'view the C0 and C1 frequencies as channels 1000 and 1001.\n'
+             'NOTE 2: CI-V is the control inteface protocol used to both'
+             ' clone and control the rig. The factory-standard CI-V address'
+             ' for the IC-2730a is hex 90.\n'
+             'NOTE 3: If there is no audio from the B-side, check that the '
+             'programming interface cable is removed from speaker jack 2.\n'
+             'NOTE 4: Enabling Weather Alert will cause an interupt every '
+             '5 seconds when the band is recieving non-weather signals.\n'
+             'Note 5: Bank names can only be editted in the radio menu.\n'
+             'Note 6: CLONE ERROR on upload is usaually the result of an '
+             'invalid frequency.\n'
+             )
+        rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+            Follow these instructions to download your config:
+            1 - Turn off your radio
+            2 - Connect your interface cable to the Speaker-2 jack
+            3 - Turn on your radio
+            4 - Radio > Download from radio
+            5 - Disconnect the interface cable! Otherwise there will be
+                no right-side audio!
+            """))
+        rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
+            Follow these instructions to upload your config:
+            1 - Turn off your radio
+            2 - Connect your interface cable to the Speaker-2 jack
+            3 - Turn on your radio
+            4 - Radio > Upload to radio
+            5 - Disconnect the interface cable, otherwise there will be
+                no right-side audio!
+            6 - Cycle power on the radio to exit clone mode
+            """))
+        return rp
     def _get_bank(self, loc):
         _bank = self._memobj.bank_info[loc]
         if _bank.bank == 0x1F:
@@ -174,8 +356,7 @@
         rf.valid_duplexes = list(set(DUPLEX))
         rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(chirp_common.TUNING_STEPS[0:9])
         rf.valid_bands = [(118000000, 174000000),
-                          (375000000, 550000000),
-                          ]
+                          (375000000, 550000000)]
         rf.valid_skips = ["", "S", "P"]
         rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII
         rf.valid_name_length = 6
@@ -187,28 +368,24 @@
         self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
     def get_memory(self, number):
-        bitpos = (1 << (number % 8))
-        bytepos = number / 8
-        _mem = self._memobj.memory[number]
-        _used = self._memobj.used_flags[bytepos]
-        is_used = ((_used & bitpos) == 0)
         mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+        mem.number = _resolve_memory_number(number)
+        _mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number]
+        if mem.number < 1000:
+            bitpos = (1 << (number % 8))
+            bytepos = number / 8
+            _used = self._memobj.used_flags[bytepos]
+            is_used = ((_used & bitpos) == 0)
-        mem.number = number
-        _skip = self._memobj.skip_flags[bytepos]
-        _pskip = self._memobj.pskip_flags[bytepos]
-        if _skip & bitpos:
-            mem.skip = "S"
-        elif _pskip & bitpos:
-            mem.skip = "P"
-        if not is_used:
-            mem.empty = True
-            return mem
+            _skip = self._memobj.skip_flags[bytepos]
+            _pskip = self._memobj.pskip_flags[bytepos]
+            if _skip & bitpos:
+                mem.skip = "S"
+            elif _pskip & bitpos:
+                mem.skip = "P"
+            if not is_used:
+                mem.empty = True
+                return mem
         # _mem.freq is stored as a multiple of a tuning step
         frequency_flags = int(_mem.freq_flags)
@@ -218,11 +395,21 @@
             frequency_multiplier = 6250
         if frequency_flags & 0x01:
             offset_multiplier = 6250
-        # flag of 0x10 is related to tuning step of 25./3, but it is not exact,
-        # so skip this for now
+        if frequency_flags & 0x10:
+            frequency_multiplier = 8333
+        if frequency_flags & 0x02:
+            offset_multiplier = 8333
-        mem.freq = int(_mem.freq) * frequency_multiplier
-        mem.offset = int(_mem.offset) * offset_multiplier
+        if frequency_flags & 0x10:  # fix underflow
+            val = int(_mem.freq) * frequency_multiplier
+            mem.freq = round(val)
+        else:
+            mem.freq = int(_mem.freq) * frequency_multiplier
+        if frequency_flags & 0x02:
+            val = int(_mem.offset) * offset_multiplier
+            mem.offset = round(val)
+        else:
+            mem.offset = int(_mem.offset) * offset_multiplier
         mem.rtone = chirp_common.TONES[_mem.rtone]
         mem.ctone = chirp_common.TONES[_mem.ctone]
         mem.tmode = TMODES[_mem.tmode]
@@ -235,6 +422,10 @@
             mem.tuning_step = chirp_common.TUNING_STEPS[_mem.tune_step]
         mem.name = str(_mem.name).rstrip()
+        if mem.number == 1000:
+            mem.name = "C0"
+        if mem.number == 1001:
+            mem.name = "C1"
         return mem
@@ -274,9 +465,15 @@
         if mem.freq % 5000 != 0 and mem.freq % 6250 == 0:
             frequency_flags |= 0x08
             frequency_multiplier = 6250
+        elif mem.freq % 8333 == 0:
+            frequency_flags |= 0x10
+            frequency_multiplier = 8333
         if mem.offset % 5000 != 0 and mem.offset % 6250 == 0:
             frequency_flags |= 0x01
             offset_multiplier = 6250
+        elif mem.offset % 8333 == 0:
+            frequency_flags |= 0x02
+            offset_multiplier = 8333
         _mem.freq = mem.freq / frequency_multiplier
         _mem.offset = mem.offset / offset_multiplier
         _mem.freq_flags = frequency_flags
@@ -292,3 +489,806 @@
     def get_raw_memory(self, number):
         return repr(self._memobj.memory[number])
+    def get_settings(self):
+        """Translate the MEM_FORMAT structs into settings in the UI"""
+        # Define mem struct write-back shortcuts
+        _sets = self._memobj.settings
+        _cmnt = self._memobj.comment
+        _wxch = self._memobj.abwx
+        _dtm = self._memobj.dtmfcode
+        _pses = self._memobj.pgmscanedge
+        _bklk = self._memobj.banklink
+        basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
+        mickey = RadioSettingGroup("mickey", "Microphone Keys")
+        bluet = RadioSettingGroup("bluet", "Bluetooth")
+        disp = RadioSettingGroup("disp", "Display")
+        sound = RadioSettingGroup("sound", "Sounds")
+        dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF Codes")
+        abset = RadioSettingGroup("abset", "A/B Band Settings")
+        edges = RadioSettingGroup("edges", "Program Scan Edges")
+        pslnk = RadioSettingGroup("pslnk", "Program Scan Links")
+        other = RadioSettingGroup("other", "Other Settings")
+        group = RadioSettings(basic, disp, sound, mickey, dtmf,
+                              abset, bluet, edges, pslnk, other)
+        def mic_keys(setting, obj, atrb):
+            """ Callback to set subset of mic key options """
+            stx = str(setting.value)
+            value = MICKEYOPTS.index(stx)
+            setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+            return
+        def hex_val(setting, obj, atrb):
+            """ Callback to store string as hex values """
+            value = int(str(setting.value), 16)
+            setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+            return
+        def unpack_str(codestr):
+            """Convert u8 DTMF array to a string: NOT a callback."""
+            stx = ""
+            for i in range(0, 24):    # unpack up to ff
+                if codestr[i] != 0xff:
+                    if codestr[i] == 0x0E:
+                        stx += "#"
+                    elif codestr[i] == 0x0F:
+                        stx += "*"
+                    else:
+                        stx += format(int(codestr[i]), '0X')
+            return stx
+        def pack_chars(setting, obj, atrb, ndx):
+            """Callback to build 0-9,A-D,*# nibble array from string"""
+            # String will be f padded to 24 bytes
+            # Chars are stored as hex values
+            ary = []
+            stx = str(setting.value).upper()
+            stx = stx.strip()       # trim spaces
+            # Remove illegal characters first
+            sty = ""
+            for j in range(0, len(stx)):
+                if stx[j] in DTMF_CHARS:
+                    sty += stx[j]
+            for j in range(0, 24):
+                if j < len(sty):
+                    if sty[j] == "#":
+                        chrv = 0xE
+                    elif sty[j] == "*":
+                        chrv = 0xF
+                    else:
+                        chrv = int(sty[j], 16)
+                else:   # pad to 24 bytes
+                    chrv = 0xFF
+                ary.append(chrv)    # append byte
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, ary)
+            return
+        def myset_comment(setting, obj, atrb, knt):
+            """ Callback to create space-padded char array"""
+            stx = str(setting.value)
+            for i in range(0, knt):
+                if i > len(stx):
+                    str.append(0x20)
+            setattr(obj, atrb, stx)
+            return
+        def myset_psnam(setting, obj, ndx, atrb, knt):
+            """ Callback to generate space-padded, uppercase char array """
+            # This sub also is specific to object arrays
+            stx = str(setting.value).upper()
+            for i in range(0, knt):
+                if i > len(stx):
+                    str.append(0x20)
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, stx)
+            return
+        def myset_frqflgs(setting, obj, ndx, flg, frq):
+            """ Callback to gen flag/freq pairs """
+            vfrq = float(str(setting.value))
+            vfrq = int(vfrq * 1000000)
+            vflg = 0x10
+            if vfrq % 6250 == 0:
+                vflg = 0x08
+                vfrq = int(vfrq / 6250)
+            elif vfrq % 5000 == 0:
+                vflg = 0
+                vfrq = int(vfrq / 5000)
+            else:
+                vfrq = int(vfrq / 8333)
+            setattr(obj[ndx], flg, vflg)
+            setattr(obj[ndx], frq, vfrq)
+            return
+        def banklink(ary):
+            """ Sub to generate A-J string from 2-byte bit pattern """
+            stx = ""
+            for kx in range(0, 10):
+                if kx < 8:
+                    val = ary[0]
+                    msk = 1 << kx
+                else:
+                    val = ary[1]
+                    msk = 1 << (kx - 8)
+                if val & msk:
+                    stx += chr(kx + 65)
+                else:
+                    stx += "_"
+            return stx
+        def myset_banklink(setting, obj, atrb):
+            """Callback to create 10-bit, u8[2] array from 10 char string"""
+            stx = str(setting.value).upper()
+            ary = [0, 0]
+            for kx in range(0, 10):
+                if stx[kx] == chr(kx + 65):
+                    if kx < 8:
+                        ary[0] = ary[0] + (1 << kx)
+                    else:
+                        ary[1] = ary[1] + (1 << (kx - 8))
+            setattr(obj, atrb, ary)
+            return
+        def myset_tsopt(setting, obj, ndx, atrb, bx):
+            """ Callback to set scan Edge tstep """
+            stx = str(setting.value)
+            flg = 0
+            if stx == "-":
+                val = 0xff
+            else:
+                if bx == 1:  # Air band
+                    if stx == "Auto":
+                        val = 0xe
+                    elif stx == "25k":
+                        val = 8
+                    elif stx == "8.33k":
+                        val = 2
+                else:       # VHF or UHF
+                    optx = ["-", "5k", "6.25k", "10k", "12.5k", "15k",
+                            "20k", "25k", "30k", "50k"]
+                    val = optx.index(stx) + 1
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, val)
+            # and set flag
+            setattr(obj[ndx], "flag", flg)
+            return
+        def myset_mdopt(setting, obj, ndx, atrb, bx):
+            """ Callback to set Scan Edge mode """
+            stx = str(setting.value)
+            if stx == "-":
+                val = 0xf
+            elif stx == "FM":
+                val = 0
+            else:
+                val = 1
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, val)
+            return
+        def myset_bitmask(setting, obj, ndx, atrb, knt):
+            """ Callback to gnerate byte-array bitmask from string"""
+            # knt is BIT count to process
+            lsx = str(setting.value).strip().split(",")
+            for kx in range(0, len(lsx)):
+                try:
+                    lsx[kx] = int(lsx[kx])
+                except:
+                    lsx[kx] = -99   # will nop
+            ary = [0, 0, 0, 0xfe]
+            for kx in range(0, knt):
+                if kx < 8:
+                    if kx in lsx:
+                        ary[0] += 1 << kx
+                elif kx >= 8 and kx < 16:
+                    if kx in lsx:
+                        ary[1] += 1 << (kx - 8)
+                elif kx >= 16 and kx < 24:
+                    if kx in lsx:
+                        ary[2] += 1 << (kx - 16)
+                else:
+                    if kx in lsx:   # only bit 25
+                        ary[3] += 1
+            setattr(obj[ndx], atrb, ary)
+            return
+        # --- Basic
+        options = ["Off", "S-Meter Squelch", "ATT"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.sqlatt])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.sqlatt", "Squelch/ATT", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        options = ["Short", "Long"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.sqldly])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.sqldly", "Squelch Delay", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.pttlock))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.pttlock", "PTT Lockout", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bcl))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bcl", "Busy Channel Lockout", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "1m", "3m", "5m", "10m", "15m", "30m"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.tot])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.tot", "Tx Timeout", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        val = int(_sets.vfohome)
+        if val == 0xffff:
+            val = 0
+        val = val / 1000000.0
+        rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0.0, 550.0, val, 0.005, 4)
+        rx.set_mutable(False)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.vfohome", "Home VFO (Read-Only)", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        val = _sets.homech
+        if val == 0xffff:
+            val = -1
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(-1, 999, val)
+        rx.set_mutable(False)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.homech",
+                            "Home Channel (Read-Only)", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        options = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.micgain])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.micgain", "Microphone Gain", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        _bmem = self._memobj.initmem
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 999, _bmem.left_memory)
+        rset = RadioSetting("initmem.left_memory",
+                            "Left Bank Initial Mem Chan", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 999, _bmem.right_memory)
+        rset = RadioSetting("initmem.right_memory",
+                            "Right Bank Initial Mem Chan", rx)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        stx = ""
+        for i in range(0, 16):
+            stx += chr(_cmnt.com[i])
+        stx = stx.rstrip()
+        rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 16, stx)
+        rset = RadioSetting("comment.com", "Comment (16 chars)", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(myset_comment, _cmnt, "com", 16)
+        basic.append(rset)
+        # --- Other
+        rset = RadioSetting("drv_clone_speed", "Use Hi-Speed Clone",
+                            RadioSettingValueBoolean(self._can_hispeed))
+        other.append(rset)
+        options = ["Single", "All", "Ham"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.actband])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.actband", "Active Band", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        options = ["Slow", "Mid", "Fast", "Auto"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.fanspeed])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.fanspeed", "Fan Speed", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.dialspdup))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.dialspdup", "Dial Speed-Up", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "On(Dup)", "On(Dup+Tone)"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.autorptr])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.autorptr", "Auto Repeater", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.rmtmic))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.rmtmic",
+                            "One-Touch PTT (Remote Mic)", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        options = ["Low", "Mid", "High"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.vhfpower])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.vhfpower", "VHF Power Default", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.uhfpower])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.uhfpower", "UHF Power Default", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.toneburst))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.toneburst", "1750 Htz Tone Burst", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.ifxchg))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.ifxchg", "IF Exchange", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.rpthangup))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.rpthangup",
+                            "Repeater Hang up Timeout", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        stx = str(_sets.civaddr)[2:]    # Hex value
+        rx = RadioSettingValueString(1, 2, stx)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.civaddr", "CI-V Address (90)", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(hex_val, _sets, "civaddr")
+        other.append(rset)
+        options = ["1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "Auto"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.civbaud])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.civbaud", "CI-V Baud Rate (bps)", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.civtcvr))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.civtcvr", "CI-V Transceive", rx)
+        other.append(rset)
+        # A/B Band Settings
+        options = ["Off", "On", "Bell"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.aprichn])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.aprichn",
+                            "A Band: VFO Priority Watch Mode", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14",
+                   "16", "18", "20", "Hold"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.ascanpause])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.ascanpause",
+                            "-- A Band: Scan Pause Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "Hold"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.ascanresume])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.ascanresume",
+                            "-- A Band: Scan Resume Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["5", "10", "15"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.atmpskiptym])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.atmpskiptym",
+                            "-- A Band: Temp Skip Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.aprgskpscn))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.aprgskpscn",
+                            "-- A Band: Program Skip Scan", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueString(10, 10, banklink(_bklk.alnk))
+        rset = RadioSetting("banklink.alnk",
+                            "-- A Band Banklink (use _ to skip)", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(myset_banklink, _bklk, "alnk")
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.awxalert))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.awxalert",
+                            "-- A Band: Weather Alert", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        # Use list for Wx chans since chan 1 = index 0
+        options = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_wxch.awxchan])
+        rset = RadioSetting("abwx.awxchan", "-- A Band: Weather Channel", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "On", "Bell"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bprichn])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bprichn",
+                            "B Band: VFO Priority Watch Mode", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14",
+                   "16", "18", "20", "Hold"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bscanpause])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bscanpause",
+                            "-- B Band: Scan Pause Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "Hold"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bscanresume])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bscanresume",
+                            "-- B Band: Scan Resume Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["5", "10", "15"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.btmpskiptym])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.btmpskiptym",
+                            "-- B Band: Temp Skip Time (Secs)", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bprgskpscn))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bprgskpscn",
+                            "-- B Band: Program Skip Scan", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueString(10, 10, banklink(_bklk.blnk))
+        rset = RadioSetting("banklink.blnk",
+                            "-- B Band Banklink (use _ to skip)", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(myset_banklink, _bklk, "blnk")
+        abset.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bwxalert))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bwxalert",
+                            "-- B Band: Weather Alert", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        options = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_wxch.bwxchan])
+        rset = RadioSetting("abwx.bwxchan", "-- B Band: Weather Channel", rx)
+        abset.append(rset)
+        # --- Microphone Keys
+        # The Mic keys get wierd: stored values are indecis to the full
+        # options list, but only a subset is valid...
+        shortopts = ["Off", "Monitor", "MR (Ch 0)", "MR (Ch 1)", "Band/Bank",
+                     "Scan", "Temp Skip", "Mode", "Low", "Dup", "Priority",
+                     "Tone", "MW", "Mute", "DTMF Direct", "T-Call"]
+        ptr = shortopts.index(MICKEYOPTS[_sets.mickyrxf1])
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(shortopts, shortopts[ptr])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickyrxf1",
+                            "During Rx/Standby [F-1]", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(mic_keys, _sets, "mickyrxf1")
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        ptr = shortopts.index(MICKEYOPTS[_sets.mickyrxf2])
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(shortopts, shortopts[ptr])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickyrxf2",
+                            "During Rx/Standby [F-2]", rx)
+        rset.set_apply_callback(mic_keys, _sets, "mickyrxf2")
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "Low", "T-Call"]      # NOT a subset of MICKEYOPTS
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.mickytxf1])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickytxf1", "During Tx [F-1]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.mickytxf2])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickytxf2", "During Tx [F-2]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        # These next two get the full options list
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(MICKEYOPTS, MICKEYOPTS[_sets.mickyrxup])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickyrxup",
+                            "During Rx/Standby [Up]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(MICKEYOPTS, MICKEYOPTS[_sets.mickyrxdn])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickyrxdn",
+                            "During Rx/Standby [Down]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "Low", "T-Call"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.mickytxup])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickytxup", "During Tx [Up]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.mickytxdn])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.mickytxdn", "During Tx [Down]", rx)
+        mickey.append(rset)
+        # --- Bluetooth
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.btoothon))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.btoothon", "Bluetooth", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.btoothauto))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.btoothauto", "Auto Connect", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        options = ["Headset Only", "Headset & Speaker"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bthdset])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthdset", "Headset Audio", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        options = ["Normal", "Microphone", "PTT (Audio:Main)",
+                   "PTT(Audio:Controller)"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bthfctn])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthfctn", "Headset Function", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bthvox))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthvox", "Vox", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "1.0", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bthvoxlvl])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthvoxlvl", "Vox Level", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        options = ["0.5", "1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "2.5", "3.0"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bthvoxdly])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthvoxdly", "Vox Delay (Secs)", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "10", "15"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.bthvoxtot])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthvoxtot", "Vox Time-Out (Mins)", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bthhdpsav))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthhdpsav",
+                            "ICOM Headset Power-Save", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bth1ptt))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bth1ptt",
+                            "ICOM Headset One-Touch PTT", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bthpttbeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthpttbeep",
+                            "ICOM Headset PTT Beep", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bthcustbeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthcustbeep",
+                            "ICOM Headset Custom Key Beep", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(MICKEYOPTS, MICKEYOPTS[_sets.bthplaykey])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthplaykey",
+                            "ICOM Headset Custom Key [Play]", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(MICKEYOPTS, MICKEYOPTS[_sets.bthfwdkey])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthfwdkey",
+                            "ICOM Headset Custom Key [Fwd]", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(MICKEYOPTS, MICKEYOPTS[_sets.bthrwdkey])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bthrwdkey",
+                            "ICOM Headset Custom Key [Rwd]", rx)
+        bluet.append(rset)
+        # ---- Display
+        options = ["1: Dark", "2", "3", "4: Bright"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.backlight])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.backlight", "Backlight Level", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "Auto-Off", "Auto-1", "Auto-2", "Auto-3"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.autodim])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.autodim", "Auto Dimmer", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        options = ["5", "10"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.autodimtot])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.autodimtot",
+                            "Auto-Dimmer Timeout (Secs)", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        options = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.contrast])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.contrast", "LCD Contrast", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.openmsg))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.openmsg", "Opening Message", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.memname))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.memname", "Memory Names", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        options = ["CH ID", "Frequency"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.airbandch])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.airbandch", "Air Band Display", rx)
+        disp.append(rset)
+        # -- Sounds
+        rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _sets.beeplvl)
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.beeplvl", "Beep Level", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.homebeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.homebeep", "Home Chan Beep", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.keybeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.keybeep", "Key Touch Beep", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.bandedgbeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.bandedgbeep", "Band Edge Beep", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.scanstpbeep))
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.scanstpbeep", "Scan Stop Beep", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        options = ["Off", "Mute", "Beep", "Mute & Beep"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.subandmute])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.subandmute", "Sub Band Mute", rx)
+        sound.append(rset)
+        # --- DTMF Codes
+        options = ["100", "200", "300", "500"]
+        rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.dtmfspd])
+        rset = RadioSetting("settings.dtmfspd", "DTMF Speed (mSecs)", rx)
+        dtmf.append(rset)
+        for kx in range(0, 16):
+            stx = unpack_str(_dtm[kx].codes)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 24, stx)
+            # NOTE the / to indicate indexed array
+            rset = RadioSetting("dtmfcode/%d.codes" % kx,
+                                "DTMF Code %X" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(pack_chars, _dtm, "codes", kx)
+            dtmf.append(rset)
+        # --- Program Scan Edges
+        for kx in range(0, 25):
+            stx = ""
+            for i in range(0, 6):
+                stx += chr(_pses[kx].name[i])
+            stx = stx.rstrip()
+            rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 6, stx)
+            rset = RadioSetting("pgmscanedge/%d.name" % kx,
+                                "Program Scan %d Name" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_psnam, _pses, kx, "name", 6)
+            edges.append(rset)
+            # Freq's use the multiplier flags
+            fmult = 5000.0
+            if _pses[kx].loflags == 0x10:
+                fmult = 8333
+            if _pses[kx].loflags == 0x08:
+                fmult = 6250.0
+            flow = (int(_pses[kx].lofreq) * fmult) / 1000000.0
+            flow = round(flow, 4)
+            fmult = 5000.0
+            if _pses[kx].hiflags == 0x10:
+                fmult = 8333
+            if _pses[kx].hiflags == 0x08:
+                fmult = 6250.0
+            fhigh = (int(_pses[kx].hifreq) * fmult) / 1000000.0
+            fhigh = round(fhigh, 4)
+            if (flow > 0) and (flow >= fhigh):   # reverse em
+                val = flow
+                flow = fhigh
+                fhigh = val
+            rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0, 550.0, flow, 0.010, 3)
+            rset = RadioSetting("pgmscanedge/%d.lofreq" % kx,
+                                "-- Scan %d Low Limit" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_frqflgs, _pses, kx, "loflags",
+                                    "lofreq")
+            edges.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(0, 550.0, fhigh, 0.010, 3)
+            rset = RadioSetting("pgmscanedge/%d.hifreq" % kx,
+                                "-- Scan %d High Limit" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_frqflgs, _pses, kx, "hiflags",
+                                    "hifreq")
+            edges.append(rset)
+            # Tstep and Mode depend on the bands
+            ndxt = 0
+            ndxm = 0
+            bxnd = 0
+            tsopt = ["-", "5k", "6.25k", "10k", "12.5k", "15k",
+                     "20k", "25k", "30k", "50k"]
+            mdopt = ["-", "FM", "FM-N"]
+            if fhigh > 0:
+                if fhigh < 135.0:  # Air band
+                    bxnd = 1
+                    tsopt = ["-", "8.33k", "25k", "Auto"]
+                    ndxt = _pses[kx].tstp
+                    if ndxt == 0xe:     # Auto
+                        ndxt = 3
+                    elif ndxt == 8:     # 25k
+                        ndxt = 2
+                    elif ndxt == 2:     # 8.33k
+                        ndxt = 1
+                    else:
+                        ndxt = 0
+                    mdopt = ["-"]
+                elif (flow >= 137.0) and (fhigh <= 174.0):   # VHF
+                    ndxt = _pses[kx].tstp - 1
+                    ndxm = _pses[kx].mode + 1
+                    bxnd = 2
+                elif (flow >= 375.0) and (fhigh <= 550.0):  # UHF
+                    ndxt = _pses[kx].tstp - 1
+                    ndxm = _pses[kx].mode + 1
+                    bxnd = 3
+                else:   # Mixed, ndx's = 0 default
+                    tsopt = ["-"]
+                    mdopt = ["-"]
+                    bxnd = 4
+                if (ndxt > 9) or (ndxt < 0):
+                    ndxt = 0   # trap ff
+                if ndxm > 2:
+                    ndxm = 0
+            # end if fhigh > 0
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(tsopt, tsopt[ndxt])
+            rset = RadioSetting("pgmscanedge/%d.tstp" % kx,
+                                "-- Scan %d Freq Step" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_tsopt, _pses, kx, "tstp", bxnd)
+            edges.append(rset)
+            rx = RadioSettingValueList(mdopt, mdopt[ndxm])
+            rset = RadioSetting("pgmscanedge/%d.mode" % kx,
+                                "-- Scan %d Mode" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_mdopt, _pses, kx, "mode", bxnd)
+            edges.append(rset)
+        # End for kx
+        # --- Program Scan Links
+        _psln = self._memobj.pslnam
+        _pslg = self._memobj.pslgrps
+        for kx in range(0, 10):
+            stx = ""
+            for i in range(0, 6):
+                stx += chr(_psln[kx].nam[i])
+            stx = stx.rstrip()
+            rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 6, stx)
+            rset = RadioSetting("pslnam/%d.nam" % kx,
+                                "Program Scan Link %d Name" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_psnam, _psln, kx, "nam", 6)
+            pslnk.append(rset)
+            for px in range(0, 25):
+                # Generate string numeric representation of 4-byte bitmask
+                stx = ""
+                for nx in range(0, 25):
+                    if nx < 8:
+                        if (_pslg[kx].msk[0] & (1 << nx)):
+                            stx += "%0d, " % nx
+                    elif (nx >= 8) and (nx < 16):
+                        if (_pslg[kx].msk[1] & (1 << (nx - 8))):
+                            sstx += "%0d, " % nx
+                    elif (nx >= 16) and (nx < 24):
+                        if (_pslg[kx].msk[2] & (1 << (nx - 16))):
+                            stx += "%0d, " % nx
+                    elif (nx >= 24):
+                        if (_pslg[kx].msk[3] & (1 << (nx - 24))):
+                            stx += "%0d, " % nx
+            rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 80, stx)
+            rset = RadioSetting("pslgrps/%d.msk" % kx,
+                                "--- Scan Link %d Scans" % kx, rx)
+            rset.set_apply_callback(myset_bitmask, _pslg,
+                                    kx, "msk", 25)
+            pslnk.append(rset)
+            # end for px
+        # End for kx
+        return group       # END get_settings()
+    def set_settings(self, settings):
+        _settings = self._memobj.settings
+        _mem = self._memobj
+        for element in settings:
+            if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
+                self.set_settings(element)
+                continue
+            else:
+                try:
+                    name = element.get_name()
+                    if "." in name:
+                        bits = name.split(".")
+                        obj = self._memobj
+                        for bit in bits[:-1]:
+                            if "/" in bit:
+                                bit, index = bit.split("/", 1)
+                                index = int(index)
+                                obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index]
+                            else:
+                                obj = getattr(obj, bit)
+                        setting = bits[-1]
+                    else:
+                        obj = _settings
+                        setting = element.get_name()
+                    if element.has_apply_callback():
+                        LOG.debug("Using apply callback")
+                        element.run_apply_callback()
+                    elif element.get_name() == "drv_clone_speed":
+                        val = element.value.get_value()
+                        self.__class__._can_hispeed = val
+                    elif element.value.get_mutable():
+                        LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting, element.value))
+                        setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    LOG.debug(element.get_name())
+                    raise
diff -r 3f9d47c26743 -r e2e89a50d1a2 tests/images/Icom_IC-2730A.img
Binary file tests/images/Icom_IC-2730A.img has changed

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