[chirp_devel] TYT TH-UV8000 Driver Submission
Rick DeWitt AA0RD
Tue Jun 4 10:46:23 PDT 2019
New driver for the TYT TH-UV8000 D/ D/SE.
Re-submitted because I had the wrong email address.
# HG changeset patch
# User Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
# Date 1559226735 25200
#?????????? Thu May 30 07:32:15 2019 -0700
# Node ID 120e390016146e92f490619e4f7029ae60418d72
# Parent?? 76c88493bd3f873d355d08e66c624c6acf201b4d
[th-uv8000] New driver for TYT TH-UV8000 family, fixes issue #2837
Submitting new driver in support of 11 issues 2837 ... 6183
diff -r 76c88493bd3f -r 120e39001614 chirp/drivers/th_uv8000.py
--- /dev/null?????? Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chirp/drivers/th_uv8000.py?????? Thu May 30 07:32:15 2019 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1598 @@
+# Copyright 2019: Rick DeWitt (RJD), <aa0rd at yahoo.com>
+# Version 1.0 for TYT-UV8000D/E
+# Thanks to Damon Schaefer (K9CQB)and the Loudoun County, VA ARES
+#?????? club for the donated radio.
+# And thanks to Ian Harris (W2OOT) for decoding the mamory map.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.?? If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import time
+import struct
+import logging
+import re
+import math
+from datetime import datetime
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from chirp import chirp_common, directory, memmap
+from chirp import bitwise, errors, util
+from chirp.settings import RadioSettingGroup, RadioSetting, \
+?????? RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
+?????? RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettingValueInteger, \
+?????? RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings,InvalidValueError
+from textwrap import dedent
+struct chns {
+?? ul32 rxfreq;
+?? ul32 txfreq;
+?? u8 rxtone[2];
+?? u8 txtone[2];
+?? u8?? wide:1???? // 0x0c
+?????????? vox_on:1
+?????????? chunk01:1
+?????????? bcl:1?????? // inv bool
+?????????? epilogue:1
+?????????? power:1
+?????????? chunk02:1
+?????????? chunk03:1;
+?? u8?? ani:1???????? // 0x0d inv
+?????????? chunk08:1
+?????????? ptt:2
+?????????? chpad04:4;
+?? u8?? chunk05;?? // 0x0e
+?? u16 id_code; // 0x0f, 10
+?? u8?? chunk06;
+?? u8?? name[7];
+?? ul32 chpad06; // Need 56 byte pad
+?? ul16 chpad07;
+?? u8?? chpad08;
+struct fm_chn {
+?? ul16 rxfreq;
+struct frqx {
+?? ul32 rxfreq;
+?? ul24 ofst;
+?? u8?? fqunk01:4?? // 0x07
+?????????? funk10:2
+?????????? duplx:2;
+?? u8 rxtone[2]; // 0x08, 9
+?? u8 txtone[2]; // 0x0a, b
+?? u8?? wide:1?????? // 0x0c
+?????????? vox_on:1
+?????????? funk11:1
+?????????? bcl:1???????? // inv bool
+?????????? epilogue:1
+?????????? power:1
+?????????? fqunk02:2;
+?? u8?? ani:1???????? // 0x0d inv bool
+?????????? fqunk03:1
+?????????? ptt:2
+?????????? fqunk12:1
+?????????? fqunk04:3;
+?? u8?? fqunk07;?? // 0x0e
+?? u16 id_code;?? // 0x0f, 0x10
+?? u8?? name[7];?????? // dummy
+?? u8 fqunk09[8];?? // empty bytes after 1st entry
+struct bitmap {
+?? u8?? map[16];
+#seekto 0x0010;
+struct chns chan_mem[128];
+#seekto 0x1010;
+struct frqx frq[2];
+#seekto 0x1050;
+struct fm_chn fm_stations[25];
+#seekto 0x1080;
+struct {
+?? u8?? fmunk01[14];
+?? ul16 fmcur;
+} fmfrqs;
+#seekto 0x1190;
+struct bitmap chnmap;
+#seekto 0x11a0;
+struct bitmap skpchns;
+#seekto 0x011b0;
+struct {
+?? u8?? fmset[4];
+} fmmap;
+#seekto 0x011b4;
+struct {
+?? u8?? setunk01[4];
+?? u8?? setunk02[3];
+?? u8?? chs_name:1?????? // 0x11bb
+?????????? txsel:1
+?????????? dbw:1
+?????????? setunk05:1
+?????????? ponfmchs:2
+?????????? ponchs:2;
+?? u8?? voltx:2???????????? // 0x11bc
+?????????? setunk04:1
+?????????? keylok:1
+?????????? setunk07:1
+?????????? batsav:3;
+?? u8?? setunk09:1?????? // 0x11bd
+?????????? rxinhib:1
+?????????? rgrbeep:1?????? // inv bool
+?????????? lampon:2
+?????????? voice:2
+?????????? beepon:1;
+?? u8?? setunk11:1?????? // 0x11be
+?????????? manualset:1
+?????????? xbandon:1???????? // inv
+?????????? xbandenable:1
+?????????? openmsg:2
+?????????? ledclr:2;
+?? u8?? tot:4???????????????? // 0x11bf
+?????????? sql:4;
+?? u8?? setunk27:1???? // 0x11c0
+?????????? voxdelay:2
+?????????? setunk28:1
+?????????? voxgain:4;
+?? u8?? fmstep:4?????????? // 0x11c1
+?????????? freqstep:4;
+?? u8?? scanspeed:4???? // 0x11c2
+?????????? scanmode:4;
+?? u8?? scantmo;?????????? // 0x11c3
+?? u8?? prichan;?????????? // 0x11c4
+?? u8?? setunk12:4?????? // 0x11c5
+?????????? supersave:4;
+?? u8?? setunk13;
+?? u8?? fmsclo;???????????? // 0x11c7 ??? placeholder
+?? u8?? radioname[7]; // hex char codes, not true ASCII
+?? u8?? fmschi;???????????? // ??? placeholder
+?? u8?? setunk14[3];?? // 0x11d0
+?? u8 setunk17[2];???? // 0x011d3, 4
+?? u8?? setunk18:4
+?????????? dtmfspd:4;
+?? u8?? dtmfdig1dly:4 // 0x11d6
+?????????? dtmfdig1time:4;
+?? u8?? stuntype:1
+?????????? setunk19:1
+?????????? dtmfspms:2
+?????????? grpcode:4;
+?? u8?? setunk20:1?????? // 0x11d8
+?????????? txdecode:1
+?????????? codeabcd:1
+?????????? idedit:1
+?????????? pttidon:2
+?????????? setunk40:1,
+?????????? dtmfside:1;
+?? u8?? setunk50:4,
+?????????? autoresettmo:4;
+?? u8?? codespctim:4, // 0x11da
+?????????? decodetmo:4;
+?? u8?? pttecnt:4???????? // 0x11db
+?????????? pttbcnt:4;
+?? lbcd?? dtmfdecode[3];
+?? u8?? setunk22;
+?? u8?? stuncnt;?????????? // 0x11e0
+?? u8?? stuncode[5];
+?? u8?? setunk60;
+?? u8?? setunk61;
+?? u8?? pttbot[8];?????? // 0x11e8-f
+?? u8?? ptteot[8];?????? // 0x11f0-7
+?? u8?? setunk62;???????? // 0x11f8
+?? u8?? setunk63;
+?? u8?? setunk64;???????? // 0x11fa
+?? u8?? setunk65;
+?? u8?? setunk66;
+?? u8?? manfrqyn;???????? // 0x11fd
+?? u8?? setunk27:3
+?????????? frqr3:1
+?????????? setunk28:1
+?????????? frqr2:1
+?????????? setunk29:1
+?????????? frqr1:1;
+?? u8?? setunk25;
+?? ul32 frqr1lo;?? // 0x1200
+?? ul32 frqr1hi;
+?? ul32 frqr2lo;
+?? ul32 frqr2hi;
+?? ul32 frqr3lo;?? // 0x1210
+?? ul32 frqr3hi;
+?? u8 setunk26[8];
+} setstuf;
+#seekto 0x1260;
+struct {
+?? ul16 year;
+?? u8?? month;
+?? u8?? day;
+?? u8?? hour;
+?? u8?? min;
+?? u8?? sec;
+} moddate;
+#seekto 0x1300;
+struct {
+?? char?? mod_num[9];
+} mod_id;
+MEM_SIZE = 0x1300
+BLOCK_SIZE = 0x10???? # can read 0x20, but must write 0x10
+BAUDRATE = 4800
+# Channel power: 2 levels
+POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5.00),
+?????????????????????????????? chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=10.00)]
+LIST_RECVMODE = ["QT/DQT", "QT/DQT + Signaling"]
+LIST_COLOR = ["Off", "Orange", "Blue", "Purple"]
+LIST_LEDSW = ["Auto", "On"]
+LIST_TIMEOUT = ["Off"] + ["%s" % x for x in range(30, 390, 30)]
+LIST_VFOMODE = ["Frequency Mode", "Channel Mode"]
+# Tones are numeric, Defined in \chirp\chirp_common.py
+TONES_CTCSS = sorted(chirp_common.TONES)
+# Converted to strings
+LIST_CTCSS = ["Off"] + [str(x) for x in TONES_CTCSS]
+# Now append the DxxxN and DxxxI DTCS codes from chirp_common
+for x in chirp_common.DTCS_CODES:
+?????? LIST_CTCSS.append("D{:03d}N".format(x))
+for x in chirp_common.DTCS_CODES:
+?????? LIST_CTCSS.append("D{:03d}R".format(x))
+LIST_BW = ["Narrow", "Wide"]
+LIST_SHIFT = ["off", "+", "-"]
+STEPS = [0.5, 2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5, 50.0, 100.0]
+LIST_STEPS = [str(x) for x in STEPS]
+LIST_VOXDLY = ["0.5", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]?????????? # LISTS must be strings
+LIST_PTT = ["Both", "EoT", "BoT", "Off"]
+"wtled": LIST_COLOR,
+"rxled": LIST_COLOR,
+"txled": LIST_COLOR,
+"ledsw": LIST_LEDSW,
+"frq_chn_mode": LIST_VFOMODE,
+"rx_tone": LIST_CTCSS,
+"tx_tone": LIST_CTCSS,
+"rx_mode": LIST_RECVMODE,
+"fm_bw": LIST_BW,
+"shift": LIST_SHIFT,
+"step": LIST_STEPS,
+"vox_dly": LIST_VOXDLY,
+"ptt": LIST_PTT
+def _clean_buffer(radio):
+?????? radio.pipe.timeout = 0.005
+?????? junk = radio.pipe.read(256)
+?????? radio.pipe.timeout = STIMEOUT
+?????? if junk:
+?????????????? Log.debug("Got %i bytes of junk before starting" % len(junk))
+def _rawrecv(radio, amount):
+?????? """Raw read from the radio device"""
+?????? data = ""
+?????? try:
+?????????????? data = radio.pipe.read(amount)
+?????? except:
+?????????????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????????????? msg = "Generic error reading data from radio; check your cable."
+?????????????? raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+?????? if len(data) != amount:
+?????????????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????????????? msg = "Error reading from radio: not the amount of data we want."
+?????????????? raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+?????? return data
+def _rawsend(radio, data):
+?????? """Raw send to the radio device"""
+?????? try:
+?????????????? radio.pipe.write(data)
+?????? except:
+?????????????? raise errors.RadioError("Error sending data to radio")
+def _make_frame(cmd, addr, length, data=""):
+?????? """Pack the info in the headder format"""
+?????? frame = struct.pack(">shB", cmd, addr, length)
+?????? # Add the data if set
+?????? if len(data) != 0:
+?????????????? frame += data
+?????? # Return the data
+?????? return frame
+def _recv(radio, addr, length):
+?????? """Get data from the radio """
+?????? data = _rawrecv(radio, length)
+?????? # DEBUG
+?????? LOG.info("Response:")
+?????? LOG.debug(util.hexprint(data))
+?????? return data
+def _do_ident(radio):
+?????? """Put the radio in PROGRAM mode & identify it"""
+?????? radio.pipe.baudrate = BAUDRATE
+?????? radio.pipe.parity = "N"
+?????? radio.pipe.timeout = STIMEOUT
+?????? # Flush input buffer
+?????? _clean_buffer(radio)
+?????? magic = "PROGRAMa"
+?????? _rawsend(radio, magic)
+?????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+?????? # LOG.warning("PROGa Ack:" + util.hexprint(ack))
+?????? if ack != "\x06":
+?????????????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????????????? if ack:
+?????????????????????? LOG.debug(repr(ack))
+?????????????? raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not respond")
+?????? magic = "PROGRAMb"
+?????? _rawsend(radio, magic)
+?????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+?????? if ack != "\x06":
+?????????????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????????????? if ack:
+?????????????????????? LOG.debug(repr(ack))
+?????????????? raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not respond to B")
+?????? magic = chr(0x02)
+?????? _rawsend(radio, magic)
+?????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)?????? # s/b: 0x50
+?????? magic = _rawrecv(radio, 7)?? # s/b TC88...
+?????? magic = "MTC88CUMHS3E7BN-"
+?????? _rawsend(radio, magic)
+?????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)?????? # s/b 0x80
+?????? magic = chr(0x06)
+?????? _rawsend(radio, magic)
+?????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+?????? return True
+def _exit_program_mode(radio):
+?????? endframe = "E"
+?????? _rawsend(radio, endframe)
+def _download(radio):
+?????? """Get the memory map"""
+?????? # Put radio in program mode and identify it
+?????? _do_ident(radio)
+?????? # UI progress
+?????? status = chirp_common.Status()
+?????? status.cur = 0
+?????? status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
+?????? status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."
+?????? radio.status_fn(status)
+?????? data = ""
+?????? for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
+?????????????? frame = _make_frame("R", addr, BLOCK_SIZE)
+?????????????? # DEBUG
+?????????????? LOG.info("Request sent:")
+?????????????? LOG.debug("Frame=" + util.hexprint(frame))
+?????????????? # Sending the read request
+?????????????? _rawsend(radio, frame)
+?????????????? dx = _rawrecv(radio, 4)
+?????????????? # Now we read data
+?????????????? d = _recv(radio, addr, BLOCK_SIZE)
+?????????????? # LOG.warning("Data= " + util.hexprint(d))
+?????????????? # Aggregate the data
+?????????????? data += d
+?????????????? # UI Update
+?????????????? status.cur = addr / BLOCK_SIZE
+?????????????? status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."
+?????????????? radio.status_fn(status)
+?????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????? # Append the model number to the downloaded memory
+?????? data += radio.MODEL.ljust(9)
+?????? return data
+def _upload(radio):
+?????? """Upload procedure"""
+?????? # Put radio in program mode and identify it
+?????? _do_ident(radio)
+?????? # Generate upload time stamp; not used by Chirp
+?????? dnow = datetime.now()
+?????? _mem = radio._memobj.moddate
+?????? _mem.year = dnow.year
+?????? _mem.month = dnow.month
+?????? _mem.day = dnow.day
+?????? _mem.hour = dnow.hour
+?????? _mem.min = dnow.minute
+?????? _mem.sec = dnow.second
+?????? # UI progress
+?????? status = chirp_common.Status()
+?????? status.cur = 0
+?????? status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
+?????? status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
+?????? radio.status_fn(status)
+?????? # The fun starts here
+?????? for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
+?????????????? # Sending the data
+?????????????? data = radio.get_mmap()[addr:addr + BLOCK_SIZE]
+?????????????? frame = _make_frame("W", addr, BLOCK_SIZE, data)
+?????????????? # LOG.warning("Frame:%s:" % util.hexprint(frame))
+?????????????? _rawsend(radio, frame)
+?????????????? # Receiving the response
+?????????????? ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+?????????????? if ack != "\x06":
+?????????????????????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+?????????????????????? msg = "Bad ack writing block 0x%04x" % addr
+?????????????????????? raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+?????????????? # UI Update
+?????????????? status.cur = addr / BLOCK_SIZE
+?????????????? status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
+?????????????? radio.status_fn(status)
+?????? _exit_program_mode(radio)
+def force_odd(fmfrq):
+?????? """Force FM Broadcast Frequency to have odd KHz """
+?????? oddfrq = int(fmfrq / 100000)?????? # remove 10Khz and lower
+?????? if (oddfrq % 2) == 0:?????? # increment to odd
+?????????????? oddfrq += 1
+?????? return (oddfrq * 100000)
+def set_tone(_mem, txrx, ctdt, tval, pol):
+?????? """Set rxtone[] or txtone[] word values as decimal bytes"""
+?????? # txrx: Boolean T= set Rx tones, F= set Tx tones
+?????? # ctdt: Boolean T = CTCSS, F= DTCS
+?????? # tval = integer tone freq (*10) or DTCS code
+?????? # pol = string for DTCS polarity "R" or "N"
+?????? xv = int(str(tval), 16)
+?????? if txrx:?????????????? # True = set rxtones
+?????????????? _mem.rxtone[0] = xv & 0xFF?? # Low byte
+?????????????? _mem.rxtone[1] = (xv >> 8)???? # Hi byte
+?????????????? if not ctdt:?????? # dtcs,
+?????????????????????? if pol == "R":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxtone[1] = _mem.rxtone[1] | 0xC0
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxtone[1] = _mem.rxtone[1] | 0x80
+?????? else:???????????????????? # txtones
+?????????????? _mem.txtone[0] = xv & 0xFF?? # Low byte
+?????????????? _mem.txtone[1] = (xv >> 8)
+?????????????? if not ctdt:?????? # dtcs
+?????????????????????? if pol == "R":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txtone[1] = _mem.txtone[1] | 0xC0
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txtone[1] = _mem.txtone[1] | 0x80
+?????? return 0
+def model_match(cls, data):
+?????? """Match the opened/downloaded image to the correct version"""
+?????? if len(data) == 0x1307:
+?????????????? rid = data[0x1300:0x1309]
+?????????????? return rid.startswith(cls.MODEL)
+?????? else:
+?????????????? return False
+def _do_map(chn, sclr, mary):
+?????? """Set or Clear the chn (1-128) bit in mary[] word array map"""
+?????? # chn is 1-based channel, sclr:1 = set, 0= = clear, 2= return state
+?????? # mary[] is u8 array, but the map is by nibbles
+?????? ndx = int(math.floor((chn - 1) / 8))
+?????? bv = (chn -1) % 8
+?????? msk = 1 << bv
+?????? mapbit = sclr
+?????? if sclr == 1:?????? # Set the bit
+?????????????? mary[ndx] = mary[ndx] | msk
+?????? elif sclr == 0:?? # clear
+?????????????? mary[ndx] = mary[ndx] & (~ msk)???????? # ~ is complement
+?????? else:???????????? # return current bit state
+?????????????? mapbit = 0
+?????????????? if (mary[ndx] & msk) > 0: mapbit = 1
+?????? # LOG.warning("-?? Do_Map chn %d, sclr= %d, ndx= %d" % (chn, sclr, ndx))
+?????? # LOG.warning("-?? bv= %d, msk = %02x, mapbit= %d" % (bv, msk, mapbit))
+?????? # LOG.warning("-?? mary[%d] = %02x" % (ndx, mary[ndx]))
+?????? return mapbit
+ at directory.register
+class tyt_uv8000d(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio):
+?????? """TYT UV8000D Radio"""
+?????? VENDOR = "TYT"
+?????? MODEL = "TH-UV8000"
+?????? MODES = ["NFM", "FM"]
+?????? TONES = chirp_common.TONES
+?????? DTCS_CODES = sorted(chirp_common.DTCS_CODES + [645])
+?????? NAME_LENGTH = 7
+?????? DTMF_CHARS = list("0123456789ABCD*#")
+?????? # NOTE: SE Model supports 220-260 MHz
+?????? # The following bands are the the range the radio is capable of,
+?????? #???? not the legal FCC amateur bands
+?????? VALID_BANDS = [(87500000, 107900000), (136000000, 174000000),
+???????????????????????????????????? (220000000, 260000000), (400000000, 520000000)]
+?????? # Valid chars on the LCD
+?????? VALID_CHARS = chirp_common.CHARSET_ALPHANUMERIC + \
+???????????????????? "`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_"
+?????? # Special Channels Declaration
+?????? # WARNING Indecis are hard wired in get/set_memory code !!!
+?????? # Channels print in + increasing index order (most negative first)
+???????????? "FM 25": -3,
+???????????? "FM 24": -4,
+???????????? "FM 23": -5,
+???????????? "FM 22": -6,
+???????????? "FM 21": -7,
+???????????? "FM 20": -8,
+???????????? "FM 19": -9,
+???????????? "FM 18": -10,
+???????????? "FM 17": -11,
+???????????? "FM 16": -12,
+???????????? "FM 15": -13,
+???????????? "FM 14": -14,
+???????????? "FM 13": -15,
+???????????? "FM 12": -16,
+???????????? "FM 11": -17,
+???????????? "FM 10": -18,
+???????????? "FM 09": -19,
+???????????? "FM 08": -20,
+???????????? "FM 07": -21,
+???????????? "FM 06": -22,
+???????????? "FM 05": -23,
+???????????? "FM 04": -24,
+???????????? "FM 03": -25,
+???????????? "FM 02": -26,
+???????????? "FM 01": -27
+?????? }
+?????? FIRST_FM_INDEX = -3
+?????? LAST_FM_INDEX = -27
+?????? SPECIAL_FREQ = {
+???????????? "UpVFO": -2,
+???????????? "LoVFO": -1
+?????? }
+?????? FIRST_FREQ_INDEX = -1
+?????? LAST_FREQ_INDEX = -2
+?????? SPECIAL_MEMORIES_REV = dict(zip(SPECIAL_MEMORIES.values(),
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? SPECIAL_MEMORIES.keys()))
+?????? @classmethod
+?????? def get_prompts(cls):
+?????????????? rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+?????????????? rp.info = \
+?????????????????????? ('NOTE 1: Some of these radios come shipped with the
frequency '
+???????????????????????? 'ranges locked to comply with FCC band limitations.\n'
+???????????????????????? 'This driver allows the user to program frequencies outside '
+???????????????????????? 'the legal amateur bands, so that they can receive on
marine, '
+???????????????????????? 'aviation, FRS/GMRS and NOAA weather bands.\n'
+???????????????????????? 'If these frequencies are locked out on your radio, '
+???????????????????????? 'you will receive an error beep when attempting to operate.\n'
+???????????????????????? 'It is the users responsibility to only transmit on '
+???????????????????????? 'authorized freqencies. \n\n'
+???????????????????????? 'NOTE 2: Click on the "Special Channels" tab of the layout '
+???????????????????????? 'screen to see/set the upper and lower frequency-mode
values, '
+???????????????????????? 'as well as the 25 FM broadcast radio station channels.\n\n'
+???????????????????????? 'NOTE 3: The PTT ID codes are 1-16 characters of DTMF (0-9, '
+???????????????????????? 'A-D,*,#). The per-channel ANI Id Codes are not
implemented at '
+???????????????????????? 'this time. However they may be set manually by using the '
+???????????????????????? 'Browser developer tool. Contact Rick at AA0RD at Yahoo.com.\n\n'
+???????????????????????? 'NOTE 4: To access the stored FM broadcast stations:
activate '
+???????????????????????? 'FM mode (F, MONI), then # and up/down.'
+?????????????????????? )
+?????????????? rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+?????????????????????? Follow these instructions to download your config:
+?????????????????????? 1 - Turn off your radio
+?????????????????????? 2 - Connect your interface cable
+?????????????????????? 3 - Turn on your radio, volume @ 50%
+?????????????????????? 4 - Radio > Download from radio
+?????????????????????? """))
+?????????????? rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
+?????????????????????? Follow this instructions to upload your config:
+?????????????????????? 1 - Turn off your radio
+?????????????????????? 2 - Connect your interface cable
+?????????????????????? 3 - Turn on your radio, volume @ 50%
+?????????????????????? 4 - Radio > Upload to radio
+?????????????????????? """))
+?????????????? return rp
+?????? def get_features(self):
+?????????????? rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
+?????????????? # .has. attributes are boolean, .valid. are lists
+?????????????? rf.has_settings = True
+?????????????? rf.has_bank = False
+?????????????? rf.has_comment = False
+?????????????? rf.has_tuning_step = False?? # Not as chan feature
+?????????????? rf.can_odd_split = False
+?????????????? rf.has_name = True
+?????????????? rf.has_offset = True
+?????????????? rf.has_mode = True
+?????????????? rf.has_dtcs = True
+?????????????? rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
+?????????????? rf.has_dtcs_polarity = True
+?????????????? rf.has_ctone = True
+?????????????? rf.has_cross = True
+?????????????? rf.has_sub_devices = False
+?????????????? rf.valid_name_length = self.NAME_LENGTH
+?????????????? rf.valid_modes = self.MODES
+?????????????? rf.valid_characters = self.VALID_CHARS
+?????????????? rf.valid_duplexes = ["-", "+", "off", ""]
+?????????????? rf.valid_tmodes = ['', 'Tone', 'TSQL', 'DTCS', 'Cross']
+?????????????? rf.valid_cross_modes = [
+?????????????????????? "Tone->Tone",
+?????????????????????? "DTCS->",
+?????????????????????? "->DTCS",
+?????????????????????? "Tone->DTCS",
+?????????????????????? "DTCS->Tone",
+?????????????????????? "->Tone",
+?????????????????????? "DTCS->DTCS"]
+?????????????? rf.valid_skips = []
+?????????????? rf.valid_power_levels = POWER_LEVELS
+?????????????? rf.valid_dtcs_codes = self.DTCS_CODES
+?????????????? rf.valid_bands = self.VALID_BANDS
+?????????????? rf.memory_bounds = (1, 128)
+?????????????? rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
+?????????????? rf.valid_special_chans = sorted(self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES.keys())
+?????????????? return rf
+?????? def sync_in(self):
+?????????????? """Download from radio"""
+?????????????? try:
+?????????????????????? data = _download(self)
+?????????????? except errors.RadioError:
+?????????????????????? # Pass through any real errors we raise
+?????????????????????? raise
+?????????????? except:
+?????????????????????? # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+?????????????????????? # a RadioError and log the problem
+?????????????????????? LOG.exception('Unexpected error during download')
+?????????????????????? raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'with the radio')
+?????????????? self._mmap = memmap.MemoryMap(data)
+?????????????? self.process_mmap()
+?????? def sync_out(self):
+?????????????? """Upload to radio"""
+?????????????? try:
+?????????????????????? _upload(self)
+?????????????? except:
+?????????????????????? # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+?????????????????????? # a RadioError and log the problem
+?????????????????????? LOG.exception('Unexpected error during upload')
+?????????????????????? raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'with the radio')
+?????? def process_mmap(self):
+?????????????? """Process the mem map into the mem object"""
+?????????????? self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
+?????? def get_raw_memory(self, number):
+?????????????? return repr(self._memobj.memory[number - 1])
+?????? def get_memory(self, number):
+?????????????? if isinstance(number, str):
+?????????????????????? return self._get_special(number)
+?????????????? elif number < 0:
+?????????????????????? # I can't stop delete operation from loosing extd_number but
+?????????????????????? # I know how to get it back
+?????????????????????? return self._get_special(self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES_REV[number])
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? return self._get_normal(number)
+?????? def set_memory(self, memory):
+?????????????? """A value in a UI column for chan 'number' has been modified."""
+?????????????? # update all raw channel memory values (_mem) from UI (mem)
+?????????????? if memory.number < 0:
+?????????????????????? return self._set_special(memory)
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? return self._set_normal(memory)
+?????? def _get_fm_memory(self, mem, _mem):
+?????????????? mem.name = "----"
+?????????????? rx = self._memobj.fm_stations[mem.number + 2].rxfreq
+?????????????? if rx == 0xFFFF:
+?????????????????????? mem.empty = True
+?????????????????????? return mem
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? mem.freq = (float(int(rx)) / 40) * 1000000
+?????????????????????? mem.empty = False
+?????????????? mem.offset = 0.0
+?????????????? mem.power = 0
+?????????????? mem.duplex = "off"?????????? # inhibits tx
+?????????????? mem.mode = self.MODES[1]
+?????????????? dtcs_pol = ["N", "N"]
+?????????????? mem.ctone = 88.5
+?????????????? mem.rtone = 88.5
+?????????????? mem.tmode = ""
+?????????????? mem.cross_mode = "Tone->Tone"
+?????????????? mem.skip = ""
+?????????????? mem.comment = ""
+?????????????? return mem
+?????? def _get_normal(self, number):
+?????????????? # radio first channel is 1, mem map is base 0
+?????????????? _mem = self._memobj.chan_mem[number - 1]
+?????????????? mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+?????????????? mem.number = number
+?????????????? return self._get_memory(mem, _mem)
+?????? def _get_memory(self, mem, _mem):
+?????????????? """Convert raw channel memory data into UI columns"""
+?????????????? mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("extra", "Extra")
+?????????????? if _mem.get_raw()[0] == "\xff":
+?????????????????????? mem.empty = True
+?????????????????????? return mem
+?????????????? mem.empty = False
+?????????????? # This function process both 'normal' and Freq up/down' entries
+?????????????? mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
+?????????????? mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[_mem.power]
+?????????????? mem.mode = self.MODES[_mem.wide]
+?????????????? dtcs_pol = ["N", "N"]
+?????????????? if _mem.rxtone[0] == 0xFF:
+?????????????????????? rxmode = ""
+?????????????? elif _mem.rxtone[1] < 0x26:
+?????????????????????? # CTCSS
+?????????????????????? rxmode = "Tone"
+?????????????????????? tonehi = int(str(_mem.rxtone[1])[2:])
+?????????????????????? tonelo = int(str(_mem.rxtone[0])[2:])
+?????????????????????? mem.ctone = int(tonehi * 100 + tonelo) / 10.0
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? # Digital
+?????????????????????? rxmode = "DTCS"
+?????????????????????? tonehi = int(str(_mem.rxtone[1] & 0x3f))
+?????????????????????? tonelo = int(str(_mem.rxtone[0])[2:])
+?????????????????????? mem.rx_dtcs = int(tonehi * 100 + tonelo)
+?????????????????????? if (_mem.rxtone[1] & 0x40) != 0:
+?????????????????????????????? dtcs_pol[1] = "R"
+?????????????? if _mem.txtone[0] == 0xFF:
+?????????????????????? txmode = ""
+?????????????? elif _mem.txtone[1] < 0x26:
+?????????????????????? # CTCSS
+?????????????????????? txmode = "Tone"
+?????????????????????? tonehi = int(str(_mem.txtone[1])[2:])
+?????????????????????? tonelo = int(str(_mem.txtone[0])[2:])
+?????????????????????? mem.rtone = int(tonehi * 100 + tonelo) / 10.0
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? # Digital
+?????????????????????? txmode = "DTCS"
+?????????????????????? tonehi = int(str(_mem.txtone[1] & 0x3f))
+?????????????????????? tonelo = int(str(_mem.txtone[0])[2:])
+?????????????????????? mem.dtcs = int(tonehi * 100 + tonelo)
+?????????????????????? if (_mem.txtone[1] & 0x40) != 0:
+?????????????????????????????? dtcs_pol[0] = "R"
+?????????????? mem.tmode = ""
+?????????????? if txmode == "Tone" and not rxmode:
+?????????????????????? mem.tmode = "Tone"
+?????????????? elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "Tone" and mem.rtone ==
+?????????????????????? mem.tmode = "TSQL"
+?????????????? elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "DTCS" and mem.dtcs ==
+?????????????????????? mem.tmode = "DTCS"
+?????????????? elif rxmode or txmode:
+?????????????????????? mem.tmode = "Cross"
+?????????????????????? mem.cross_mode = "%s->%s" % (txmode, rxmode)
+?????????????? mem.dtcs_polarity = "".join(dtcs_pol)
+?????????????? # Now test the mem.number to process special vs normal
+?????????????? if mem.number >=0:?????????? # Normal
+?????????????????????? mem.name = ""
+?????????????????????? for i in range(self.NAME_LENGTH):???? # 0 - 6
+?????????????????????????????? mem.name += chr(_mem.name[i] + 32)
+?????????????????????? mem.name = mem.name.rstrip()?????? # remove trailing spaces
+?????????????????????? if _mem.txfreq == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+?????????????????????????????? # TX freq not set
+?????????????????????????????? mem.duplex = "off"
+?????????????????????????????? mem.offset = 0
+?????????????????????? elif int(_mem.rxfreq) == int(_mem.txfreq):
+?????????????????????????????? mem.duplex = ""
+?????????????????????????????? mem.offset = 0
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? mem.duplex = int(_mem.rxfreq) > int(_mem.txfreq) and
"-" or "+"
+?????????????????????????????? mem.offset = abs(int(_mem.rxfreq) - int(_mem.txfreq)) * 10
+?????????????????????? if _do_map(mem.number, 2, self._memobj.skpchns.map) > 0:
+?????????????????????????????? mem.skip = "S"
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? mem.skip = ""
+?????????????? else:???????????? # specials VFO
+?????????????????????? mem.name = "----"
+?????????????????????? mem.duplex = LIST_SHIFT[_mem.duplx]
+?????????????????????? mem.offset = int(_mem.ofst) * 10
+?????????????????????? mem.skip = ""
+?????????????? # End if specials
+?????????????? # Channel Extra settings: Only Boolean & List methods, no
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _mem.bcl))???? # Inverted bool
+?????????????? # NOTE: first param of RadioSetting is the object attribute name
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("bcl", "Busy Channel Lockout", rx)
+?????????????? mem.extra.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _mem.vox_on))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("vox_on", "Vox", rx)
+?????????????? mem.extra.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _mem.ani))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("ani", "Auto Number ID (ANI)", rx)
+?????????????? mem.extra.append(rset)
+?????????????? # ID code can't be done in extra - no Integer method or call-back
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(LIST_PTT, LIST_PTT[_mem.ptt])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("ptt", "Xmit PTT ID", rx)
+?????????????? mem.extra.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mem.epilogue))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("epilogue", "Epilogue/Tail", rx)
+?????????????? mem.extra.append(rset)
+?????????????? return mem
+?????? def _get_special(self, number):
+?????????????? mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+?????????????? mem.number = self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES[number]
+?????????????? mem.extd_number = number
+?????????????? # Unused attributes are ignored in Set_memory
+?????????????? if (mem.number == -1) or (mem.number == -2):
+?????????????????????? # Print Upper[1] first, and Lower[0] next
+?????????????????????? rx = 0
+?????????????????????? if mem.number == -2:
+?????????????????????????????? rx = 1
+?????????????????????? _mem = self._memobj.frq[rx]
+?????????????????????? # immutable = ["number", "extd_number", "name"]
+?????????????????????? mem = self._get_memory(mem, _mem)
+?????????????? elif mem.number in range(self.FIRST_FM_INDEX,
+?????????????????????????????????????? self.LAST_FM_INDEX - 1, -1):
+?????????????????????? _mem = self._memobj.fm_stations[-self.LAST_FM_INDEX +
+?????????????????????? # immutable = ["number", "extd_number", "name", "power",
+?????????????????????? #?????????????????????? "rtone", "skip", "duplex", "offset", "mode"]
+?????????????????????? mem = self._get_fm_memory(mem, _mem)?????????????? # special fnctn
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? raise Exception("Sorry, you can't edit that special"
+???????????????????????????????????? " memory channel %i." % mem.number)
+?????????????? # mem.immutable = immutable
+?????????????? return mem
+?????? def _set_memory(self, mem, _mem):
+?????????????? """Convert UI column data (mem) into MEM_FORMAT memory (_mem)."""
+?????????????? # At this point mem points to either normal, fm or Freq chans
+?????????????? # These first attributes are common to all types
+?????????????? if mem.empty:
+?????????????????????? if mem.number > 0:
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxfreq = 0xffffffff
+?????????????????????????????? # Set 'empty' and 'skip' bits
+?????????????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number, 1, self._memobj.chnmap.map)
+?????????????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number, 1, self._memobj.skpchns.map)
+?????????????????????? elif mem.number == -2:?? #?? upper VFO Freq
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxfreq = 14652000???? # VHF National Calling freq
+?????????????????????? elif mem.number == -1:?? #?? lower VFO
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxfreq = 44600000???? # UHF National Calling freq
+?????????????????????? else:???????????? # FM stations, mem.number -3 to -27
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.rxfreq = 0xffff
+?????????????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number + 28, 1, self._memobj.fmmap.fmset)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
+?????????????? if mem.number < -2:???????? # FM stations, only rxfreq
+?????????????????????? _mem.rxfreq = (force_odd(mem.freq) * 40) / 1000000
+?????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number + 28, 0, self._memobj.fmmap.fmset)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? if str(mem.power) == "Low":
+?????????????????????? _mem.power = 0
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? _mem.power = 1
+?????????????? _mem.wide = self.MODES.index(mem.mode)
+?????????????? rxmode = ""
+?????????????? txmode = ""
+?????????????? if mem.tmode == "Tone":
+?????????????????????? txmode = "Tone"
+?????????????? elif mem.tmode == "TSQL":
+?????????????????????? rxmode = "Tone"
+?????????????????????? txmode = "TSQL"
+?????????????? elif mem.tmode == "DTCS":
+?????????????????????? rxmode = "DTCSSQL"
+?????????????????????? txmode = "DTCS"
+?????????????? elif mem.tmode == "Cross":
+?????????????????????? txmode, rxmode = mem.cross_mode.split("->", 1)
+?????????????? sx = mem.dtcs_polarity[1]
+?????????????? if rxmode == "":
+?????????????????????? _mem.rxtone[0] = 0xFF
+?????????????????????? _mem.rxtone[1] = 0xFF
+?????????????? elif rxmode == "Tone":
+?????????????????????? val = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, True, True, val, sx)
+?????????????? elif rxmode == "DTCSSQL":
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, True, False, mem.dtcs, sx)
+?????????????? elif rxmode == "DTCS":
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, True, False, mem.rx_dtcs, sx)
+?????????????? sx = mem.dtcs_polarity[0]
+?????????????? if txmode == "":
+?????????????????????? _mem.txtone[0] = 0xFF
+?????????????????????? _mem.txtone[1] = 0xFF
+?????????????? elif txmode == "Tone":
+?????????????????????? val = int(mem.rtone * 10)
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, False, True, val, sx)
+?????????????? elif txmode == "TSQL":
+?????????????????????? val = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, False, True, val, sx)
+?????????????? elif txmode == "DTCS":
+?????????????????????? i = set_tone(_mem, False, False, mem.dtcs, sx)
+?????????????? if mem.number > 0:?????????? # Normal chans
+?????????????????????? for i in range(self.NAME_LENGTH):
+?????????????????????????????? pq = ord(mem.name.ljust(self.NAME_LENGTH)[i]) -32
+?????????????????????????????? if pq < 0: pq = 0
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.name[i] = pq
+?????????????????????? if mem.duplex == "off":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txfreq = 0xFFFFFFFF
+?????????????????????? elif mem.duplex == "+":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
+?????????????????????? elif mem.duplex == "-":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.txfreq = mem.freq / 10
+?????????????????????? # Set the channel map bit FALSE = Enabled
+?????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number, 0, self._memobj.chnmap.map)
+?????????????????????? # Skip
+?????????????????????? if mem.skip == "S":
+?????????????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number, 1, self._memobj.skpchns.map)
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? _do_map(mem.number, 0, self._memobj.skpchns.map)
+?????????????? else:?????? # Freq (VFO) chans
+?????????????????????? _mem.duplx = 0
+?????????????????????? _mem.ofst = 0
+?????????????????????? if mem.duplex == "+":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.duplx = 1
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.ofst = mem.offset / 10
+?????????????????????? elif mem.duplex == "-":
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.duplx = 2
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.ofst = mem.offset / 10
+?????????????????????? for i in range(self.NAME_LENGTH):
+?????????????????????????????? _mem.name[i] = 0xff
+?????????????? # All mem.extra << Once the channel is defined
+?????????????? for setting in mem.extra:
+?????????????????????? # Overide list strings with signed value
+?????????????????????? if setting.get_name() == "ptt":
+?????????????????????????????? sx = str(setting.value)
+?????????????????????????????? for i in range(0, 4):
+?????????????????????????????????????? if sx == LIST_PTT[i]:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? val = i
+?????????????????????????????? setattr(_mem, "ptt", val)
+?????????????????????? elif setting.get_name() == "epilogue":?? # not inverted bool
+?????????????????????????????????????? setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value)
+?????????????????????? else:???????????? # inverted booleans
+?????????????????????????????? setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), not setting.value)
+?????? def _set_special(self, mem):
+?????????????? cur_mem = self._get_special(self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES_REV[mem.number])
+?????????????? if mem.number == -2:?????? # upper frq[1]
+?????????????????????? _mem = self._memobj.frq[1]
+?????????????? elif mem.number == -1:?? # lower frq[0]
+?????????????????????? _mem = self._memobj.frq[0]
+?????????????? elif mem.number in range(self.FIRST_FM_INDEX,
+?????????????????????????????????????? self.LAST_FM_INDEX - 1, -1):
+?????????????????????? _mem = self._memobj.fm_stations[-self.LAST_FM_INDEX +
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? raise Exception("Sorry, you can't edit that special memory.")
+?????????????? self._set_memory(mem, _mem)???????? # Now update the _mem
+?????? def _set_normal(self, mem):
+?????????????? _mem = self._memobj.chan_mem[mem.number - 1]
+?????????????? self._set_memory(mem, _mem)
+?????? def get_settings(self):
+?????????????? """Translate the MEM_FORMAT structs into setstuf in the UI"""
+?????????????? # Define mem struct write-back shortcuts
+?????????????? _sets = self._memobj.setstuf
+?????????????? _fmx = self._memobj.fmfrqs
+?????????????? basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
+?????????????? adv = RadioSettingGroup("adv", "Other Settings")
+?????????????? fmb = RadioSettingGroup("fmb", "FM Broadcast")
+?????????????? scn = RadioSettingGroup("scn", "Scan Settings")
+?????????????? dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF Settings")
+?????????????? frng = RadioSettingGroup("frng", "Frequency Ranges")
+?????????????? group = RadioSettings(basic, adv, scn, fmb, dtmf, frng)
+?????????????? def my_val_list(setting, obj, atrb):
+?????????????????????? """Callback:from ValueList with non-sequential, actual
+?????????????????????? # This call back also used in get_settings
+?????????????????????? value = int(str(setting.value)) # Get the integer value
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def my_adjraw(setting, obj, atrb, fix):
+?????????????????????? """Callback from Integer add or subtract fix from value."""
+?????????????????????? vx = int(str(setting.value))
+?????????????????????? value = vx?? + int(fix)
+?????????????????????? if value < 0:
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def my_strnam(setting, obj, atrb, mln):
+?????????????????????? """Callback from String to build u8 array with -32 offset."""
+?????????????????????? # mln is max string length
+?????????????????????? ary = []
+?????????????????????? knt = mln
+?????????????????????? for j in range (mln - 1, -1, -1):?? # Strip trailing spaces
or nulls
+?????????????????????????????? pq = str(setting.value)[j]
+?????????????????????????????? if pq == "" or pq == " ":
+?????????????????????????????????????? knt = knt - 1
+?????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????? break
+?????????????????????? for j in range(mln):?? # 0 to mln-1
+?????????????????????????????? pq = str(setting.value).ljust(mln)[j]
+?????????????????????????????? if j < knt: ary.append(ord(pq) - 32)
+?????????????????????????????? else: ary.append(0)
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, ary)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def unpack_str(cary, cknt, mxw):
+?????????????????????? """Convert u8 nibble array to a string: NOT a callback."""
+?????????????????????? # cknt is char count, 2/word; mxw is max WORDS
+?????????????????????? stx = ""
+?????????????????????? mty = True
+?????????????????????? for i in range(mxw):?????? # unpack entire array
+?????????????????????????????? nib = (cary[i] & 0xf0) >> 4?? # LE, Hi nib first
+?????????????????????????????? if nib != 0xf: mty = False
+?????????????????????????????? stx += format(nib, '0X')
+?????????????????????????????? nib = cary[i] & 0xf
+?????????????????????????????? if nib != 0xf: mty = False
+?????????????????????????????? stx += format(nib, '0X')
+?????????????????????? stx = stx[:cknt]
+?????????????????????? if mty:???????? # all ff, empty string
+?????????????????????????????? sty = ""
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? # Convert E to #, F to *
+?????????????????????????????? sty = ""
+?????????????????????????????? for i in range(cknt):
+?????????????????????????????????????? if stx[i] == "E":
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? sty += "#"
+?????????????????????????????????????? elif stx[i] == "F":
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? sty += "*"
+?????????????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? sty += stx[i]
+?????????????????????? return sty
+?????????????? def pack_chars(setting, obj, atrstr, atrcnt, mxl):
+?????????????????????? """Callback to build 0-9,A-D,*# nibble array from string"""
+?????????????????????? # cknt is generated char count, 2 chars per word
+?????????????????????? # String will be f padded to mxl
+?????????????????????? # Chars are stored as hex values
+?????????????????????? # store cknt-1 in atrcnt, 0xf if empty
+?????????????????????? cknt = 0
+?????????????????????? ary = []
+?????????????????????? stx = str(setting.value).upper()
+?????????????????????? stx = stx.strip()???????????? # trim spaces
+?????????????????????? # Remove illegal characters first
+?????????????????????? sty = ""
+?????????????????????? for j in range(0, len(stx)):
+?????????????????????????????? if stx[j] in self.DTMF_CHARS: sty += stx[j]
+?????????????????????? for j in range(mxl):
+?????????????????????????????? if j < len(sty):
+?????????????????????????????????????? if sty[j] == "#":
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? chrv = 0xE
+?????????????????????????????????????? elif sty[j] == "*":
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? chrv = 0xF
+?????????????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? chrv = int(sty[j], 16)
+?????????????????????????????????????? cknt += 1?????????? # char count
+?????????????????????????????? else:???? # pad to mxl, cknt does not increment
+?????????????????????????????????????? chrv = 0xF
+?????????????????????????????? if (j % 2) == 0:?? # odd count (0-based), high nibble
+?????????????????????????????????????? hi_nib = chrv
+?????????????????????????????? else:???? # even count, lower nibble
+?????????????????????????????????????? lo_nib = chrv
+?????????????????????????????????????? nibs = lo_nib | (hi_nib << 4)
+?????????????????????????????????????? ary.append(nibs)?????? # append word
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrstr, ary)
+?????????????????????? if setting.get_name() != "setstuf.stuncode":?? # cknt is actual
+?????????????????????????????? if cknt > 0:
+?????????????????????????????????????? cknt = cknt - 1
+?????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????? cknt = 0xf
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrcnt, cknt)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def myset_freq(setting, obj, atrb, mult):
+?????????????????????? """ Callback to set frequency by applying multiplier"""
+?????????????????????? value = int(float(str(setting.value)) * mult)
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def my_invbool(setting, obj, atrb):
+?????????????????????? """Callback to invert the boolean """
+?????????????????????? bval = not setting.value
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, bval)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def my_batsav(setting, obj, atrb):
+?????????????????????? """Callback to set batsav attribute """
+?????????????????????? stx = str(setting.value)?? # Off, 1:1...
+?????????????????????? if stx == "Off":
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0x1???????? # bit value 4 clear, ratio 1 = 1:2
+?????????????????????? elif stx == "1:1":
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0x4???????? # On, ratio 0 = 1:1
+?????????????????????? elif stx == "1:2":
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0x5???????? # On, ratio 1 = 1:2
+?????????????????????? elif stx == "1:3":
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0x6???????? # On, ratio 2 = 1:3
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0x7???????? # On, ratio 3 = 1:4
+?????????????????????? # LOG.warning("Batsav stx:%s:, value= %x" % (stx, value))
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? def my_manfrq(setting, obj, atrb):
+?????????????????????? """Callback to set 2-byte manfrqyn yes/no """
+?????????????????????? # LOG.warning("Manfrq value = %d" % setting.value)
+?????????????????????? if (str(setting.value)) == "No":
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0xff
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? value = 0xaa
+?????????????????????? setattr(obj, atrb, value)
+?????????????????????? return
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(1, 9, _sets.voxgain + 1)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.voxgain", "Vox Level", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_adjraw, _sets, "voxgain", -1)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(LIST_VOXDLY,
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.voxdelay", "Vox Delay (secs)", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _sets.sql)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.sql", "Squelch", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(LIST_STEPS, LIST_STEPS[_sets.freqstep])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.freqstep", "VFO Tune Step (KHz))", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.dbw))???????? # true logic
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dbw", "Dual Band Watch (D.WAIT)", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Off", "On", "Auto"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.lampon])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.lampon", "Backlight (LED)", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Orange", "Purple", "Blue"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.ledclr])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.ledclr", "Backlight Color
(LIGHT)", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.beepon))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.beepon", "Keypad Beep", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.xbandenable))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.xbandenable", "Cross Band
Allowed", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _sets.xbandon))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.xbandon", "Cross Band On", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_invbool, _sets, "xbandon")
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(LIST_TIMEOUT, LIST_TIMEOUT[_sets.tot])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.tot", "TX Timeout (Secs)", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _sets.rgrbeep))?? # Invert
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.rgrbeep", "Beep at Eot (Roger)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_invbool, _sets, "rgrbeep")
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(not _sets.keylok))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.keylok", "Keypad AutoLock", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_invbool, _sets, "keylok")
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["None", "Message", "DC Volts"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.openmsg])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.openmsg", "Power-On Display", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Channel Name", "Frequency"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.chs_name])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.chs_name", "Display Name/Frq", rx)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? sx = ""
+?????????????? for i in range(7):
+?????????????????????? if _sets.radioname[i] != 0:
+?????????????????????????????? sx += chr(_sets.radioname[i] + 32)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 7, sx)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.radioname", "Power-On Message", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_strnam, _sets, "radioname", 7)
+?????????????? basic.append(rset)
+?????????????? # Advanced (Strange) Settings
+?????????????? options = ["Busy: Last Tx Band", "Edit: Current Band"]
+?????????????? rx?? = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.txsel])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.txsel", "Transmit Priority", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("'Busy' transmits on last band used, not current
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Off", "English", "Unk", "Chinese"]
+?????????????? val = _sets.voice
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[val])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.voice", "Voice", rx)
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Off", "1:1", "1:2", "1:3", "1:4"]
+?????????????? val = (_sets.batsav & 0x3) +1???????? # ratio
+?????????????? if (_sets.batsav & 0x4) == 0:?????? # Off
+?????????????????????? val = 0
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[val])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.batsav", "Battery Saver", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_batsav, _sets, "batsav")
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? # Find out what & where SuperSave is
+?????????????? options = ["Off", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.supersave])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.supersave", "Super Save (Secs)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Unknown radio attribute??")
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? sx = unpack_str(_sets.pttbot, _sets.pttbcnt + 1, 8)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 16, sx)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.pttbot", "PTT BoT Code", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(pack_chars, _sets, "pttbot", "pttbcnt", 16)
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? sx = unpack_str(_sets.ptteot, _sets.pttecnt + 1, 8)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 16, sx)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.ptteot", "PTT EoT Code", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(pack_chars, _sets, "ptteot", "pttecnt", 16)
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["None", "Low", "High", "Both"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.voltx])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.voltx", "Transmit Inhibit
Voltage", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Block Transmit if battery volts are too high or
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? val = 0???????? # No = 0xff
+?????????????? if _sets.manfrqyn == 0xaa: val = 1
+?????????????? options = ["No", "Yes"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[val])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.manfrqyn", "Manual Frequency", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_manfrq, _sets, "manfrqyn")
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.manualset))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.manualset", "Manual Setting", rx)
+?????????????? adv.append(rset)
+?????????????? # Scan Settings
+?????????????? options = ["CO: During Rx", "TO: Timed", "SE: Halt"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.scanmode])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.scanmode",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Scan Mode (Scan Pauses When)", rx)
+?????????????? scn.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["100", "150", "200", "250",
+???????????????????????????????????? "300", "350", "400", "450"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.scanspeed])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.scanspeed", "Scan Speed (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? scn.append(rset)
+?????????????? val =_sets.scantmo + 3
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(3, 30, val)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.scantmo",
+?????????????????????????????? "TO Mode Timeout (secs)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(my_adjraw, _sets, "scantmo", -3)
+?????????????? scn.append(rset)
+?????????????? val = _sets.prichan
+?????????????? if val <= 0: val = 1
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueInteger(1, 128, val)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.prichan", "Priority Channel", rx)
+?????????????? scn.append(rset)
+?????????????? # FM Broadcast Settings
+?????????????? val =_fmx.fmcur
+?????????????? val = val / 40.0
+?????????????? if val < 87.5 or val > 107.9: val = 88.0
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(87.5, 107.9, val, 0.1, 1)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("fmfrqs.fmcur", "Manual FM Freq (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _fmx, "fmcur", 40)
+?????????????? fmb.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["5", "50", "100", "200(USA)"]?????? # 5 is not used
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.fmstep])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.fmstep", "FM Freq Step (KHz)", rx)
+?????????????? fmb.append(rset)
+?????????????? if False:???? # Skip these unknowns
+?????????????????????? # FM Scan Range lo and Hi ??? MEM
+?????????????????????? val = 87.5
+?????????????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(87.5, 107.9, val, 0.1, 1)
+?????????????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.fmsclo",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Low FM Scan Bound (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "fmsclo", 40)
+?????????????????????? fmb.append(rset)
+?????????????????????? val = 107.9???????? # ??? @@@ where
+?????????????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(87.5, 107.9, val, 0.1, 1)
+?????????????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.fmschi",
+???????????????????????????????????? "High FM Scan Freq (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "fmschi", 40)
+?????????????????????? fmb.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.rxinhib))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.rxinhib",
+?????????????????????????????? "Rcvr Will Interupt FM (DW)", rx)
+?????????????? fmb.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = [str(x) for x in range(4, 16)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.dtmfspd])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dtmfspd",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Tx Speed (digits/sec)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = [str(x) for x in range(0, 1100, 100)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.dtmfdig1time])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dtmfdig1time",
+?????????????????????????????? "Tx 1st Digit Time (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = [str(x) for x in range(100, 1100, 100)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.dtmfdig1dly])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dtmfdig1dly",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Tx 1st Digit Delay (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["0", "100", "500", "1000"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.dtmfspms])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dtmfspms",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Tx Star & Pound Time (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["None"] + [str(x) for x in range(600, 2100, 100)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.codespctim])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.codespctim",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Tx Code Space Time (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.codeabcd))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.codeabcd", "Tx Codes A,B,C,D", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.dtmfside))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.dtmfside", "DTMF Side Tone", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Off", "A", "B", "C", "D"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.grpcode])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.grpcode", "Rx Group Code", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Off"] + [str(x) for x in range(1, 16)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.autoresettmo])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.autoresettmo",
+???????????????????????????????????? "Rx Auto Reset Timeout (secs)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.txdecode))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.txdecode", "Tx Decode", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.idedit))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.idedit", "Allow ANI Code Edit", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = [str(x) for x in range(500, 1600, 100)]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.decodetmo])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.decodetmo",
+?????????????????????????????? "Rx Decode Timeout (ms)", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? options = ["Tx & Rx Inhibit", "Tx Inhibit"]
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_sets.stuntype])
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.stuntype", "Stun Type", rx)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? sx = unpack_str(_sets.stuncode, _sets.stuncnt, 5)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueString(0, 10, sx)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.stuncode", "Stun Code", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(pack_chars, _sets,
+???????????????????????????????????? "stuncode", "stuncnt", 10)
+?????????????? dtmf.append(rset)
+?????????????? # Frequency ranges
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.frqr1))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr1", "Freq Range 1 (UHF)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Enable the UHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.frqr2))
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr2", "Freq Range 2 (VHF)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Enable the VHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? mod_se = True???????? # UV8000SE has 3rd freq bank
+?????????????? if mod_se:
+?????????????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_sets.frqr3))
+?????????????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr3", "Freq Range 3
(220Mhz)", rx)
+?????????????????????? rset.set_doc("Enable the 220MHz frequency bank.")
+?????????????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? frqm = 100000
+?????????????? val = _sets.frqr1lo / frqm
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(400.0, 520.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr1lo",
+???????????????????????????????????? "UHF Range Low Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr1lo", frqm)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Low limit of the UHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? val = _sets.frqr1hi / frqm
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(400.0, 520.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr1hi",
+?????????????????????? "UHF Range High Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr1hi", frqm)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("High limit of the UHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? val = _sets.frqr2lo / frqm
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(136.0, 174.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr2lo",
+???????????????????????????????????? "VHF Range Low Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr2lo", frqm)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("Low limit of the VHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? val = _sets.frqr2hi / frqm
+?????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(136.0, 174.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr2hi",
+?????????????????????????????? "VHF Range High Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr2hi", frqm)
+?????????????? rset.set_doc("High limit of the VHF frequency bank.")
+?????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? if mod_se:
+?????????????????????? val = _sets.frqr3lo / frqm
+?????????????????????? if val == 0: val = 222.0
+?????????????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(220.0, 260.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr3lo",
+???????????????????????????????????? "1.25m Range Low Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr3lo", frqm)
+?????????????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????????????? val = _sets.frqr3hi / frqm
+?????????????????????? if val == 0: val = 225.0
+?????????????????????? rx = RadioSettingValueFloat(220.0, 260.0, val, 0.005, 3)
+?????????????????????? rset = RadioSetting("setstuf.frqr3hi",
+?????????????????????????????????????? "1.25m Range High Limit (MHz)", rx)
+?????????????????????? rset.set_apply_callback(myset_freq, _sets, "frqr3hi", 1000)
+?????????????????????? frng.append(rset)
+?????????????? return group???????????? # END get_settings()
+?????? def set_settings(self, settings):
+?????????????? _settings = self._memobj.setstuf
+?????????????? _mem = self._memobj
+?????????????? for element in settings:
+?????????????????????? if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
+?????????????????????????????? self.set_settings(element)
+?????????????????????????????? continue
+?????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????? try:
+?????????????????????????????????????? name = element.get_name()
+?????????????????????????????????????? if "." in name:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? bits = name.split(".")
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? obj = self._memobj
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? for bit in bits[:-1]:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? if "/" in bit:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? bit, index = bit.split("/", 1)
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? index = int(index)
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index]
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? obj = getattr(obj, bit)
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? setting = bits[-1]
+?????????????????????????????????????? else:
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? obj = _settings
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? setting = element.get_name()
+?????????????????????????????????????? if element.has_apply_callback():
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? LOG.debug("Using apply callback")
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? element.run_apply_callback()
+?????????????????????????????????????? elif element.value.get_mutable():
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting,
+?????????????????????????????????????????????? setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
+?????????????????????????????? except Exception, e:
+?????????????????????????????????????? LOG.debug(element.get_name())
+?????????????????????????????????????? raise
+?????? @classmethod
+?????? def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
+?????????????? match_size = False
+?????????????? match_model = False
+?????????????? # Testing the file data size
+?????????????? if len(filedata) == MEM_SIZE + 10:
+?????????????????????? match_size = True
+?????????????? # Testing the firmware model fingerprint
+?????????????? match_model = model_match(cls, filedata)
+?????????????? if match_size and match_model:
+?????????????????????? return True
+?????????????? else:
+?????????????????????? return False
Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494
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