[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [KT-8900D] Support Radios With Missing TMR Choice

Jim Unroe
Sat Apr 27 17:46:56 PDT 2019

On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 3:13 PM Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com> wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
> # Date 1556390604 14400
> # Node ID 4b0077686e2ec5ba68c283bc61842a60a6be39c9
> # Parent  2ad6dc187df9237a746aad6fc1fe511a5e04c696
> [KT-8900D] Support Radios With Missing TMR Choice
> A bug with the TMR feature was discovered during the initial development of
> this driver. The 15 choices listed in the TMR menu of the radio did not match
> the 15 choices of same setting in the factory programming software. They each
> had a choice available that the other did not have. The bug was reported.
> Soon after that a pre-production BTech model was received from Baofeng Tech
> that expanded the TMR menu to have a complete set of 16 choices. It was
> assumed that the other Vendor/Model variants would receive the same update
> to the TMR menu. This 16 choice layout is what the initial CHIRP driver for
> these radios was then based on. Apparently (all?) non-BTech variants continue
> to ship with the M+A+B+D choice missing from the TMR menu.
> This patch assumes that all non-BTech models have the M+A+B+D choice missing
> from their TMR menu and drops it from the list of choices displayed in CHIRP.
> This 15 choice list matches both the choices listed in the QYT KT-7900D and
> KT-8900D radio's TMR menu and the list of choices shown in the User's Manual
> furnished with these radios.
> #5999


Would you not apply this patch? When I ran the tests I only looked at
FAILED (which was 0) and didn't look at CRASHED (which was 1). I think
I know what I need to do, so if you would ignore/reject this patch, I
will create another to replace it.


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