[chirp_devel] [boblov_x3plus] Add Boblov X3Plus radio Fixes #6073

Robert Jennings
Wed Sep 5 13:18:01 PDT 2018

Attached is the radio image for testing.

Robert Jennings

On 09/05/2018 03:16 PM, Craigslist Reply wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Robert C Jennings <rcj4747 at gmail.com>
> # Date 1535818178 18000
> #      Sat Sep 01 11:09:38 2018 -0500
> # Node ID 0a65ceee60f5ff019c954536d2fb1162428945e0
> # Parent  4873d5437a583c3a1b169808c3d29a53524bc5b2
> [boblov_x3plus] Add Boblov X3Plus radio Fixes #6073
> Add support for this motorcycle/bicycle helmet radio.  It operates in
> the EU PMR446 and FRS/GMRS frequencies for certain, but also appears
> to support 70cm band work (untested).
> diff --git a/chirp/drivers/boblov_x3plus.py b/chirp/drivers/boblov_x3plus.py
> new file mode 100644
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/chirp/drivers/boblov_x3plus.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
> +"""
> +Radio driver for the Boblov X3 Plus Motorcycle Helmet Radio
> +"""
> +# Copyright 2018 Robert C Jennings <rcj4747 at gmail.com>
> +#
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +import logging
> +import struct
> +import time
> +
> +from datetime import datetime
> +from textwrap import dedent
> +
> +from chirp import (
> +    bitwise,
> +    chirp_common,
> +    directory,
> +    errors,
> +    memmap,
> +    util,
> +)
> +from chirp.settings import (
> +    RadioSetting,
> +    RadioSettingGroup,
> +    RadioSettings,
> +    RadioSettingValueBoolean,
> +    RadioSettingValueInteger,
> +    RadioSettingValueList,
> +)
> +
> +LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> +
> +
> + at directory.register
> +class BoblovX3Plus(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio,
> +                   chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
> +    """Boblov X3 Plus motorcycle/cycling helmet radio"""
> +
> +    VENDOR = 'Boblov'
> +    MODEL = 'X3Plus'
> +    BAUD_RATE = 9600
> +    CHANNELS = 16
> +
> +    MEM_FORMAT = """
> +    #seekto 0x0010;
> +    struct {
> +        lbcd rxfreq[4];
> +        lbcd txfreq[4];
> +        lbcd rxtone[2];
> +        lbcd txtone[2];
> +        u8 unknown1:1,
> +           compander:1,
> +           scramble:1,
> +           skip:1,
> +           highpower:1,
> +           narrow:1,
> +           unknown2:1,
> +           bcl:1;
> +        u8 unknown3[3];
> +    } memory[16];
> +    #seekto 0x03C0;
> +    struct {
> +        u8 unknown1:4,
> +           voiceprompt:2,
> +           batterysaver:1,
> +           beep:1;
> +        u8 squelchlevel;
> +        u8 unknown2;
> +        u8 timeouttimer;
> +        u8 voxlevel;
> +        u8 unknown3;
> +        u8 unknown4;
> +        u8 voxdelay;
> +    } settings;
> +    """
> +
> +    # Radio command data
> +    CMD_ACK = '\x06'
> +    CMD_IDENTIFY = '\x02'
> +    CMD_PROGRAM_EXIT = '\x62'  # 'b'
> +    CMD_READ = 'R'
> +    CMD_WRITE = 'W'
> +
> +    BLOCK_SIZE = 0x08
> +
> +    VOICE_LIST = ['Off', 'Chinese', 'English']
> +    TIMEOUTTIMER_LIST = ['Off', '30 seconds', '60 seconds', '90 seconds',
> +                         '120 seconds', '150 seconds', '180 seconds',
> +                         '210 seconds', '240 seconds', '270 seconds',
> +                         '300 seconds']
> +    VOXLEVEL_LIST = ['Off', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
> +    VOXDELAY_LIST = ['1 seconds', '2 seconds',
> +                     '3 seconds', '4 seconds', '5 seconds']
> +    X3P_POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel('Low', watts=0.5),
> +                        chirp_common.PowerLevel('High', watts=2.00)]
> +
> +    _memsize = 0x03F0
> +    _ranges = [
> +        (0x0000, 0x03F0),
> +    ]
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def get_prompts(cls):
> +        rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
> +        rp.experimental = _(dedent("""\
> +            The X3Plus driver is currently experimental.
> +
> +            There are no known issues but you should proceed with caution.
> +
> +            Please save an unedited copy of your first successful
> +            download to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file.
> +            """))
> +        return rp
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
> +        """Given contents of a stored file (@filedata), return True if
> +          this radio driver handles the represented model"""
> +
> +        if len(filedata) != cls._memsize:
> +            LOG.debug('Boblov_x3plus: match_model: size mismatch')
> +            return False
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Boblov_x3plus: match_model: size matches')
> +
> +        if 'P310' in filedata[0x03D0:0x03D8]:
> +            LOG.debug('Boblov_x3plus: match_model: radio ID matches')
> +            return True
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Boblov_x3plus: match_model: no radio ID match')
> +        return False
> +
> +    def get_features(self):
> +        """Return a RadioFeatures object for this radio"""
> +
> +        rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
> +        rf.has_settings = True
> +        rf.valid_modes = ['NFM', 'FM']  # 12.5 KHz, 25 kHz.
> +        rf.valid_power_levels = self.X3P_POWER_LEVELS
> +        rf.valid_skips = ['', 'S']
> +        rf.valid_tmodes = ['', 'Tone', 'TSQL', 'DTCS', 'Cross']
> +        rf.valid_duplexes = ['', '-', '+', 'split', 'off']
> +        rf.can_odd_split = True
> +        rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
> +        rf.has_ctone = True
> +        rf.has_cross = True
> +        rf.valid_cross_modes = [
> +            'Tone->Tone',
> +            'DTCS->',
> +            '->DTCS',
> +            'Tone->DTCS',
> +            'DTCS->Tone',
> +            '->Tone',
> +            'DTCS->DTCS']
> +        rf.has_tuning_step = False
> +        rf.has_bank = False
> +        rf.has_name = False
> +        rf.memory_bounds = (1, self.CHANNELS)
> +        rf.valid_bands = [(400000000, 470000000)]
> +        return rf
> +
> +    def process_mmap(self):
> +        """Process a newly-loaded or downloaded memory map"""
> +        self._memobj = bitwise.parse(self.MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
> +
> +    def sync_in(self):
> +        "Initiate a radio-to-PC clone operation"
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Cloning from radio')
> +        status = chirp_common.Status()
> +        status.msg = 'Cloning from radio'
> +        status.cur = 0
> +        status.max = self._memsize
> +        self.status_fn(status)
> +
> +        self._enter_programming_mode()
> +
> +        data = ''
> +        for addr in range(0, self._memsize, self.BLOCK_SIZE):
> +            status.cur = addr + self.BLOCK_SIZE
> +            self.status_fn(status)
> +
> +            block = self._read_block(addr, self.BLOCK_SIZE)
> +            data += block
> +
> +            LOG.debug('Address: %04x', addr)
> +            LOG.debug(util.hexprint(block))
> +
> +        self._exit_programming_mode()
> +
> +        self._mmap = memmap.MemoryMap(data)
> +        self.process_mmap()
> +
> +    def sync_out(self):
> +        "Initiate a PC-to-radio clone operation"
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Upload to radio')
> +        status = chirp_common.Status()
> +        status.msg = 'Uploading to radio'
> +        status.cur = 0
> +        status.max = self._memsize
> +        self.status_fn(status)
> +
> +        self._enter_programming_mode()
> +
> +        for start_addr, end_addr in self._ranges:
> +            for addr in range(start_addr, end_addr, self.BLOCK_SIZE):
> +                status.cur = addr + self.BLOCK_SIZE
> +                self.status_fn(status)
> +
> +                self._write_block(addr, self.BLOCK_SIZE)
> +
> +        self._exit_programming_mode()
> +
> +    def get_raw_memory(self, number):
> +        """Return a raw string describing the memory at @number"""
> +        return repr(self._memobj.memory[number - 1])
> +
> +    @staticmethod
> +    def _decode_tone(val):
> +        val = int(val)
> +        if val == 16665:
> +            return '', None, None
> +        elif val >= 12000:
> +            return 'DTCS', val - 12000, 'R'
> +        elif val >= 8000:
> +            return 'DTCS', val - 8000, 'N'
> +
> +        return 'Tone', val / 10.0, None
> +
> +    @staticmethod
> +    def _encode_tone(memval, mode, value, pol):
> +        if mode == '':
> +            memval[0].set_raw(0xFF)
> +            memval[1].set_raw(0xFF)
> +        elif mode == 'Tone':
> +            memval.set_value(int(value * 10))
> +        elif mode == 'DTCS':
> +            flag = 0x80 if pol == 'N' else 0xC0
> +            memval.set_value(value)
> +            memval[1].set_bits(flag)
> +        else:
> +            raise Exception('Internal error: invalid mode `%s`' % mode)
> +
> +    def get_memory(self, number):
> +        """Return a Memory object for the memory at location @number"""
> +        try:
> +            rmem = self._memobj.memory[number - 1]
> +        except KeyError:
> +            raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation('Unknown channel %s' %
> number)
> +
> +        if number < 1 or number > self.CHANNELS:
> +            raise errors.InvalidMemoryLocation(
> +                'Channel number must be 1 and %s' % self.CHANNELS)
> +
> +        mem = chirp_common.Memory()
> +        mem.number = number
> +        mem.freq = int(rmem.rxfreq) * 10
> +
> +        # A blank (0MHz) or 0xFFFFFFFF frequency is considered empty
> +        if mem.freq == 0 and rmem.rxfreq.get_raw() == '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF':
> +            LOG.debug('empty channel %d', number)
> +            mem.freq = 0
> +            mem.empty = True
> +            return mem
> +
> +        if rmem.txfreq.get_raw() == '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF':
> +            mem.duplex = 'off'
> +            mem.offset = 0
> +        elif int(rmem.rxfreq) == int(rmem.txfreq):
> +            mem.duplex = ''
> +            mem.offset = 0
> +        else:
> +            mem.duplex = '-' if int(rmem.rxfreq) > int(rmem.txfreq)
> else '+'
> +            mem.offset = abs(int(rmem.rxfreq) - int(rmem.txfreq)) * 10
> +
> +        mem.mode = 'NFM' if rmem.narrow else 'FM'
> +        mem.skip = 'S' if rmem.skip else ''
> +        mem.power = self.X3P_POWER_LEVELS[rmem.highpower]
> +
> +        txtone = self._decode_tone(rmem.txtone)
> +        rxtone = self._decode_tone(rmem.rxtone)
> +        chirp_common.split_tone_decode(mem, txtone, rxtone)
> +
> +        mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup('Extra', 'extra')
> +        mem.extra.append(RadioSetting('bcl', 'Busy Channel Lockout',
> +                                      RadioSettingValueBoolean(
> +                                          current=(not rmem.bcl))))
> +        mem.extra.append(RadioSetting('scramble', 'Scramble',
> +                                      RadioSettingValueBoolean(
> +                                          current=(not rmem.scramble))))
> +        mem.extra.append(RadioSetting('compander', 'Compander',
> +                                      RadioSettingValueBoolean(
> +                                          current=(not rmem.compander))))
> +
> +        return mem
> +
> +    def set_memory(self, memory):
> +        """Set the memory object @memory"""
> +        rmem = self._memobj.memory[memory.number - 1]
> +
> +        if memory.empty:
> +            rmem.set_raw('\xFF' * (rmem.size() / 8))
> +            return
> +
> +        rmem.rxfreq = memory.freq / 10
> +
> +        set_txtone = True
> +        if memory.duplex == 'off':
> +            for i in range(0, 4):
> +                rmem.txfreq[i].set_raw('\xFF')
> +                # If recieve only then txtone value should be none
> +                self._encode_tone(rmem.txtone, mode='', value=None,
> pol=None)
> +                set_txtone = False
> +        elif memory.duplex == 'split':
> +            rmem.txfreq = memory.offset / 10
> +        elif memory.duplex == '+':
> +            rmem.txfreq = (memory.freq + memory.offset) / 10
> +        elif memory.duplex == '-':
> +            rmem.txfreq = (memory.freq - memory.offset) / 10
> +        else:
> +            rmem.txfreq = memory.freq / 10
> +
> +        txtone, rxtone = chirp_common.split_tone_encode(memory)
> +        if set_txtone:
> +            self._encode_tone(rmem.txtone, *txtone)
> +        self._encode_tone(rmem.rxtone, *rxtone)
> +
> +        rmem.narrow = 'N' in memory.mode
> +        rmem.skip = memory.skip == 'S'
> +
> +        for setting in memory.extra:
> +            # NOTE: Only three settings right now, all are inverted
> +            setattr(rmem, setting.get_name(), not int(setting.value))
> +
> +    def get_settings(self):
> +        """
> +        Return a RadioSettings list containing one or more
> RadioSettingGroup
> +        or RadioSetting objects.  These represent general settings that can
> +        be adjusted on the radio.
> +        """
> +        cur = self._memobj.settings
> +        basic = RadioSettingGroup('basic', 'Basic Settings')
> +        rs = RadioSetting('squelchlevel', 'Squelch level',
> +                          RadioSettingValueInteger(
> +                              minval=0, maxval=9,
> +                              current=cur.squelchlevel))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +        rs = RadioSetting('timeouttimer', 'Timeout timer',
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                            options=self.TIMEOUTTIMER_LIST,
> +
> current=self.TIMEOUTTIMER_LIST[cur.timeouttimer]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +        rs = RadioSetting('voiceprompt', 'Voice prompt',
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              options=self.VOICE_LIST,
> +                              current=self.VOICE_LIST[cur.voiceprompt]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +        rs = RadioSetting('voxlevel', 'Vox level',
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              options=self.VOXLEVEL_LIST,
> +                              current=self.VOXLEVEL_LIST[cur.voxlevel]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +        rs = RadioSetting('voxdelay', 'VOX delay',
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              options=self.VOXDELAY_LIST,
> +                              current=self.VOXDELAY_LIST[cur.voxdelay]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +        basic.append(RadioSetting('batterysaver', 'Battery saver',
> +                                  RadioSettingValueBoolean(
> +                                      current=cur.batterysaver)))
> +        basic.append(RadioSetting('beep', 'Beep',
> +                                  RadioSettingValueBoolean(
> +                                      current=cur.beep)))
> +        return RadioSettings(basic)
> +
> +    def set_settings(self, settings):
> +        """
> +        Accepts the top-level RadioSettingGroup returned from
> +        get_settings() and adjusts the values in the radio accordingly.
> +        This function expects the entire RadioSettingGroup hierarchy
> +        returned from get_settings().
> +        """
> +        for element in settings:
> +            if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
> +                self.set_settings(element)
> +                continue
> +            else:
> +                try:
> +                    if '.' in element.get_name():
> +                        bits = element.get_name().split('.')
> +                        obj = self._memobj
> +                        for bit in bits[:-1]:
> +                            obj = getattr(obj, bit)
> +                        setting = bits[-1]
> +                    else:
> +                        obj = self._memobj.settings
> +                        setting = element.get_name()
> +
> +                    if element.has_apply_callback():
> +                        LOG.debug('Using apply callback')
> +                        element.run_apply_callback()
> +                    else:
> +                        LOG.debug('Setting %s = %s', setting,
> element.value)
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
> +                except Exception:
> +                    LOG.debug(element.get_name())
> +                    raise
> +
> +    def _write(self, data, timeout=3):
> +        """
> +        Write data to the serial port and consume the echoed response
> +
> +        The radio echos the data it is sent before replying.  Send the
> +        data to the radio, consume the reply, and ensure that the reply
> +        is the same as the data sent.
> +        """
> +
> +        serial = self.pipe
> +        expected = len(data)
> +        resp = b''
> +        start = datetime.now()
> +
> +        # LOG.debug('WRITE(%02d): %s', expected,
> util.hexprint(data).rstrip())
> +        serial.write(data)
> +        while True:
> +            if not expected:
> +                break
> +            rbytes = serial.read(expected)
> +            resp += rbytes
> +            expected -= len(rbytes)
> +            if (datetime.now() - start).seconds > timeout:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Timeout while reading from radio')
> +        if resp != data:
> +            raise errors.RadioError('Echoed response did not match sent
> data')
> +
> +    def _read(self, length, timeout=3):
> +        """Read data from the serial port"""
> +
> +        resp = b''
> +        serial = self.pipe
> +        remaining = length
> +        start = datetime.now()
> +
> +        if not remaining:
> +            return resp
> +
> +        while True:
> +            rbytes = serial.read(remaining)
> +            resp += rbytes
> +            remaining -= len(rbytes)
> +            if not remaining:
> +                break
> +            if (datetime.now() - start).seconds > timeout:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Timeout while reading from radio')
> +            time.sleep(0.1)
> +
> +        # LOG.debug('READ(%02d):  %s', length,
> util.hexprint(resp).rstrip())
> +        return resp
> +
> +    def _read_block(self, block_addr, block_size):
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Reading block %04x...', block_addr)
> +        cmd = struct.pack('>cHb', self.CMD_READ, block_addr,
> +                          block_size)
> +        resp_prefix = self.CMD_WRITE + cmd[1:]
> +
> +        try:
> +            msg = ('Failed to write command to radio for block '
> +                   'read at %04x' % block_addr)
> +            self._write(cmd)
> +
> +            msg = ('Failed to read response from radio for block '
> +                   'read at %04x' % block_addr)
> +            response = self._read(len(cmd) + block_size)
> +
> +            if response[:len(cmd)] != resp_prefix:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Error reading block %04x, '
> +                                        'Command not returned.' %
> (block_addr))
> +
> +            msg = ('Failed to write ACK to radio after block read at '
> +                   '%04x' % block_addr)
> +            self._write(self.CMD_ACK)
> +
> +            msg = ('Failed to read ACK from radio after block read at '
> +                   '%04x' % block_addr)
> +            ack = self._read(1)
> +        except Exception:
> +            LOG.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
> +            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
> +
> +        if ack != self.CMD_ACK:
> +            raise errors.RadioError('No ACK reading block '
> +                                    '%04x.' % (block_addr))
> +
> +        return response[len(cmd):]
> +
> +    def _write_block(self, block_addr, block_size):
> +
> +        cmd = struct.pack('>cHb', self.CMD_WRITE, block_addr, block_size)
> +        data = self.get_mmap()[block_addr:block_addr + 8]
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Writing Data:\n%s%s',
> +                  util.hexprint(cmd), util.hexprint(data))
> +
> +        try:
> +            self._write(cmd + data)
> +            if self._read(1) != self.CMD_ACK:
> +                raise Exception('No ACK')
> +        except Exception:
> +            msg = 'Failed to send block to radio at %04x' % block_addr
> +            LOG.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
> +            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
> +
> +    def _enter_programming_mode(self):
> +
> +        LOG.debug('Entering programming mode')
> +        try:
> +            msg = 'Error communicating with radio entering programming
> mode.'
> +            self._write(self.CMD_PROGRAM_ENTER)
> +            time.sleep(0.5)
> +            ack = self._read(1)
> +
> +            if not ack:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('No response from radio')
> +            elif ack != self.CMD_ACK:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Radio refused to enter '
> +                                        'programming mode')
> +
> +            msg = 'Error communicating with radio during identification'
> +            self._write(self.CMD_IDENTIFY)
> +            ident = self._read(8)
> +
> +            if not ident.startswith('SMP558'):
> +                LOG.debug(util.hexprint(ident))
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Radio returned unknown ID string')
> +
> +            msg = ('Error communicating with radio while querying '
> +                   'model identifier')
> +            self._write(self.CMD_ACK)
> +
> +            msg = 'Error communicating with radio on final handshake'
> +            ack = self._read(1)
> +
> +            if ack != self.CMD_ACK:
> +                raise errors.RadioError('Radio refused to enter
> programming '
> +                                        'mode failed on final handshake.')
> +        except Exception:
> +            LOG.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
> +            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
> +
> +    def _exit_programming_mode(self):
> +        try:
> +            self._write(self.CMD_PROGRAM_EXIT)
> +        except Exception:
> +            msg = 'Radio refused to exit programming mode'
> +            LOG.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
> +            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
> +        LOG.debug('Exited programming mode')
-------------- next part --------------
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