[chirp_devel] FT-450D Test Errors

Rick DeWitt
Sun May 27 11:50:09 PDT 2018

OK, I am having a dilemma..
I have the new Yaesu FT-450D driver working 99.876% perfectly (+/- 10%).
My problem is that it fails run_tests with two very specific issues-
1) The FT-450D uses a secondary 2-bit value to modify the base 'mode' 
for data modes. This causes the Brute Force test to fail the compare_mem 
test, since it doesn't know about that modifier.
2) The FT-450D supports a Memory Group on/off option that changes the 
memory display format from simple 0-500 channels, to 10 50-channel 
groups (Ex: MEM-02-01, for number 51). Since the radio does not store 
this info in any form of bank memory, I have chosen to use the Comment 
field to show the group index when that option is enabled. Therefore 
this causes run_tests Edges and Brute Force tests to fail compare_mem 
when it sets a blank channel name and I overwrite it.

Since the driver works now for all upload and download configurations 
and modes, should I care that it fails these tests?

Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA

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