[chirp_devel] (no subject) KG-UV8E

Derek Chauran
Wed Jan 3 09:30:39 PST 2018

If it's anything like the uv8d, the serial traffic is encrypted. I did a bit of digging and it looks like it uses the windows bcrypt.dll library which is a crypto wrapper. There's also a small discrepancy in the .exe strings of the factory software, an extra string with a value of 123456 which I suspect to be the encryption key.  Just not sure of the algorithm. Good luck!

-------- Original message --------
From: Pavel Milanes via chirp_devel <chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com>
Date: 1/3/18 8:37 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr. via chirp_devel" <chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com>
Subject: Re: [chirp_devel] (no subject) KG-UV8E

Hi HNY to all...

Has any developer make some work on this?

I'm taking a peek on the logs to evaluate if I can make it.

I ask the above question to not step on other developer started work...

73 Pavel CO7WT.

El 29/12/17 a las 11:10, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. via chirp_devel escribió:
> Hello,
> I wonder if  anyone is interested in working on the Wouxun KG-UV8E?
> It's a wonderful little radio  and it supports 3 bands,  144, 222, 440 MHz.
> There is a small cash award for having it added  to CHIRP and  an
> offer by myself of equipment loan.
> Several of the guys around here use  it for EMCOM and would like it
> supported - CHIRP makes everything easier.
> New Model #3943: WOUXUN KG-UV8E
> Chris Reed did some work on this.
> 73
> David N1EA
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73 CO7WT, Pavel.

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