[chirp_devel] Patch to address improper treatment of unknown fields for Alinco DJ-G7 (#5275)
Mathias Weyland
Sun Feb 18 16:03:56 PST 2018
After quite a bit of debugging I think we nailed it. At the time I was
adding support for the DJ-G7 radio, I was not aware of a flag that was
used to hide memory channels in the main band. The main band only
supports a subset of modes and frequencies on this radio. My original
code used this flag improperly, such that a channel was never hidden
from the main band regardless of its settings. This does not do any harm
to the radio, but such a memory channel is useless in the main band due
to hardware constraints.
More importantly, the original programming software by Alinco crashes
when operating on a memory map pulled from a radio programmed with chirp
if the flag is not used correctly. After some discussions with and
advice from Emiel, I have completed a patch that adds proper support for
this flag. The patch is attached. See #5275 for a more in-depth
discussion of the issue.
Thank you and best regards
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