[chirp_devel] [PATCH] Fix app launching on OS X #4479

Tim Smith
Thu Feb 9 10:06:15 PST 2017

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Dan Smith via chirp_devel
<chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:
>> I tried it last night and couldn't immediately make it work; if I
>> understand correctly (and I may not), launchd has its own accounting
>> of process names that setproctitle doesn't touch, so ps vs Activity
>> Monitor/the menu bar will report different things after using
>> setproctitle.
> Hmm, but launchd is clearly noticing the exec and picking up the switch
> from sh to python, right? What if we setproctitle and then exec(self) in
> python?

Someone on the Python list points out that the Python framework binary
is a member of its own app bundle with its own plists...

Sure enough, tweaking CFBundleName in
shows that it's controlling the name in the menu bar.

Maybe the symlink has the effect of keeping the framework from finding
the Python app plist so that it falls back to argv[0]?

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