[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [RT26] Retevis RT-26 UHF Radio

Jim Unroe
Sun Dec 3 11:09:05 PST 2017

Here's the test image. It was also attached to issue #5413.


On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com> wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
> # Date 1512327210 18000
> # Node ID ab3a54530478e0185bb0544359b819444c7377fd
> # Parent  f46de87ab42813b7360f03eea8350a852e766a73
> [RT26] Retevis RT-26 UHF Radio
> This patch adds memory and settings support for the Retevis  RT-26.
> #5413
> diff -r f46de87ab428 -r ab3a54530478 chirp/drivers/retevis_rt26.py
> --- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
> +++ b/chirp/drivers/retevis_rt26.py     Sun Dec 03 13:53:30 2017 -0500
> @@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
> +# Copyright 2017 Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
> +#
> +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +import time
> +import struct
> +import logging
> +import re
> +
> +from chirp import chirp_common, directory, memmap
> +from chirp import bitwise, errors, util
> +from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
> +    RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueList, \
> +    RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueString, \
> +    InvalidValueError, RadioSettings
> +
> +LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> +
> +MEM_FORMAT = """
> +#seekto 0x0010;
> +struct {
> +  lbcd rxfreq[4];
> +  lbcd txfreq[4];
> +  lbcd rxtone[2];
> +  lbcd txtone[2];
> +  u8 unknown1:1,
> +     pttid:2,       // PTT ID
> +     skip:1,        // Scan Add
> +     wide:1,        // Bandwidth
> +     bcl:1,         // Busy Lock
> +     epilogue:1,    // Epilogue (STE)
> +     highpower:1;   // Power Level
> +  u8 unknown2[3];
> +} memory[16];
> +
> +#seekto 0x0120;
> +struct {
> +  u8 hivoltnotx:1,  // TX Inhibit when voltage too high
> +     lovoltnotx:1,  // TX Inhibit when voltage too low
> +     unknown1:1,
> +     fmradio:1,     // Broadcast FM Radio
> +     unknown2:1,
> +     tone:1,        // Tone
> +     voice:2;       // Voice
> +  u8 unknown3:1,
> +     save:3,        // Battery Save
> +     squelch:4;     // Squelch
> +  u8 tot;           // Time Out Timer
> +  u8 voxi:1,        // VOX Inhibit on Receive
> +     voxd:2,        // VOX Delay
> +     vox:1,         // VOX
> +     voxg:4;        // VOX Gain
> +  u8 unknown4;
> +  u8 unknown5:4,
> +     scanspeed:4;   // Scan Speed
> +  u8 unknown6:3,
> +     scandelay:5;   // Scan Delay
> +  u8 k1longp:4,     // Key 1 Long Press
> +     k1shortp:4;    // Key 1 Short Press
> +  u8 k2longp:4,     // Key 2 Long Press
> +     k2shortp:4;    // Key 2 Short Press
> +  u8 unknown7:4,
> +     ssave:4;       // Super Battery Save
> +} settings;
> +
> +#seekto 0x0140;
> +struct {
> +  u8 unknown1:4,
> +     dtmfspd:4;     // DTMF Speed
> +  u8 digdelay:4,    // 1st Digit Delay
> +     digtime:4;     // 1st Digit Time
> +  u8 stuntype:1,    // Stun Type
> +     sidetone:1,    // DTMF Sidetone
> +     starhash:2,    // * and # Time
> +     decodetone:1,  // Decode Tone
> +     txdecode:1,    // TX Decode
> +     unknown2:2;
> +  u8 unknown3;
> +  u8 unknown4:4,
> +     groupcode:4;   // Group Code
> +  u8 unknown5:1,
> +     resettone:1,   // Reset Tone
> +     resettime:6;   // Reset Time
> +  u8 codespace:4,   // Code Space Time
> +     decodeto:4;    // Decode Tome Out
> +  u8 unknown6;
> +  u8 idcode[3];     // ID Code
> +  u8 unknown7[2];
> +  u8 code1_len;     // PTT ID length(begging of TX)
> +  u8 code2_len;     // PTT ID length(end of TX)
> +  u8 unknown8;
> +  u8 code3_len;     // Stun Code length
> +  u8 code3[5];      // Stun Code
> +  u8 unknown9[10];
> +  u8 code1[8];      // PTT ID(beggining of TX)
> +  u8 code2[8];      // PTT ID(end of TX)
> +} dtmf;
> +
> +#seekto 0x0170;
> +struct {
> +  char fp[8];
> +} fingerprint;
> +"""
> +
> +CMD_ACK = "\x06"
> +
> +NUMERIC_CHARSET = list("0123456789")
> +
> +RT26_POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low",  watts=5.00),
> +                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=10.00)]
> +
> +RT26_DTCS = sorted(chirp_common.DTCS_CODES + [645])
> +
> +LIST_PTTID = ["Off", "BOT", "EOT", "Both"]
> +LIST_SHORT_PRESS = ["Off", "Monitor On/Off", "", "Scan", "Alarm",
> +                    "Power High/Low"]
> +LIST_LONG_PRESS = ["Off", "Monitor On/Off", "Monitor(momentary)",
> +                   "Scan", "Alarm", "Power High/Low"]
> +LIST_VOXDELAY = ["0.5", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]
> +LIST_VOICE = ["Off", "English", "Chinese"]
> +LIST_TIMEOUTTIMER = ["Off"] + ["%s" % x for x in range(15, 615, 15)]
> +LIST_SAVE = ["Off", "1:1", "1:2", "1:3", "1:4"]
> +LIST_SSAVE = ["Off"] + ["%s" % x for x in range(1, 10)]
> +LIST_SCANSPEED = ["%s" % x for x in range(100, 550, 50)]
> +LIST_SCANDELAY = ["%s" % x for x in range(3, 31)]
> +LIST_DIGTIME = ["%s" % x for x in range(0, 1100, 100)]
> +LIST_DIGDELAY = ["%s" % x for x in range(100, 1100, 100)]
> +LIST_STARHASH = ["100", "500", "1000", "0"]
> +LIST_CODESPACE = ["None"] + ["%s" % x for x in range(600, 2100, 100)]
> +LIST_GROUPCODE = ["Off", "A", "B", "C", "D", "#", "*"]
> +LIST_RESETTIME = ["Off"] + ["%s" % x for x in range(1, 61)]
> +LIST_DECODETO = ["%s" % x for x in range(500, 1000, 50)] + \
> +                ["%s" % x for x in range(1000, 1600, 100)]
> +LIST_STUNTYPE = ["TX/RX Inhibit", "TX Inhibit"]
> +
> +    "k1shortp": LIST_SHORT_PRESS,
> +    "k1longp": LIST_LONG_PRESS,
> +    "k2shortp": LIST_SHORT_PRESS,
> +    "k2longp": LIST_LONG_PRESS,
> +    "voxd": LIST_VOXDELAY,
> +    "voice": LIST_VOICE,
> +    "tot": LIST_TIMEOUTTIMER,
> +    "save": LIST_SAVE,
> +    "ssave": LIST_SSAVE,
> +    "scanspeed": LIST_SCANSPEED,
> +    "scandelay": LIST_SCANDELAY,
> +    "digtime": LIST_DIGTIME,
> +    "digdelay": LIST_DIGDELAY,
> +    "starhash" : LIST_STARHASH,
> +    "codespace" : LIST_CODESPACE,
> +    "groupcode" : LIST_GROUPCODE,
> +    "resettime" : LIST_RESETTIME,
> +    "decodeto" : LIST_DECODETO,
> +    "stuntype" : LIST_STUNTYPE,
> +    }
> +
> +# Retevis RT26 fingerprints
> +RT26_UHF_fp = "PDK80" + "\xF3\x00\x00"   # RT26 UHF model
> +
> +MODELS = [RT26_UHF_fp,]
> +
> +
> +def _model_from_data(data):
> +    return data[0x0170:0x0178]
> +
> +
> +def _model_from_image(radio):
> +    return _model_from_data(radio.get_mmap())
> +
> +
> +def _get_radio_model(radio):
> +    block = _rt26_read_block(radio, 0x0170, 0x10)
> +    version = block[0:8]
> +    return version
> +
> +
> +def _rt26_enter_programming_mode(radio):
> +    serial = radio.pipe
> +
> +    magic = ["PROGRAMa", "PROGRAMb"]
> +    for i in range(0, 2):
> +
> +        try:
> +            LOG.debug("sending " + magic[i])
> +            serial.write(magic[i])
> +            ack = serial.read(1)
> +        except:
> +            _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +            raise errors.RadioError("Error communicating with radio")
> +
> +        if not ack:
> +            _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +            raise errors.RadioError("No response from radio")
> +        elif ack != CMD_ACK:
> +            LOG.debug("Incorrect response, got this:\n\n" + util.hexprint(ack))
> +            _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +            raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to enter programming mode")
> +
> +    try:
> +        LOG.debug("sending " + util.hexprint("\x02"))
> +        serial.write("\x02")
> +        ident = serial.read(16)
> +    except:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Error communicating with radio")
> +
> +    if not ident.startswith("PDK80"):
> +        LOG.debug("Incorrect response, got this:\n\n" + util.hexprint(ident))
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        LOG.debug(util.hexprint(ident))
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Radio returned unknown identification string")
> +
> +    try:
> +        LOG.debug("sending " + util.hexprint("MDK8ECUMHS1X7BN/"))
> +        serial.write("MXT8KCUMHS1X7BN/")
> +        ack = serial.read(1)
> +    except:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Error communicating with radio")
> +
> +    if ack != "\xB2":
> +        LOG.debug("Incorrect response, got this:\n\n" + util.hexprint(ack))
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to enter programming mode")
> +
> +    try:
> +        LOG.debug("sending " + util.hexprint(CMD_ACK))
> +        serial.write(CMD_ACK)
> +        ack = serial.read(1)
> +    except:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Error communicating with radio")
> +
> +    if ack != CMD_ACK:
> +        LOG.debug("Incorrect response, got this:\n\n" + util.hexprint(ack))
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to enter programming mode")
> +
> +    # DEBUG
> +    LOG.info("Positive ident, this is a %s %s" % (radio.VENDOR, radio.MODEL))
> +
> +
> +def _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio):
> +    serial = radio.pipe
> +    try:
> +        serial.write("E")
> +    except:
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Radio refused to exit programming mode")
> +
> +
> +def _rt26_read_block(radio, block_addr, block_size):
> +    serial = radio.pipe
> +
> +    cmd = struct.pack(">cHb", 'R', block_addr, block_size)
> +    expectedresponse = "W" + cmd[1:]
> +    LOG.debug("Reading block %04x..." % (block_addr))
> +
> +    try:
> +        serial.write(cmd)
> +
> +        response = serial.read(4 + block_size)
> +        if response[:4] != expectedresponse:
> +            _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +            raise Exception("Error reading block %04x." % (block_addr))
> +
> +        block_data = response[4:]
> +
> +        serial.write(CMD_ACK)
> +        ack = serial.read(1)
> +    except:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Failed to read block at %04x" % block_addr)
> +
> +    if ack != CMD_ACK:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise Exception("No ACK reading block %04x." % (block_addr))
> +
> +    return block_data
> +
> +
> +def _rt26_write_block(radio, block_addr, block_size):
> +    serial = radio.pipe
> +
> +    cmd = struct.pack(">cHb", 'W', block_addr, block_size)
> +    data = radio.get_mmap()[block_addr:block_addr + block_size]
> +
> +    LOG.debug("Writing Data:")
> +    LOG.debug(util.hexprint(cmd + data))
> +
> +    try:
> +        serial.write(cmd + data)
> +        if serial.read(1) != CMD_ACK:
> +            raise Exception("No ACK")
> +    except:
> +        _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +        raise errors.RadioError("Failed to send block "
> +                                "to radio at %04x" % block_addr)
> +
> +
> +def do_download(radio):
> +    LOG.debug("download")
> +    _rt26_enter_programming_mode(radio)
> +
> +    data = ""
> +
> +    status = chirp_common.Status()
> +    status.msg = "Cloning from radio"
> +
> +    status.cur = 0
> +    status.max = radio._memsize
> +
> +    for addr in range(0, radio._memsize, radio._block_size):
> +        status.cur = addr + radio._block_size
> +        radio.status_fn(status)
> +
> +        block = _rt26_read_block(radio, addr, radio._block_size)
> +        data += block
> +
> +        LOG.debug("Address: %04x" % addr)
> +        LOG.debug(util.hexprint(block))
> +
> +    _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +
> +    return memmap.MemoryMap(data)
> +
> +
> +def do_upload(radio):
> +    status = chirp_common.Status()
> +    status.msg = "Uploading to radio"
> +
> +    _rt26_enter_programming_mode(radio)
> +
> +    status.cur = 0
> +    status.max = 0x0190
> +
> +    for start_addr, end_addr, block_size in radio._ranges:
> +        for addr in range(start_addr, end_addr, block_size):
> +            status.cur = addr + block_size
> +            radio.status_fn(status)
> +            _rt26_write_block(radio, addr, block_size)
> +
> +    _rt26_exit_programming_mode(radio)
> +
> +
> +def model_match(cls, data):
> +    """Match the opened/downloaded image to the correct version"""
> +    rid = data[0x0170:0x0176]
> +
> +    return rid.startswith("PDK80")
> +
> +
> + at directory.register
> +class RT26Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio):
> +    """Retevis RT26"""
> +    VENDOR = "Retevis"
> +    MODEL = "RT26"
> +    BAUD_RATE = 4800
> +
> +    _ranges = [
> +               (0x0000, 0x0190, 0x10),
> +              ]
> +    _memsize = 0x0400
> +    _block_size = 0x10
> +
> +    def get_features(self):
> +        rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
> +        rf.has_settings = True
> +        rf.has_bank = False
> +        rf.has_ctone = True
> +        rf.has_cross = True
> +        rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
> +        rf.has_tuning_step = False
> +        rf.can_odd_split = True
> +        rf.has_name = False
> +        rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
> +        rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"]
> +        rf.valid_cross_modes = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS", "DTCS->Tone",
> +                                "->Tone", "->DTCS", "DTCS->", "DTCS->DTCS"]
> +        rf.valid_power_levels = RT26_POWER_LEVELS
> +        rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "split", "off"]
> +        rf.valid_modes = ["NFM", "FM"]  # 12.5 KHz, 25 kHz.
> +        rf.memory_bounds = (1, 16)
> +        rf.valid_bands = [(400000000, 520000000)]
> +
> +        return rf
> +
> +    def process_mmap(self):
> +        self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
> +
> +    def sync_in(self):
> +        self._mmap = do_download(self)
> +        self.process_mmap()
> +
> +    def sync_out(self):
> +        do_upload(self)
> +
> +    def get_raw_memory(self, number):
> +        return repr(self._memobj.memory[number - 1])
> +
> +    def decode_tone(self, val):
> +        """Parse the tone data to decode from mem, it returns:
> +        Mode (''|DTCS|Tone), Value (None|###), Polarity (None,N,R)"""
> +        if val.get_raw() == "\xFF\xFF":
> +            return '', None, None
> +
> +        val = int(val)
> +        if val >= 12000:
> +            a = val - 12000
> +            return 'DTCS', a, 'R'
> +        elif val >= 8000:
> +            a = val - 8000
> +            return 'DTCS', a, 'N'
> +        else:
> +            a = val / 10.0
> +            return 'Tone', a, None
> +
> +    def encode_tone(self, memval, mode, value, pol):
> +        """Parse the tone data to encode from UI to mem"""
> +        if mode == '':
> +            memval[0].set_raw(0xFF)
> +            memval[1].set_raw(0xFF)
> +        elif mode == 'Tone':
> +            memval.set_value(int(value * 10))
> +        elif mode == 'DTCS':
> +            flag = 0x80 if pol == 'N' else 0xC0
> +            memval.set_value(value)
> +            memval[1].set_bits(flag)
> +        else:
> +            raise Exception("Internal error: invalid mode `%s'" % mode)
> +
> +    def _my_band(self):
> +        model_tag = _model_from_image(self)
> +        return model_tag
> +
> +    def get_memory(self, number):
> +        _mem = self._memobj.memory[number - 1]
> +
> +        mem = chirp_common.Memory()
> +
> +        mem.number = number
> +        mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
> +
> +        # We'll consider any blank (i.e. 0MHz frequency) to be empty
> +        if mem.freq == 0:
> +            mem.empty = True
> +            return mem
> +
> +        if _mem.rxfreq.get_raw() == "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF":
> +            mem.freq = 0
> +            mem.empty = True
> +            return mem
> +
> +        if int(_mem.rxfreq) == int(_mem.txfreq):
> +            mem.duplex = ""
> +            mem.offset = 0
> +        else:
> +            mem.duplex = int(_mem.rxfreq) > int(_mem.txfreq) and "-" or "+"
> +            mem.offset = abs(int(_mem.rxfreq) - int(_mem.txfreq)) * 10
> +
> +        mem.mode = _mem.wide and "FM" or "NFM"
> +
> +        rxtone = txtone = None
> +        txtone = self.decode_tone(_mem.txtone)
> +        rxtone = self.decode_tone(_mem.rxtone)
> +        chirp_common.split_tone_decode(mem, txtone, rxtone)
> +
> +        mem.power = RT26_POWER_LEVELS[_mem.highpower]
> +
> +        if _mem.skip:
> +            mem.skip = "S"
> +
> +        mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra")
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("bcl", "BCL",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(not _mem.bcl))
> +        mem.extra.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("epilogue", "Epilogue(STE)",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.epilogue))
> +        mem.extra.append(rs)
> +
> +        val = 3 - _mem.pttid
> +        rs = RadioSetting("pttid", "PTT ID",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_PTTID, LIST_PTTID[val]))
> +        mem.extra.append(rs)
> +
> +        return mem
> +
> +    def set_memory(self, mem):
> +        _mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number - 1]
> +
> +        if mem.empty:
> +            _mem.set_raw("\xFF" * (_mem.size() / 8))
> +            return
> +
> +        _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
> +
> +        if mem.duplex == "off":
> +            for i in range(0, 4):
> +                _mem.txfreq[i].set_raw("\xFF")
> +        elif mem.duplex == "split":
> +            _mem.txfreq = mem.offset / 10
> +        elif mem.duplex == "+":
> +            _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
> +        elif mem.duplex == "-":
> +            _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
> +        else:
> +            _mem.txfreq = mem.freq / 10
> +
> +        _mem.wide = mem.mode == "FM"
> +
> +        ((txmode, txtone, txpol), (rxmode, rxtone, rxpol)) = \
> +            chirp_common.split_tone_encode(mem)
> +        self.encode_tone(_mem.txtone, txmode, txtone, txpol)
> +        self.encode_tone(_mem.rxtone, rxmode, rxtone, rxpol)
> +
> +        _mem.highpower = mem.power == RT26_POWER_LEVELS[1]
> +
> +        _mem.skip = mem.skip == "S"
> +
> +        for setting in mem.extra:
> +            if setting.get_name() == "bcl":
> +                setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), not int(setting.value))
> +            elif setting.get_name() == "pttid":
> +                setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), 3 - int(setting.value))
> +            else:
> +                setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), int(setting.value))
> +
> +    def _bbcd2dtmf(self, bcdarr, strlen=16):
> +        # doing bbcd, but with support for ABCD*#
> +        LOG.debug(bcdarr.get_value())
> +        string = ''.join("%02X" % b for b in bcdarr)
> +        LOG.debug("@_bbcd2dtmf, received: %s" % string)
> +        string = string.replace('E', '#').replace('F', '*')
> +        if strlen <= 16:
> +            string = string[:strlen]
> +        return string
> +
> +    def _dtmf2bbcd(self, value, strlen):
> +        dtmfstr = value.get_value()
> +        dtmfstr = dtmfstr.replace('#', 'E').replace('*', 'F')
> +        dtmfstr = str.ljust(dtmfstr.strip(), strlen, "F")
> +        bcdarr = list(bytearray.fromhex(dtmfstr))
> +        LOG.debug("@_dtmf2bbcd, sending: %s" % bcdarr)
> +        return bcdarr
> +
> +    def _bbcd2num(self, bcdarr, strlen=6):
> +        # doing bbcd
> +        LOG.debug(bcdarr.get_value())
> +        string = ''.join("%02X" % b for b in bcdarr)
> +        LOG.debug("@_bbcd2num, received: %s" % string)
> +        if strlen <= 6:
> +            string = string[:strlen]
> +        return string
> +
> +    def _num2bbcd(self, value):
> +        numstr = value.get_value()
> +        numstr = str.ljust(numstr.strip(), 6, "F")
> +        bcdarr = list(bytearray.fromhex(numstr))
> +        LOG.debug("@_num2bbcd, sending: %s" % bcdarr)
> +        return bcdarr
> +
> +    def get_settings(self):
> +        _settings = self._memobj.settings
> +        _mem = self._memobj
> +        basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
> +        dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF Settings")
> +        top = RadioSettings(basic, dtmf)
> +
> +        if _settings.k1shortp > 5:
> +            val = 4
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.k1shortp
> +        rs = RadioSetting("k1shortp", "Key 1 Short Press",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_SHORT_PRESS,
> +                              LIST_SHORT_PRESS[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.k1longp > 5:
> +            val = 5
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.k1longp
> +        rs = RadioSetting("k1longp", "Key 1 Long Press",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_LONG_PRESS,
> +                              LIST_LONG_PRESS[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.k2shortp > 5:
> +            val = 1
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.k2shortp
> +        rs = RadioSetting("k2shortp", "Key 2 Short Press",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_SHORT_PRESS,
> +                              LIST_SHORT_PRESS[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.k2longp > 5:
> +            val = 3
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.k2longp
> +        rs = RadioSetting("k2longp", "Key 2 Long Press",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_LONG_PRESS,
> +                              LIST_LONG_PRESS[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("vox", "VOX",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(not _settings.vox))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.voxg > 8:
> +            val = 4
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.voxg + 1
> +        rs = RadioSetting("voxg", "VOX Gain",
> +                          RadioSettingValueInteger(1, 9, val))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("voxd", "VOX Delay Time",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_VOXDELAY,
> +                              LIST_VOXDELAY[_settings.voxd]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("voxi", "VOX Inhibit on Receive",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.voxi))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.squelch > 9:
> +            val = 5
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.squelch
> +        rs = RadioSetting("squelch", "Squelch Level",
> +                          RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, val))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.voice == 3:
> +            val = 1
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.voice
> +        rs = RadioSetting("voice", "Voice Prompts",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_VOICE,
> +                              LIST_VOICE[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("tone", "Tone",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.tone))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("lovoltnotx", "TX Inhibit (when battery < 6 volts)",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.lovoltnotx))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("hivoltnotx", "TX Inhibit (when battery > 9 volts)",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.hivoltnotx))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.tot > 0x28:
> +            val = 6
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.tot
> +        rs = RadioSetting("tot", "Time-out Timer[s]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_TIMEOUTTIMER,
> +                              LIST_TIMEOUTTIMER[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.save < 3:
> +            val = 0
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.save - 3
> +        rs = RadioSetting("save", "Battery Saver",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_SAVE,
> +                              LIST_SAVE[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("ssave", "Super Battery Saver[s]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_SSAVE,
> +                              LIST_SSAVE[_settings.ssave]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("fmradio", "Broadcast FM",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.fmradio))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.scanspeed > 8:
> +            val = 4
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.scanspeed
> +        rs = RadioSetting("scanspeed", "Scan Speed[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                          LIST_SCANSPEED,
> +                          LIST_SCANSPEED[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _settings.scandelay > 27:
> +            val = 12
> +        else:
> +            val = _settings.scandelay
> +        rs = RadioSetting("scandelay", "Scan Droupout Delay Time[s]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_SCANDELAY,
> +                              LIST_SCANDELAY[val]))
> +        basic.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _mem.dtmf.dtmfspd > 11:
> +            val = 2
> +        else:
> +            val = _mem.dtmf.dtmfspd + 4
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.dtmfspd", "DTMF Speed[digit/s]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueInteger(4, 15, val))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _mem.dtmf.digtime > 10:
> +            val = 0
> +        else:
> +            val = _mem.dtmf.digtime
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.digtime", "1st Digit Time[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_DIGTIME,
> +                              LIST_DIGTIME[val]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _mem.dtmf.digdelay > 9:
> +            val = 0
> +        else:
> +            val = _mem.dtmf.digdelay
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.digdelay", "1st Digit Delay[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_DIGDELAY,
> +                              LIST_DIGDELAY[val]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.starhash", "* and # Time[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_STARHASH,
> +                              LIST_STARHASH[_mem.dtmf.starhash]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.codespace", "Code Space Time[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_CODESPACE,
> +                              LIST_CODESPACE[_mem.dtmf.codespace]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.sidetone", "DTMF Sidetone",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.sidetone))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        # setup pttid entries
> +        for i in range(0, 2):
> +            objname = "code" + str(i + 1)
> +            names = ["PTT ID(BOT)", "PTT ID(EOT)"]
> +            strname = str(names[i])
> +            dtmfsetting = getattr(_mem.dtmf, objname)
> +            dtmflen = getattr(_mem.dtmf, objname + "_len")
> +            dtmfstr = self._bbcd2dtmf(dtmfsetting, dtmflen)
> +            code = RadioSettingValueString(0, 16, dtmfstr)
> +            code.set_charset(DTMF_CHARSET + list(" "))
> +            rs = RadioSetting("dtmf." + objname, strname, code)
> +            dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        def _filter(name):
> +            filtered = ""
> +            for char in str(name):
> +                if char in NUMERIC_CHARSET:
> +                    filtered += char
> +                else:
> +                    filtered += " "
> +            return filtered
> +
> +        # setup id code entry
> +        codesetting = getattr(_mem.dtmf, "idcode")
> +        codestr = self._bbcd2num(codesetting, 6)
> +        code = RadioSettingValueString(0, 6, _filter(codestr))
> +        code.set_charset(NUMERIC_CHARSET + list(" "))
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.idcode", "ID Code", code)
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _mem.dtmf.groupcode > 6:
> +            val = 0
> +        else:
> +            val = _mem.dtmf.groupcode
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.groupcode", "Group Code",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_GROUPCODE,
> +                              LIST_GROUPCODE[val]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        if _mem.dtmf.resettime > 60:
> +            val = 0
> +        else:
> +            val = _mem.dtmf.resettime
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.resettime", "Auto Reset Time[s]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_RESETTIME,
> +                              LIST_RESETTIME[_mem.dtmf.resettime]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.txdecode", "TX Decode",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.txdecode))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.decodeto", "Decode Time Out[ms]",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_DECODETO,
> +                              LIST_DECODETO[_mem.dtmf.decodeto]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.decodetone", "Decode Tone",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.decodetone))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.resettone", "Reset Tone",
> +                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.resettone))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf.stuntype", "Stun Type",
> +                          RadioSettingValueList(
> +                              LIST_STUNTYPE,
> +                              LIST_STUNTYPE[_mem.dtmf.stuntype]))
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        ## setup stun entry
> +        objname = "code3"
> +        strname = "Stun Code"
> +        dtmfsetting = getattr(_mem.dtmf, objname)
> +        dtmflen = getattr(_mem.dtmf, objname + "_len")
> +        dtmfstr = self._bbcd2dtmf(dtmfsetting, dtmflen)
> +        code = RadioSettingValueString(0, 10, dtmfstr)
> +        code.set_charset(DTMF_CHARSET + list(" "))
> +        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf." + objname, strname, code)
> +        dtmf.append(rs)
> +
> +        return top
> +
> +    def set_settings(self, settings):
> +        _mem = self._memobj
> +        for element in settings:
> +            if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
> +                self.set_settings(element)
> +                continue
> +            else:
> +                try:
> +                    if "." in element.get_name():
> +                        bits = element.get_name().split(".")
> +                        obj = self._memobj
> +                        for bit in bits[:-1]:
> +                            obj = getattr(obj, bit)
> +                        setting = bits[-1]
> +                    else:
> +                        obj = self._memobj.settings
> +                        setting = element.get_name()
> +
> +                    if setting == "vox":
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, not int(element.value))
> +                    elif setting == "voxg":
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, int(element.value) - 1)
> +                    elif setting == "save":
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, int(element.value) + 3)
> +                    elif setting == "dtmfspd":
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, int(element.value) - 4)
> +                    elif re.match('code\d', setting):
> +                        # set dtmf length field and then get bcd dtmf
> +                        if setting == "code3":
> +                            strlen = 10
> +                        else:
> +                            strlen = 16
> +                        codelen = len(str(element.value).strip())
> +                        setattr(_mem.dtmf, setting + "_len", codelen)
> +                        dtmfstr = self._dtmf2bbcd(element.value, strlen)
> +                        setattr(_mem.dtmf, setting, dtmfstr)
> +                    elif setting == "idcode":
> +                        numstr = self._num2bbcd(element.value)
> +                        setattr(_mem.dtmf, setting, numstr)
> +                    elif element.value.get_mutable():
> +                        LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting, element.value))
> +                        setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
> +                except Exception, e:
> +                    LOG.debug(element.get_name())
> +                    raise
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
> +        match_size = False
> +        match_model = False
> +
> +        # testing the file data size
> +        if len(filedata) in [0x0400, ]:
> +            match_size = True
> +
> +        # testing the model fingerprint
> +        match_model = model_match(cls, filedata)
> +
> +        if match_size and match_model:
> +            return True
> +        else:
> +            return False
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