[chirp_devel] Portmon doc for 64bit windows?

Eric Shattow
Thu May 5 17:25:15 PDT 2016

Alternate post-processing script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
ring = ""
while line = $stdin.gets
  if $stdin.eof? or line =~ /^([\w ]+) \(\d+ \w+\)\:/
    if s = ring.match(/^([\w ]+) \(\d+
      label = s[1]
      hex = []
      ascii = []
      body = s[2].split("\n").map {|x| x.split /\s\s+/ }.each {|x,y,z|
hex << y; ascii << z }
      print "%-16s%-64s\t%s\n" % [label, hex.join(" "),
ascii.join("")] unless label =~ /^Frame$/
  ring << line

Example usage:
cat output.txt | ./usb232-postprocess.rb

Example output:
RS232 Send      50 52 4f 47 52 41 4d
RS232 Receive   51 58 06
RS232 Send      02
RS232 Receive   49 33 33 31 38 55 53 45 04 56 31 30 30 e4 00 06
RS232 Send      52 00 40 10
         R. at .
RS232 Receive   57 00 40 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 50 06 W. at .................P.
...visit http://paste.debian.net/681956/ for full example output.

This will unwind the column output for each label to make it simpler
to compare line-by-line. It works with full wireshark text output as
long as the usb232.lua was loaded and "Bytes" text export option

I am using the filtered output with a memory dump where say memory 0
has squelch level 1, memory 1 squelch level 2, memory 2 squelch level
3... to figure out the squelch bits visually.

Any luck trying these methods?


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 9:41 PM, David Ranch <chirp-devel at trinnet.net> wrote:
> Thanks for putting that together Eric.  I'll have to give that a try and see
> if I can start looking at some of these new radios.
> --David

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