[chirp_devel] [PATCH][BTECH] Exception on a continuous stream on serial port, fixes #3015

Dan Smith
Thu Mar 31 09:44:54 PDT 2016

> +                seriale = "Please check your serial port selection, we have "
> +                seriale += "detected a continous stream of data, maybe a GPS "
> +                seriale += "receiver connected on it?"
> +                raise errors.RadioError(seriale)

I think this is too much information and will probably confuse some
people. I think trying to convey to the user what you're talking about
is not something that the average user will really be able to use to
diagnose the problem. I can just see the bug reports now: "CHIRP fails
because it can't find my GPS" or something :)

I think you should just say something about the radio doesn't seem to be
connected to the serial port selected.


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