[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [New Model] Support for the BTECH Mobile Radios, update 1 for #3015

Jim Unroe
Sat Mar 26 17:11:16 PDT 2016

# HG changeset patch
# User Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
# Date 1459036642 14400
# Node ID be962502a6c19e3a09de92ff7bdcded96e2c90a2
# Parent  1dea27fb59f7adefe00398d8e5648120cddc8e12
[New Model] Support for the BTECH Mobile Radios, update 1 for #3015

This patch includes the following changes:

Changes related to developer mailing list discussions
- Less intensive strategy to get big chunks of data instead the former more
  fine grained but resource intensive one
- Removed our software serial timeout in favor of the system serial timeout
- Removed the reference of the second magic for the alpha radio
- Renamed the _do_magic() def
- Restructured the "super nested" code to a less nested one
- Removed the "not needed" time.sleep() before the read of just one ACK, in
  favor of a serial system timeout
- Removed/changed some of the LOG.xxx()
- Removed the exception that goes to the UI about maxtime
- Renamed the base class as BTech (from btech)

Bug fixes
- Fixed the bug found by minuteman1120 about the duplex not working in some
- New "split" algorithm for the duplex bug above
- Fixed a bug with the scode about 0x*F reseted to 0x*0

- Added support for the QYT KT-UV980 Radio

also related to #2673

diff -r 1dea27fb59f7 -r be962502a6c1 chirp/drivers/btech.py
--- a/chirp/drivers/btech.py	Tue Mar 22 18:50:50 2016 -0700
+++ b/chirp/drivers/btech.py	Sat Mar 26 19:57:22 2016 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import time
 import struct
 import logging
+import sys
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -160,6 +161,9 @@
 MINI8900_fp = "M28854"
+# QYT KT UV-890
+KTUV890_fp = "H28854"
 #### MAGICS
 # for the Waccom Mini-8900
 MSTRING_MINI8900 = "\x55\xA5\xB5\x45\x55\x45\x4d\x02"
@@ -169,37 +173,41 @@
 MSTRING = "\x55\x20\x15\x09\x20\x45\x4d\x02"
+def _clean_buffer(radio):
+    """Cleaning the read serial buffer"""
+    radio.pipe.setTimeout(0.1)
+    try:
+        dump = radio.pipe.read(100)
+    except Exception:
+        raise errors.RadioError("Unknown error cleaning the serial buffer")
 def _rawrecv(radio, amount):
-    """Raw read from the radio device, new approach, this time a byte at
-    a time as the original driver, the receive data has to be atomic"""
+    """Raw read from the radio device, less intensive way"""
     data = ""
-        tdiff = 0
-        start = time.time()
-        maxtime = amount * 0.020
-        while len(data) < amount and tdiff < maxtime:
-            d = radio.pipe.read(1)
-            if len(d) == 1:
-                data += d
-            # Delta time
-            tdiff = time.time() - start
-            # DEBUG
-            if debug is True:
-                LOG.debug("time diff %.04f maxtime %.04f, data: %d" %
-                          (tdiff, maxtime, len(data)))
+        # Getting the data with a dynamic timeout in the serial deppending on
+        # the amount of data we need
+        timeout = amount * 0.06
+        radio.pipe.setTimeout(timeout)
+        data = radio.pipe.read(amount)
         # DEBUG
         if debug is True:
             LOG.debug("<== (%d) bytes:\n\n%s" %
                       (len(data), util.hexprint(data)))
+        # fail if no data is received
+        if len(data) == 0:
+            raise errors.RadioError("No data received from radio")
         if len(data) < amount:
-            LOG.error("Short reading %d bytes from the %d requested." %
-                      (len(data), amount))
+            LOG.warn("Short reading %d bytes from the %d requested." %
+                     (len(data), amount))
         raise errors.RadioError("Error reading data from radio")
@@ -212,7 +220,6 @@
         for byte in data:
-            time.sleep(0.003)
         # DEBUG
         if debug is True:
@@ -242,123 +249,102 @@
 def _recv(radio, addr):
-    """Get data from the radio """
+    """Get data from the radio all at once to lower syscalls load"""
+    # Get the full 69 bytes at a time to reduce load
+    #
     # 1 byte ACK +
     # 4 bytes header +
-    # data of length of data (as I see always 0x40 = 64 bytes)
+    # 64 bytes of data (BLOCK_SIZE)
-    # catching ack
-    ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+    # get the whole block
+    block = _rawrecv(radio, BLOCK_SIZE + 5)
-    # checking for a response
-    if len(ack) != 1:
-        msg = "No response in the read of the block #0x%04x" % addr
-        LOG.error(msg)
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+    # basic check
+    if len(block) < (BLOCK_SIZE + 5):
+        raise errors.RadioError("Short read of the block 0x%04x" % addr)
-    # valid data
+    # checking for the ack
+    ack = block[0]
     if ack != ACK_CMD:
-        msg = "Bad ack received from radio in block 0x%04x" % addr
-        LOG.error(msg)
-        LOG.debug("Bad ACK was 0x%02x" % ord(ack))
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+        raise errors.RadioError("Bad ack from radio in block 0x%04x" % addr)
-    # Get the header + basic sanitize
-    hdr = _rawrecv(radio, 4)
-    if len(hdr) != 4:
-        msg = "Short header for block: 0x%04x" % addr
-        LOG.error(msg)
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
-    # receive and validate the header
+    # header validation
+    hdr = block[1:5]
     c, a, l = struct.unpack(">BHB", hdr)
     if a != addr or l != BLOCK_SIZE or c != ord("X"):
-        msg = "Invalid answer for block 0x%04x:" % addr
-        LOG.error(msg)
+        LOG.debug("Invalid header for block 0x%04x" % addr)
         LOG.debug("CMD: %s  ADDR: %04x  SIZE: %02x" % (c, a, l))
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+        raise errors.RadioError("Invalid header for block 0x%04x:" % addr)
     # Get the data
-    data = _rawrecv(radio, l)
-    # basic validation
-    if len(data) != l:
-        msg = "Short block of data in block #0x%04x" % addr
-        LOG.error(msg)
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+    data = block[5:]
     return data
-def _do_magic(radio, status):
-    """Try to put the radio in program mode and get the ident string
-    it will make multiple tries"""
+def _start_clone_mode(radio, status):
+    """Put the radio in clone mode and get the ident string
+    using multiple tries"""
     # how many tries
-    tries = 5
+    tries = 3
     # prep the data to show in the UI
     status.cur = 0
     status.msg = "Identifying the radio..."
-    status.max = len(radio._magic) * tries
+    status.max = tries * len(radio._magic)
     mc = 0
+    radio.pipe.setTimeout(0.6)
+    def send_magic_word(m, magic):
+        """Send the magic word to the radio, catching the answer"""
+        # cleaning the buffer and set timeout
+        _clean_buffer(radio)
+        for a in range(tries):
+            # Update the UI
+            status.cur = m * a + a
+            radio.status_fn(status)
+            # send the magic word
+            _send(radio, magic)
+            # Now you get a x06 of ACK if all goes well
+            ack = radio.pipe.read(1)
+            if ack == "\x06":
+                # DEBUG
+                LOG.info("Magic ACK received")
+                status.msg = "Positive Ident!"
+                status.cur = status.max
+                radio.status_fn(status)
+                return True
+        # if the magic word don't open the gate we must inform it
+        status.cur = status.max
+        radio.status_fn(status)
+        return False
-        # do the magic
+        # try to put the radio in clone mode
         for magic in radio._magic:
-            # we try a few times
-            for a in range(0, tries):
-                # Update the UI
-                status.cur = (mc * tries) + a
-                radio.status_fn(status)
-                # cleaning the serial buffer, try wrapped
-                try:
-                    radio.pipe.flushInput()
-                except:
-                    msg = "Error with a serial rx buffer flush at _do_magic"
-                    LOG.error(msg)
-                    raise errors.RadioError(msg)
-                # send the magic a byte at a time
-                for byte in magic:
-                    ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
-                    _send(radio, byte)
-                # A explicit time delay, with a longer one for the UV-5001
-                if "5001" in radio.MODEL:
-                    time.sleep(0.5)
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
-                # Now you get a x06 of ACK if all goes well
-                ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
-                if ack == "\x06":
-                    # DEBUG
-                    LOG.info("Magic ACK received")
-                    status.msg = "Positive Ident!"
-                    status.cur = status.max
-                    radio.status_fn(status)
-                    return True
+            # send the magic word and check for a valid answer
+            r = send_magic_word(mc, magic)
+            if r is True:
+                return True
             # increment the count of magics to send, this is for the UI status
             mc += 1
-            # wait between tries for different MAGICs to allow the radio to
-            # timeout, this is an experimental fature for the 5001 alpha that
-            # has the same ident as the MINI8900, raise it if it don't work
-            time.sleep(5)
+        # if you get here if that it don't worked
+        return False
     except errors.RadioError:
     except Exception, e:
-        msg = "Unknown error sending Magic to radio:\n%s" % e
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
-    return False
+        raise errors.RadioError("Error sending Magic to radio:\n%s" % e)
 def _do_ident(radio, status):
@@ -366,28 +352,21 @@
     #  set the serial discipline
-    radio.pipe.setTimeout(0.005)
-    # cleaning the serial buffer, try wrapped
-    try:
-        radio.pipe.flushInput()
-    except:
-        msg = "Error with a serial rx buffer flush at _do_ident"
-        LOG.error(msg)
-        raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+    # cleaning the buffers
+    _clean_buffer(radio)
     # do the magic trick
-    if _do_magic(radio, status) is False:
+    if _start_clone_mode(radio, status) is False:
         msg = "Radio did not respond to magic string, check your cable."
-        LOG.error(msg)
         raise errors.RadioError(msg)
     # Ok, get the ident string
     ident = _rawrecv(radio, 49)
     # basic check for the ident
-    if len(ident) != 49:
-        msg = "Radio send a sort ident block, you need to increase maxtime."
-        LOG.error(msg)
+    if len(ident) < 49:
+        msg = "Radio sent a sort ident block, aborting"
         raise errors.RadioError(msg)
     # check if ident is OK
@@ -402,7 +381,9 @@
         msg = "Incorrect model ID, got this:\n\n"
         msg += util.hexprint(ident)
-        raise errors.RadioError("Radio identification failed.")
+        error = "Radio identification failed, this is not the correct model, "
+        error += "or it's a not supported variant yet."
+        raise errors.RadioError()
     # DEBUG
     LOG.info("Positive ident, this is a %s" % radio.MODEL)
@@ -424,11 +405,9 @@
         # we just care about the first 16, our magic string is in there
         if len(id2) < 16:
             msg = "The extra UV-2501+220 ID is short, aborting."
-            # DEBUG
-            LOG.error(msg)
             raise errors.RadioError(msg)
-        # ok, check for it, any of the correct ID must be in the received data
+        # ok, check for it, any of the correct IDs must be in the received data
         itis = False
         for eid in radio._id2:
             if eid in id2:
@@ -442,7 +421,6 @@
         if itis is False:
             msg = "The extra UV-2501+220 ID is wrong, aborting."
             # DEBUG
-            LOG.error(msg)
             LOG.debug("Full extra ID on the 2501+220 is: \n%s" %
             raise errors.RadioError(msg)
@@ -476,16 +454,11 @@
     status.cur = 0
+    # clean serial buffers
+    _clean_buffer(radio)
     data = ""
     for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
-        # flush input, as per the original driver behavior, try wrapped
-        try:
-            radio.pipe.flushInput()
-        except:
-            msg = "Error with a serial rx buffer flush at _download"
-            LOG.error(msg)
-            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
         # sending the read request
         _send(radio, _make_frame("S", addr, BLOCK_SIZE), 0.1)
@@ -525,19 +498,22 @@
     status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
+    # clean buffers
+    _clean_buffer(radio)
+    # set a delay based on the OS
+    if sys.platform in ["win32", "cygwin"]:
+        # we are in windows
+        delay = 0.015
+    else:
+        # we are in linux/mac
+        delay = 0.033
     # the fun start here
     for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, TX_BLOCK_SIZE):
-        # flush input, as per the original driver behavior, try wrapped
-        try:
-            radio.pipe.flushInput()
-        except:
-            msg = "Error with a serial rx buffer flush at _upload"
-            LOG.error(msg)
-            raise errors.RadioError(msg)
         # sending the data
         d = data[addr:addr + TX_BLOCK_SIZE]
-        _send(radio, _make_frame("X", addr, TX_BLOCK_SIZE, d), 0.015)
+        _send(radio, _make_frame("X", addr, TX_BLOCK_SIZE, d), delay)
         # receiving the response
         ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
@@ -580,7 +556,22 @@
     return (ilow, ihigh)
-class btech(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio, chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
+def _split(rf, f1, f2):
+    """Returns False if the two freqs are in the same band (no split)
+    or True otherwise"""
+    # determine if the two freqs are in the same band
+    for low, high in rf.valid_bands:
+        if f1 >= low and f1 <= high and \
+                f2 >= low and f2 <= high:
+            # if the two freqs are on the same Band this is not a split
+            return False
+    # if you get here is because the freq pairs are split
+    return False
+class BTech(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio, chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
     """BTECH's UV-5001 and alike radios"""
     MODEL = ""
@@ -697,7 +688,7 @@
         # setting the correct ranges for each radio type
-        if self.MODEL == "UV-2501+220":
+        if "+220" in self.MODEL:
             # the model 2501+220 has a segment in 220
             # and a different position in the memmap
             ranges = self._memobj.ranges220
@@ -713,7 +704,7 @@
         LOG.info("Radio ranges: UHF %d to %d" % uhf)
         # 220Mhz case
-        if self.MODEL == "UV-2501+220":
+        if "+220" in self.MODEL:
             vhf2 = _decode_ranges(ranges.vhf2_low, ranges.vhf2_high)
             LOG.info("Radio ranges: VHF(220) %d to %d" % vhf2)
             self._220_range = vhf2
@@ -805,7 +796,7 @@
             # TX freq set
             offset = (int(_mem.txfreq) * 10) - mem.freq
             if offset != 0:
-                if offset > 70000000:   # 70 Mhz
+                if _split(self.get_features(), mem.freq, int(_mem.txfreq) * 10):
                     mem.duplex = "split"
                     mem.offset = int(_mem.txfreq) * 10
                 elif offset < 0:
@@ -855,10 +846,12 @@
+        # validating scode
+        scode = _mem.scode if _mem.scode != 15 else 0
         pttidcode = RadioSetting("scode", "PTT ID signal code",
-                                     PTTIDCODE_LIST[_mem.scode]))
+                                     PTTIDCODE_LIST[scode]))
         optsig = RadioSetting("optsig", "Optional signaling",
@@ -963,16 +956,18 @@
             return False
-# Note:
-# the order in the lists in the _magic, IDENT and _fileid is important
-# we put the most common units first, the policy is as follows:
-# - First latest (newer) units, as they will be the most common
-# - Second the former latest version, and recursively...
-# - At the end the pre-production units (pp) as this will be unique
+# ===========================================================================
+# The order in the _magic list, is important if it's not bigger than two.
+# If we found a situation where the count of magics for a single model is
+# more than two we need to make a new radio model definition as "Gen 2 v2"
+# or something like that.
+# This has a time impact on the _start_clone_mode() with 5 secs of pause for
+# each magic to sent, so if this list get bigger than two the user has to wait
+# for at least 15 seconds to the start of the real clone mode.
-class UV2501(btech):
+class UV2501(BTech):
     """Baofeng Tech UV2501"""
     MODEL = "UV-2501"
     _magic = [MSTRING, ]
@@ -980,7 +975,7 @@
-class UV2501_220(btech):
+class UV2501_220(BTech):
     """Baofeng Tech UV2501+220"""
     MODEL = "UV-2501+220"
     _magic = [MSTRING_220, ]
@@ -989,17 +984,28 @@
-class UV5001(btech):
+class UV5001(BTech):
     """Baofeng Tech UV5001"""
     MODEL = "UV-5001"
-    _magic = [MSTRING, MSTRING_MINI8900]
+    _magic = [MSTRING, ]
     _fileid = [UV5001G22_fp, UV5001G2_fp, UV5001alpha_fp, UV5001pp_fp]
-class MINI8900(btech):
+class MINI8900(BTech):
     """WACCOM MINI-8900"""
     MODEL = "MINI-8900"
     _magic = [MSTRING_MINI8900, ]
     _fileid = [MINI8900_fp, ]
+ at directory.register
+class KTUV980(BTech):
+    """QYT KT-UV980"""
+    VENDOR = "QYT"
+    MODEL = "KT-UV980"
+    _vhf_range = (136000000, 175000000)
+    _uhf_range = (400000000, 481000000)
+    _magic = [MSTRING_MINI8900, ]
+    _fileid = [KTUV890_fp, ]

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