[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [BJ9900] Initial support for Baojie BJ-9900

Marco Filippi IZ3GME
Sat Oct 17 06:31:43 PDT 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Marco Filippi <iz3gme.marco at gmail.com>
# Date 1445088646 -7200
#      Sat Oct 17 15:30:46 2015 +0200
# Node ID f058a8b7061f9febb79806190175d46e7d0e3092
# Parent  5c8afedf0ceefd8988eaa7a93c916e44eb3d5f57
[BJ9900] Initial support for Baojie BJ-9900

implement #1185

diff --git a/chirp/drivers/bj9900.py b/chirp/drivers/bj9900.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chirp/drivers/bj9900.py
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Marco Filippi IZ3GME <iz3gme.marco at gmail.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Baojie BJ-9900 management module"""
+from chirp import chirp_common, util, memmap, errors, directory, bitwise
+from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
+    RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueList, \
+    RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueString, \
+    RadioSettings
+import struct
+import time
+import logging
+from textwrap import dedent
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CMD_ACK = 0x06
+ at directory.register
+class BJ9900Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio,
+        chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
+    """Baojie BJ-9900"""
+    VENDOR = "Baojie"
+    MODEL = "BJ-9900"
+    VARIANT = ""
+    BAUD_RATE = 115200
+    DUPLEX = ["", "-", "+", "split"]
+    MODES = ["NFM", "FM"]
+    TMODES = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"]
+    CROSS_MODES = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS", "DTCS->Tone",
+        "->Tone", "->DTCS", "DTCS->", "DTCS->DTCS"]
+    STEPS = [5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 25.0]
+    VALID_BANDS = [(109000000, 136000000), (136000000, 174000000),
+        (400000000, 470000000)]
+    CHARSET = list(chirp_common.CHARSET_ALPHANUMERIC)
+    CHARSET.remove(" ")
+            chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=20.00),
+            chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=40.00)]
+    _memsize = 0x18F1
+    # block are read in same order as original sw eventhough they are not
+    # in physical order
+    _blocks = [
+        (0x400, 0x1BFF, 0x30),
+        (0x300, 0x32F, 0x30),
+        (0x380, 0x3AF, 0x30),
+        (0x200, 0x22F, 0x30),
+        (0x240, 0x26F, 0x30),
+        (0x270, 0x2A0, 0x31),
+        ]
+    MEM_FORMAT = """
+        #seekto 0x%X;
+        struct {
+            u32 rxfreq;
+            u16 is_rxdigtone:1,
+                rxdtcs_pol:1,
+                rxtone:14;
+            u8  rxdtmf:4,
+                spmute:4;
+            u8  unknown1;
+            u32 txfreq;
+            u16 is_txdigtone:1,
+                txdtcs_pol:1,
+                txtone:14;
+            u8  txdtmf:4
+                pttid:4;
+            u8  power:1,
+                wide:1,
+                compandor:1
+                unknown3:5;
+            u8  namelen;
+            u8  name[7];
+        } memory[128];
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def get_prompts(cls):
+        rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+        rp.pre_upload = rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+            1. Turn radio off.
+            2. Remove front head.
+            3. Connect data cable to radio, use the same connector where
+                 head was connected to, <b>not the mic connector</b>.
+            4. Click OK."""))
+        rp.experimental = _(
+         'This is experimental support for BJ-9900 '
+         'which is still under development.\n'
+         'Please ensure you have a good backup with OEM software.\n'
+         'Also please send in bug and enhancement requests!\n'
+         'You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk!')
+        return rp
+    def _read(self, addr, blocksize):
+        # read a single block
+        msg = struct.pack(">4sHH", "READ", addr, blocksize)
+        LOG.debug("sending " + util.hexprint(msg))
+        self.pipe.write(msg)
+        block = self.pipe.read(blocksize)
+        LOG.debug("received " + util.hexprint(block))
+        if len(block) != blocksize:
+            raise Exception("Unable to read block at addr %04X expected"
+                            " %i got %i bytes" %
+                            (addr, blocksize, len(block)))
+        return block
+    def _clone_in(self):
+        start = time.time()
+        data = ""
+        status = chirp_common.Status()
+        status.msg = _("Cloning from radio")
+        status.max = self._memsize
+        for addr_from, addr_to, blocksize in self._blocks:
+            for addr in range(addr_from, addr_to, blocksize):
+                data += self._read(addr, blocksize)
+                status.cur = len(data)
+                self.status_fn(status)
+        LOG.info("Clone completed in %i seconds" % (time.time() - start))
+        return memmap.MemoryMap(data)
+    def _write(self, addr, block):
+        # write a single block
+        msg = struct.pack(">4sHH", "WRIE", addr, len(block)) + block
+        LOG.debug("sending " + util.hexprint(msg))
+        self.pipe.write(msg)
+        data = self.pipe.read(1)
+        LOG.debug("received " + util.hexprint(data))
+        if ord(data) != CMD_ACK:
+            raise errors.RadioError(
+                "Radio refused to accept block 0x%04x" % addr)
+    def _clone_out(self):
+        start = time.time()
+        status = chirp_common.Status()
+        status.msg = _("Cloning to radio")
+        status.max = self._memsize
+        pos = 0
+        for addr_from, addr_to, blocksize in self._blocks:
+            for addr in range(addr_from, addr_to, blocksize):
+                self._write(addr, self._mmap[pos:(pos + blocksize)])
+                pos += blocksize
+                status.cur = pos
+                self.status_fn(status)
+        LOG.info("Clone completed in %i seconds" % (time.time() - start))
+    def sync_in(self):
+        try:
+            self._mmap = self._clone_in()
+        except errors.RadioError:
+            raise
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
+        self.process_mmap()
+    def sync_out(self):
+        try:
+            self._clone_out()
+        except errors.RadioError:
+            raise
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
+    def process_mmap(self):
+        try:
+            self._memobj = bitwise.parse(
+                self.MEM_FORMAT % self._memstart, self._mmap)
+        except AttributeError:
+            # main variant have no _memstart attribute
+            return
+    def get_features(self):
+        rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
+        rf.has_bank = False
+        rf.has_dtcs_polarity = True
+        rf.has_nostep_tuning = False
+        rf.valid_modes = list(self.MODES)
+        rf.valid_tmodes = list(self.TMODES)
+        rf.valid_cross_modes = list(self.CROSS_MODES)
+        rf.valid_duplexes = list(self.DUPLEX)
+        rf.has_tuning_step = False
+        # rf.valid_tuning_steps = list(self.STEPS)
+        rf.valid_bands = self.VALID_BANDS
+        rf.valid_skips = [""]
+        rf.valid_power_levels = self.POWER_LEVELS
+        rf.valid_characters = "".join(self.CHARSET)
+        rf.valid_name_length = 7
+        rf.memory_bounds = (1, 128)
+        rf.can_odd_split = True
+        rf.has_settings = False
+        rf.has_cross = True
+        rf.has_ctone = True
+        rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
+        rf.has_sub_devices = self.VARIANT == ""
+        return rf
+    def get_sub_devices(self):
+        return [BJ9900RadioLeft(self._mmap), BJ9900RadioRight(self._mmap)]
+    def get_raw_memory(self, number):
+        return repr(self._memobj.memory[number - 1])
+    def set_memory(self, mem):
+        _mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number - 1]
+        if mem.empty:
+            _mem.set_raw("\xff" * (_mem.size() / 8))    # clean up
+            _mem.namelen = 0
+            return
+        _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
+        if mem.duplex == "split":
+            _mem.txfreq = mem.offset / 10
+        elif mem.duplex == "+":
+            _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
+        elif mem.duplex == "-":
+            _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
+        else:
+            _mem.txfreq = mem.freq / 10
+        _mem.namelen = len(mem.name)
+        for i in range(_mem.namelen):
+                _mem.name[i] = ord(mem.name[i])
+        rxmode = ""
+        txmode = ""
+        if mem.tmode == "Tone":
+            txmode = "Tone"
+        elif mem.tmode == "TSQL":
+            rxmode = "Tone"
+            txmode = "TSQL"
+        elif mem.tmode == "DTCS":
+            rxmode = "DTCSSQL"
+            txmode = "DTCS"
+        elif mem.tmode == "Cross":
+            txmode, rxmode = mem.cross_mode.split("->", 1)
+        if rxmode == "":
+            _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1
+            _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+            _mem.rxtone = 0x3FFF
+        elif rxmode == "Tone":
+            _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 0
+            _mem.is_rxdigtone = 0
+            _mem.rxtone = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+        elif rxmode == "DTCSSQL":
+            _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[1] == "R" else 0
+            _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+            _mem.rxtone = mem.dtcs
+        elif rxmode == "DTCS":
+            _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[1] == "R" else 0
+            _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+            _mem.rxtone = mem.rx_dtcs
+        if txmode == "":
+            _mem.txdtcs_pol = 1
+            _mem.is_txdigtone = 1
+            _mem.txtone = 0x3FFF
+        elif txmode == "Tone":
+            _mem.txdtcs_pol = 0
+            _mem.is_txdigtone = 0
+            _mem.txtone = int(mem.rtone * 10)
+        elif txmode == "TSQL":
+            _mem.txdtcs_pol = 0
+            _mem.is_txdigtone = 0
+            _mem.txtone = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+        elif txmode == "DTCS":
+            _mem.txdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[0] == "R" else 0
+            _mem.is_txdigtone = 1
+            _mem.txtone = mem.dtcs
+        if (mem.power):
+            _mem.power = self.POWER_LEVELS.index(mem.power)
+        _mem.wide = self.MODES.index(mem.mode)
+        # not supported yet
+        _mem.compandor = 0
+        _mem.pttid = 0
+        _mem.txdtmf = 0
+        _mem.rxdtmf = 0
+        _mem.spmute = 0
+        # set to mimic radio behaviour
+        _mem.unknown3 = 0
+    def get_memory(self, number):
+        _mem = self._memobj.memory[number - 1]
+        mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+        mem.number = number
+        if _mem.get_raw()[0] == "\xff":
+            mem.empty = True
+            return mem
+        mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
+        if int(_mem.rxfreq) == int(_mem.txfreq) or _mem.txfreq == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+            mem.duplex = ""
+            mem.offset = 0
+        elif abs(int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10 - int(_mem.txfreq) * 10) > 70000000:
+            mem.duplex = "split"
+            mem.offset = int(_mem.txfreq) * 10
+        else:
+            mem.duplex = int(_mem.rxfreq) > int(_mem.txfreq) and "-" or "+"
+            mem.offset = abs(int(_mem.rxfreq) - int(_mem.txfreq)) * 10
+        for char in _mem.name[:_mem.namelen]:
+            mem.name += chr(char)
+        dtcs_pol = ["N", "N"]
+        if _mem.rxtone == 0x3FFF:
+            rxmode = ""
+        elif _mem.is_rxdigtone == 0:
+            # ctcss
+            rxmode = "Tone"
+            mem.ctone = int(_mem.rxtone) / 10.0
+        else:
+            # digital
+            rxmode = "DTCS"
+            mem.rx_dtcs = int(_mem.rxtone & 0x3FFF)
+            if _mem.rxdtcs_pol == 1:
+                dtcs_pol[1] = "R"
+        if _mem.txtone == 0x3FFF:
+            txmode = ""
+        elif _mem.is_txdigtone == 0:
+            # ctcss
+            txmode = "Tone"
+            mem.rtone = int(_mem.txtone) / 10.0
+        else:
+            # digital
+            txmode = "DTCS"
+            mem.dtcs = int(_mem.txtone & 0x3FFF)
+            if _mem.txdtcs_pol == 1:
+                dtcs_pol[0] = "R"
+        if txmode == "Tone" and not rxmode:
+            mem.tmode = "Tone"
+        elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "Tone" and mem.rtone == mem.ctone:
+            mem.tmode = "TSQL"
+        elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "DTCS" and mem.dtcs == mem.rx_dtcs:
+            mem.tmode = "DTCS"
+        elif rxmode or txmode:
+            mem.tmode = "Cross"
+            mem.cross_mode = "%s->%s" % (txmode, rxmode)
+        mem.dtcs_polarity = "".join(dtcs_pol)
+        mem.power = self.POWER_LEVELS[_mem.power]
+        mem.mode = self.MODES[_mem.wide]
+        return mem
+    @classmethod
+    def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
+        return len(filedata) == cls._memsize
+class BJ9900RadioLeft(BJ9900Radio):
+    """Baojie BJ-9900 Left VFO subdevice"""
+    VARIANT = "Left"
+    _memstart = 0x0
+class BJ9900RadioRight(BJ9900Radio):
+    """Baojie BJ-9900 Right VFO subdevice"""
+    VARIANT = "Right"
+    _memstart = 0xC00
diff --git a/tests/images/Baojie_BJ-9900.img b/tests/images/Baojie_BJ-9900.img
new file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..905dda31afef6aa14dbada28f45acc56859675d2
GIT binary patch
literal 6385
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