[chirp_devel] Feidaxing FD-268A / FD-268B users wanted for help in new driver

M.Sc. Pavel Milanes Costa
Sun Nov 8 14:39:04 PST 2015

Hi, I'm developing a new driver to manage the Feidaxin FD-268a/b radios...

I own a FD-268A (VHF version) and since the manual/software/appearance 
is the same for both,  the chances that the internal structure are the 
same for the FD-268B (UHF version) are high.

The driver actually works fine for the 268A in the channel area, in "to 
do" state remains:
- Complete the settings part of the UI
- A radio identification issue: Seems like nor the radio or the software 
trust the identification routine, I found three situations where the 
identification is different in the same hardware... (stock config, 
hardware reset, soft programming)
- 268B version support?

I need the following:

- You own a FD-268A / FD-268B feidaxin radio
- You have a working interface to program/read the radio with the 
fdx-288 or whatever software you use
- You have chirp installed and working on you Windows PC (dependency 
stuff, python, pyserial)
- I attached a python script to run (see note below), it reads the radio 
and make a image of it's eeprom (2.0 Kb)
- You send my the images
- I analyze the data and finish the radio support
- I upload a patch to chirp_develop to get review/included on the daily 
builds, then official release.

I need a few images of the two version A/B, A for the identification 
purpose, B for support

NOTE about the script, it's ready to copy to your HDD and double-click 
it, or run it directly over the CMD interface, it's just for windows, 
but any python capable ham can modify it to run on linux with little work.

After clicking the script you will see something like this:

C:\Python27>python.exe fd268a.py

This script will try to find a Feidaxin FD-268 A/B handheld connected to
COM1-COM10 port of this PC, then it will dump it's  eeprom it to a file
in c:\ named 'FD-268_x.img', where the 'x' is the COM port number where
it was found.

You are encouraged to send the img file to co7wt at frcuba.co.cu for
completing the development of the CHIRP driver for this radio.

Thanks, CO7WT, Pavel co7wt at frcuba.co.cu

Last chance to quit (Ctrl-C) in
1 seconds

Serial por COM1 available, traying to reach radio

Attempt 7 didn't work, trying again ...

Radio Found!!!, downloading image to fd-268_1.img

Done, img file ready to send to co7wt at frcuba.co.cu


Done, if it don't worked, check your interface and radio and try again.

It's safe to close this windows or Ctrl-C to end, or wait one minute
until windows closes itself.

Thanks for participate.

If you can help me out, please get your radio img and send it to my by 

73, CO7WT, Pavel in Cuba.
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