[chirp_devel] [PATCH 10/11] Fix pyinit issues for bitwise_grammar.py (#159)

Zachary T Welch
Sun Mar 8 16:54:24 PDT 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Zachary T Welch <zach at mandolincreekfarm.com>
# Fake Node ID df805eb669f786e63cbad9f508ffe0f0d1bfb969

Fix pyinit issues for bitwise_grammar.py (#159)

diff --git a/chirp/bitwise_grammar.py b/chirp/bitwise_grammar.py
index b6eb20c..96a9b0a 100644
--- a/chirp/bitwise_grammar.py
+++ b/chirp/bitwise_grammar.py
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Grammar for parsing CHIRP's memory layout definitions.
 import re
 from chirp.pyPEG import keyword, parse as pypeg_parse
@@ -23,104 +27,130 @@ DIRECTIVES = ["seekto", "seek", "printoffset"]
 def string():
+    """Return a compiled regular expression matching a quoted string."""
     return re.compile(r"\"[^\"]*\"")
 def symbol():
+    """Return a compiled regular expression matching a symbol."""
     return re.compile(r"\w+")
 def count():
+    """Return a compiled regular expression matching a decimal
+    or hexidecimal number."""
     return re.compile(r"([1-9][0-9]*|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")
 def bitdef():
+    """Return a list of expressions matching an individual bit slice"""
     return symbol, ":", count, -1
 def _bitdeflist():
+    """Return a list of expressions matching a bitfield."""
     return bitdef, -1, (",", bitdef)
 def bitfield():
+    """Return a list of expressions matching a bitfield."""
     return -2, _bitdeflist
 def array():
+    """Return a list of expressions matching an array."""
     return symbol, '[', count, ']'
 def _typedef():
+    """Return a compiled regular expression matching a primitive type."""
     return re.compile(r"(%s)" % "|".join(TYPES))
 def definition():
+    """Return a list of expressions matching a field definition."""
     return _typedef, [array, bitfield, symbol], ";"
 def seekto():
+    """Return an expression matching a seekto directive."""
     return keyword("seekto"), count
 def seek():
+    """Return an expression matching a seek directive."""
     return keyword("seek"), count
 def printoffset():
+    """Return an expression matching a printoffset directive."""
     return keyword("printoffset"), string
 def directive():
+    """Return an expression matching a CHIRP directive."""
     return "#", [seekto, seek, printoffset], ";"
 def _block_inner():
+    """Return an expression matching an inner block."""
     return -2, [definition, struct, directive]
 def _block():
+    """Return an expression matching a block."""
     return "{", _block_inner, "}"
 def struct_defn():
+    """Return an expression matching a structure definition."""
     return symbol, _block
 def struct_decl():
+    """Return an expression matching a structure declaration."""
     return [symbol, _block], [array, symbol]
 def struct():
+    """Return an expression matching a structure definition or declaration."""
     return keyword("struct"), [struct_defn, struct_decl], ";"
 def _language():
+    """Return an expression for the entire language."""
     return _block_inner
 def parse(data):
+    """Parse the data using the grammar defined in this file."""
     lines = data.split("\n")
     for index, line in enumerate(lines):
         if '//' in line:
             lines[index] = line[:line.index('//')]
-    class FakeFileInput:
+    class FakeFileInput(object):
         """Simulate line-by-line file reading from @data"""
         line = -1
         def isfirstline(self):
+            """Return True if reading the first line."""
             return self.line == 0
         def filename(self):
+            """Return the filename."""
             return "input"
         def lineno(self):
+            """Return the current line number."""
             return self.line
         def __iter__(self):
+            """Return an interator."""
             return self
         def next(self):
+            """Read the next line."""
             self.line += 1
                 # Note, FileInput objects keep the newlines
diff --git a/tools/cpep8.lintful b/tools/cpep8.lintful
index 68c32b7..caf4dcf 100644
--- a/tools/cpep8.lintful
+++ b/tools/cpep8.lintful
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 # DO NOT ADD NEW FILES!!  Instead, fix the code to be compliant.
 # Over time, this list should shrink and (eventually) be eliminated.

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