[chirp_devel] [PATCH 05/35] Fix style issues in ft90.py (#2355)

Zachary T Welch
Tue Mar 3 17:48:17 PST 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Zachary T Welch <zach at mandolincreekfarm.com>
# Fake Node ID 1999c77a04a35d8bd3df9b26ea7356bb0124b613

Fix style issues in ft90.py (#2355)

diff --git a/chirp/drivers/ft90.py b/chirp/drivers/ft90.py
index dc7b658..3f5e2c6 100644
--- a/chirp/drivers/ft90.py
+++ b/chirp/drivers/ft90.py
@@ -20,7 +20,14 @@ from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
     RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueList, \
     RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueString, \
-import time, os, traceback, string, re, logging
+import time
+import os
+import traceback
+import string
+import re
+import logging
 from textwrap import dedent
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -29,25 +36,27 @@ CMD_ACK = chr(0x06)
 FT90_STEPS = [5.0, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 50.0]
 FT90_MODES = ["AM", "FM", "Auto"]
-FT90_TMODES = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "", "DTCS"] # idx 3 (Bell) not supported yet
+# idx 3 (Bell) not supported yet
+FT90_TMODES = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "", "DTCS"]
 FT90_TONES = list(chirp_common.TONES)
-for tone in [ 165.5, 171.3, 177.3 ]:
+for tone in [165.5, 171.3, 177.3]:
 FT90_POWER_LEVELS_VHF = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Hi", watts=50),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid1", watts=20),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid2", watts=10),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5)]
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid1", watts=20),
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid2", watts=10),
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5)]
 FT90_POWER_LEVELS_UHF = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Hi", watts=35),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid1", watts=20),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid2", watts=10),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5)]
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid1", watts=20),
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Mid2", watts=10),
+                         chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5)]
 FT90_DUPLEX = ["", "-", "+", "split"]
 FT90_CWID_CHARS = list(string.digits) + list(string.uppercase) + list(" ")
 FT90_DTMF_CHARS = list("0123456789ABCD*#")
-FT90_SPECIAL = [ "vfo_vhf", "home_vhf", "vfo_uhf", "home_uhf", \
-        "pms_1L", "pms_1U", "pms_2L", "pms_2U"]
+FT90_SPECIAL = ["vfo_vhf", "home_vhf", "vfo_uhf", "home_uhf",
+                "pms_1L", "pms_1U", "pms_2L", "pms_2U"]
 class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
@@ -57,147 +66,146 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
     _memsize = 4063
     # block 03 (200 Bytes long) repeats 18 times; channel memories
-    _block_lengths = [ 2, 232, 24 ] + ([200] * 18 ) +  [205]
+    _block_lengths = [2, 232, 24] + ([200] * 18) + [205]
     mem_format = """
-    u16 id;
-	#seekto 0x22;	
-	struct {
-		u8	dtmf_active;
-		u8	dtmf1_len;
-		u8	dtmf2_len;
-		u8	dtmf3_len;
-		u8	dtmf4_len;
-		u8	dtmf5_len;
-		u8	dtmf6_len;
-		u8	dtmf7_len;
-		u8	dtmf8_len;
-        u8  dtmf1[8];
-        u8  dtmf2[8];
-        u8  dtmf3[8];
-        u8  dtmf4[8];
-        u8  dtmf5[8];
-        u8  dtmf6[8];
-        u8  dtmf7[8];
-        u8  dtmf8[8];
-		char cwid[7];
-		u8 	unk1;
-        u8  scan1:2,
-			beep:1,
-            unk3:3,
-            rfsqlvl:2;
-        u8  unk4:2,
-            scan2:1,
-            cwid_en:1,
-			txnarrow:1,
-			dtmfspeed:1,
-			pttlock:2;
-		u8	dtmftxdelay:3,
-			fancontrol:2,
-			unk5:3;
-		u8	dimmer:3,
-			unk6:1,
-			lcdcontrast:4;
-        u8  dcsmode:2,
-            unk16:2,
-            tot:4;
-        u8  unk14;
-		u8	unk8:1,
-			ars:1,
-			lock:1,
-			txpwrsave:1,
-			apo:4;
-        u8  unk15;
-        u8  unk9:4,
-            key_lt:4;
-        u8  unk10:4,
-            key_rt:4;
-        u8  unk11:4,
-            key_p1:4;
-        u8  unk12:4,
-            key_p2:4;
-        u8  unk13:4,
-            key_acc:4;
-	} settings;
-    struct mem_struct {
-      u8 mode:2,
-         isUhf1:1,
-         unknown1:2,
-         step:3;
-      u8 artsmode:2,
-         unknown2:1,
-         isUhf2:1
-         power:2,
-         shift:2;
-      u8 skip:1,
-         showname:1,
-         unknown3:1,
-         isUhfHi:1,
-         unknown4:1,
-         tmode:3;
-      u32 rxfreq;
-      u32 txfreqoffset;
-      u8 UseDefaultName:1,
-         ars:1,
-         tone:6;
-      u8 packetmode:1,
-         unknown5:1,
-         dcstone:6;
-      char name[7];
-    };
-	#seekto 0x86;
-    struct mem_struct vfo_vhf;
-    struct mem_struct home_vhf;
-    struct mem_struct vfo_uhf;
-    struct mem_struct home_uhf;
-    #seekto 0xEB;
-    u8 chan_enable[23];    
-    #seekto 0x101;
-    struct {
-        u8  pms_2U_enable:1,
-            pms_2L_enable:1,
-            pms_1U_enable:1,
-            pms_1L_enable:1,
-            unknown6:4;
-    } special_enables;
-	#seekto 0x102;
-    struct mem_struct memory[180];
-	#seekto 0xf12;
-	struct mem_struct pms_1L;
-	struct mem_struct pms_1U;
-	struct mem_struct pms_2L;	
-	struct mem_struct pms_2U;
-	#seekto 0x0F7B;
-	struct  {
-	    char	demomsg1[50];
-	    char	demomsg2[50];
-	} demomsg;
-    """
+u16 id;
+#seekto 0x22;
+struct {
+    u8 dtmf_active;
+    u8 dtmf1_len;
+    u8 dtmf2_len;
+    u8 dtmf3_len;
+    u8 dtmf4_len;
+    u8 dtmf5_len;
+    u8 dtmf6_len;
+    u8 dtmf7_len;
+    u8 dtmf8_len;
+    u8 dtmf1[8];
+    u8 dtmf2[8];
+    u8 dtmf3[8];
+    u8 dtmf4[8];
+    u8 dtmf5[8];
+    u8 dtmf6[8];
+    u8 dtmf7[8];
+    u8 dtmf8[8];
+    char cwid[7];
+    u8 unk1;
+    u8 scan1:2,
+       beep:1,
+       unk3:3,
+       rfsqlvl:2;
+    u8 unk4:2,
+       scan2:1,
+       cwid_en:1,
+       txnarrow:1,
+       dtmfspeed:1,
+       pttlock:2;
+    u8 dtmftxdelay:3,
+       fancontrol:2,
+       unk5:3;
+    u8 dimmer:3,
+       unk6:1,
+       lcdcontrast:4;
+    u8 dcsmode:2,
+       unk16:2,
+       tot:4;
+    u8 unk14;
+    u8 unk8:1,
+       ars:1,
+       lock:1,
+       txpwrsave:1,
+       apo:4;
+    u8 unk15;
+    u8 unk9:4,
+       key_lt:4;
+    u8 unk10:4,
+       key_rt:4;
+    u8 unk11:4,
+       key_p1:4;
+    u8 unk12:4,
+       key_p2:4;
+    u8 unk13:4,
+       key_acc:4;
+} settings;
+struct mem_struct {
+    u8 mode:2,
+       isUhf1:1,
+       unknown1:2,
+       step:3;
+    u8 artsmode:2,
+       unknown2:1,
+       isUhf2:1
+       power:2,
+       shift:2;
+    u8 skip:1,
+       showname:1,
+       unknown3:1,
+       isUhfHi:1,
+       unknown4:1,
+       tmode:3;
+    u32 rxfreq;
+    u32 txfreqoffset;
+    u8 UseDefaultName:1,
+       ars:1,
+       tone:6;
+    u8 packetmode:1,
+       unknown5:1,
+       dcstone:6;
+    char name[7];
+#seekto 0x86;
+struct mem_struct vfo_vhf;
+struct mem_struct home_vhf;
+struct mem_struct vfo_uhf;
+struct mem_struct home_uhf;
+#seekto 0xEB;
+u8 chan_enable[23];
+#seekto 0x101;
+struct {
+    u8 pms_2U_enable:1,
+       pms_2L_enable:1,
+       pms_1U_enable:1,
+       pms_1L_enable:1,
+       unknown6:4;
+} special_enables;
+#seekto 0x102;
+struct mem_struct memory[180];
+#seekto 0xf12;
+struct mem_struct pms_1L;
+struct mem_struct pms_1U;
+struct mem_struct pms_2L;
+struct mem_struct pms_2U;
+#seekto 0x0F7B;
+struct  {
+    char demomsg1[50];
+    char demomsg2[50];
+} demomsg;
     def get_prompts(cls):
         rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
         rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
-            1. Turn radio off.
-            2. Connect mic and hold [ACC] on mic while powering on.
-                ("CLONE" will appear on the display)
-            3. Replace mic with PC programming cable.
-            4. <b>After clicking OK</b>, press the [SET] key to send image."""))
+1. Turn radio off.
+2. Connect mic and hold [ACC] on mic while powering on.
+    ("CLONE" will appear on the display)
+3. Replace mic with PC programming cable.
+4. <b>After clicking OK</b>, press the [SET] key to send image."""))
         rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
-            1. Turn radio off.
-            2. Connect mic and hold [ACC] on mic while powering on.
-                ("CLONE" will appear on the display)
-            3. Replace mic with PC programming cable.
-            4. Press the [DISP/SS] key
-                ("R" will appear on the lower left of LCD)."""))
+1. Turn radio off.
+2. Connect mic and hold [ACC] on mic while powering on.
+    ("CLONE" will appear on the display)
+3. Replace mic with PC programming cable.
+4. Press the [DISP/SS] key
+    ("R" will appear on the lower left of LCD)."""))
         rp.display_pre_upload_prompt_before_opening_port = False
         return rp
@@ -222,38 +230,42 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
         rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
         rf.valid_special_chans = FT90_SPECIAL
         rf.memory_bounds = (1, 180)
-        rf.valid_bands = [(100000000, 230000000), 
-            (300000000, 530000000), (810000000, 999975000)]
+        rf.valid_bands = [(100000000, 230000000),
+                          (300000000, 530000000),
+                          (810000000, 999975000)]
         return rf
     def _read(self, blocksize, blocknum):
         data = self.pipe.read(blocksize+2)
         # chew echo'd ack
-        self.pipe.read(1) # chew echoed ACK from 1-wire serial
-        if len(data) == blocksize+2 and data[0] == chr(blocknum):
+        self.pipe.read(1)  # chew echoed ACK from 1-wire serial
+        if len(data) == blocksize + 2 and data[0] == chr(blocknum):
             checksum = yaesu_clone.YaesuChecksum(1, blocksize)
             if checksum.get_existing(data) != checksum.get_calculated(data):
-                raise Exception("Checksum Failed [%02X<>%02X] block %02X, data len: %i" %
-                                    (checksum.get_existing(data),
-                                    checksum.get_calculated(data), blocknum, len(data) ))
-            data = data[1:blocksize+1] # Chew blocknum and checksum
+                raise Exception("Checksum Failed [%02X<>%02X] block %02X, "
+                                "data len: %i" %
+                                (checksum.get_existing(data),
+                                 checksum.get_calculated(data),
+                                 blocknum, len(data)))
+            data = data[1:blocksize + 1]  # Chew blocknum and checksum
-            raise Exception("Unable to read blocknum %02X expected blocksize %i got %i." %
-                                (blocknum, blocksize+2, len(data)))
+            raise Exception("Unable to read blocknum %02X "
+                            "expected blocksize %i got %i." %
+                            (blocknum, blocksize+2, len(data)))
+        return data
-        return data        
     def _clone_in(self):
         # Be very patient with the radio
         start = time.time()
         data = ""
         blocknum = 0
         status = chirp_common.Status()
@@ -265,16 +277,17 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             blocknum += 1
             status.cur = blocknum
-        print "Clone completed in %i seconds, blocks read: %i" % (time.time() - start, blocknum)
+        print "Clone completed in %i seconds, blocks read: %i" % \
+              (time.time() - start, blocknum)
         return memmap.MemoryMap(data)
     def _clone_out(self):
         looppredelay = 0.4
         looppostdelay = 1.9
         start = time.time()
         blocknum = 0
         pos = 0
         status = chirp_common.Status()
@@ -287,8 +300,8 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             blocknumbyte = chr(blocknum)
             payloadbytes = self.get_mmap()[pos:pos+blocksize]
             checksumbyte = chr(checksum.get_calculated(self.get_mmap()))
-            LOG.debug("Block %i - will send from %i to %i byte " % \
-                (blocknum, pos, pos + blocksize))
+            LOG.debug("Block %i - will send from %i to %i byte " %
+                      (blocknum, pos, pos + blocksize))
@@ -297,11 +310,11 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
-            tmp = self.pipe.read(blocksize+2)  #chew echo
+            tmp = self.pipe.read(blocksize + 2)  # chew echo
             LOG.debug("bytes echoed: ")
             # radio is slow to write/ack:
-            time.sleep(looppostdelay) 
+            time.sleep(looppostdelay)
             buf = self.pipe.read(1)
             LOG.debug("ack recd:")
@@ -311,9 +324,9 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             blocknum += 1
             status.cur = blocknum
         print "Clone completed in %i seconds" % (time.time() - start)
     def sync_in(self):
             self._mmap = self._clone_in()
@@ -321,7 +334,8 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
         except Exception, e:
             trace = traceback.format_exc()
-            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % trace)
+            raise errors.RadioError(
+                    "Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % trace)
     def sync_out(self):
@@ -331,17 +345,18 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
         except Exception, e:
             trace = traceback.format_exc()
-            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % trace)
+            raise errors.RadioError(
+                    "Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % trace)
     def process_mmap(self):
         self._memobj = bitwise.parse(self.mem_format, self._mmap)
     def _get_chan_enable(self, number):
         number = number - 1
         bytepos = number // 8
-        bitpos = number  % 8
+        bitpos = number % 8
         chan_enable = self._memobj.chan_enable[bytepos]
-        if chan_enable & ( 1 << bitpos ):
+        if chan_enable & (1 << bitpos):
             return True
             return False
@@ -349,14 +364,14 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
     def _set_chan_enable(self, number, enable):
         number = number - 1
         bytepos = number // 8
-        bitpos = number  % 8
+        bitpos = number % 8
         chan_enable = self._memobj.chan_enable[bytepos]
         if enable:
-            chan_enable = chan_enable | ( 1 << bitpos )  # enable
+            chan_enable = chan_enable | (1 << bitpos)  # enable
-            chan_enable = chan_enable & ~ ( 1 << bitpos )  # disable            
+            chan_enable = chan_enable & ~(1 << bitpos)  # disable
         self._memobj.chan_enable[bytepos] = chan_enable
     def get_memory(self, number):
         mem = chirp_common.Memory()
         if isinstance(number, str):
@@ -367,7 +382,8 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             if re.match('^pms', mem.extd_number):
                 # enable pms_XY channel flag
                 _special_enables = self._memobj.special_enables
-                mem.empty = not getattr(_special_enables, mem.extd_number + "_enable")
+                mem.empty = not getattr(_special_enables,
+                                        mem.extd_number + "_enable")
             # regular memory
             _mem = self._memobj.memory[number-1]
@@ -375,7 +391,7 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             mem.empty = not self._get_chan_enable(number)
         if mem.empty:
             return mem  # bail out, do not parse junk
-        mem.freq = _mem.rxfreq * 10      
+        mem.freq = _mem.rxfreq * 10
         mem.offset = _mem.txfreqoffset * 10
         if not _mem.tmode < len(FT90_TMODES):
             _mem.tmode = 0
@@ -394,7 +410,8 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             _mem.step = 2
         mem.tuning_step = FT90_STEPS[_mem.step]
         mem.skip = _mem.skip and "S" or ""
-        if not all(char in chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII for char in str(_mem.name)):
+        if not all(char in chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII
+                   for char in str(_mem.name)):
             # dont display blank/junk name
             mem.name = ""
@@ -403,7 +420,7 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
     def get_raw_memory(self, number):
         return repr(self._memobj.memory[number-1])
     def set_memory(self, mem):
         if mem.number < 0:      # special channels
             _mem = getattr(self._memobj, mem.extd_number)
@@ -413,7 +430,7 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
                 setattr(_special_enables, mem.extd_number + "_enable", True)
             _mem = self._memobj.memory[mem.number - 1]
-            self._set_chan_enable( mem.number, not mem.empty )
+            self._set_chan_enable(mem.number, not mem.empty)
         _mem.skip = mem.skip == "S"
         # radio has a known bug with 5khz step and dead squelch
         if not mem.tuning_step or mem.tuning_step == FT90_STEPS[0]:
@@ -422,7 +439,7 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             _mem.step = FT90_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)
         _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
         # vfo will unlock if not in right band?
-        if mem.freq > 300000000: 
+        if mem.freq > 300000000:
             # uhf
             _mem.isUhf1 = 1
             _mem.isUhf2 = 1
@@ -440,7 +457,7 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
         _mem.tone = FT90_TONES.index(mem.rtone)
         _mem.tmode = FT90_TMODES.index(mem.tmode)
         _mem.mode = FT90_MODES.index(mem.mode)
-        _mem.shift = FT90_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)    
+        _mem.shift = FT90_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)
         _mem.dcstone = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(mem.dtcs)
         _mem.step = FT90_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)
         _mem.shift = FT90_DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)
@@ -474,134 +491,153 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             cwid += chr(FT90_CWID_CHARS.index(char))
         return cwid
-    def _bbcd2dtmf(self, bcdarr, strlen = 16):
+    def _bbcd2dtmf(self, bcdarr, strlen=16):
         # doing bbcd, but with support for ABCD*#
         string = ''.join("%02X" % b for b in bcdarr)
         LOG.debug("@_bbcd2dtmf, received: %s" % string)
-        string = string.replace('E','*').replace('F','#')
+        string = string.replace('E', '*').replace('F', '#')
         if strlen <= 16:
             string = string[:strlen]
         return string
     def _dtmf2bbcd(self, dtmf):
         dtmfstr = dtmf.get_value()
         dtmfstr = dtmfstr.replace('*', 'E').replace('#', 'F')
-        dtmfstr = str.ljust(dtmfstr.strip(), 16, "0" )
+        dtmfstr = str.ljust(dtmfstr.strip(), 16, "0")
         bcdarr = list(bytearray.fromhex(dtmfstr))
         LOG.debug("@_dtmf2bbcd, sending: %s" % bcdarr)
         return bcdarr
     def get_settings(self):
         _settings = self._memobj.settings
         basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic")
         autodial = RadioSettingGroup("autodial", "AutoDial")
         keymaps = RadioSettingGroup("keymaps", "KeyMaps")
         top = RadioSettings(basic, keymaps, autodial)
-        rs = RadioSetting("beep", "Beep",
-                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.beep))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "beep", "Beep",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.beep))
-        rs = RadioSetting("lock", "Lock",
-                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.lock))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "lock", "Lock",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.lock))
-        rs = RadioSetting("ars", "Auto Repeater Shift",
-                        RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.ars))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "ars", "Auto Repeater Shift",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.ars))
-        rs = RadioSetting("txpwrsave", "TX Power Save",
-                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.txpwrsave))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "txpwrsave", "TX Power Save",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.txpwrsave))
-        rs = RadioSetting("txnarrow", "TX Narrow",
-                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.txnarrow))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "txnarrow", "TX Narrow",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.txnarrow))
         options = ["Off", "S-3", "S-5", "S-Full"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("rfsqlvl", "RF Squelch Level",
-                          RadioSettingValueList(options,
-                                        options[_settings.rfsqlvl]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "rfsqlvl", "RF Squelch Level",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.rfsqlvl]))
         options = ["Off", "Band A", "Band B", "Both"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("pttlock", "PTT Lock",
-                          RadioSettingValueList(options,
-                                        options[_settings.pttlock]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "pttlock", "PTT Lock",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.pttlock]))
-        rs = RadioSetting("cwid_en", "CWID Enable",
-                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.cwid_en))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "cwid_en", "CWID Enable",
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.cwid_en))
         cwid = RadioSettingValueString(0, 7, self._decode_cwid(_settings.cwid))
         rs = RadioSetting("cwid", "CWID", cwid)
         options = ["OFF"] + map(str, range(1, 12+1))
-        rs = RadioSetting("apo", "APO time (hrs)",
-                          RadioSettingValueList(options,
-                                        options[_settings.apo]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "apo", "APO time (hrs)",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.apo]))
         options = ["Off"] + map(str, range(1, 60+1))
-        rs = RadioSetting("tot", "Time Out Timer (mins)",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.tot]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "tot", "Time Out Timer (mins)",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.tot]))
         options = ["off", "Auto/TX", "Auto", "TX"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("fancontrol", "Fan Control",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.fancontrol]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "fancontrol", "Fan Control",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.fancontrol]))
         keyopts = ["Scan Up", "Scan Down", "Repeater", "Reverse", "Tone Burst",
-                        "Tx Power", "Home Ch", "VFO/MR", "Tone", "Priority"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("key_lt", "Left Key",
-                    RadioSettingValueList(keyopts,keyopts[_settings.key_lt]))
+                   "Tx Power", "Home Ch", "VFO/MR", "Tone", "Priority"]
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "key_lt", "Left Key",
+                RadioSettingValueList(keyopts, keyopts[_settings.key_lt]))
-        rs = RadioSetting("key_rt", "Right Key",
-                    RadioSettingValueList(keyopts,keyopts[_settings.key_rt]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "key_rt", "Right Key",
+                RadioSettingValueList(keyopts, keyopts[_settings.key_rt]))
-        rs = RadioSetting("key_p1", "P1 Key",
-                    RadioSettingValueList(keyopts,keyopts[_settings.key_p1]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "key_p1", "P1 Key",
+                RadioSettingValueList(keyopts, keyopts[_settings.key_p1]))
-        rs = RadioSetting("key_p2", "P2 Key",
-                    RadioSettingValueList(keyopts,keyopts[_settings.key_p2]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "key_p2", "P2 Key",
+                RadioSettingValueList(keyopts, keyopts[_settings.key_p2]))
-        rs = RadioSetting("key_acc", "ACC Key",
-                    RadioSettingValueList(keyopts,keyopts[_settings.key_acc]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "key_acc", "ACC Key",
+                RadioSettingValueList(keyopts, keyopts[_settings.key_acc]))
-        options = map(str, range(0,12+1))
-        rs = RadioSetting("lcdcontrast", "LCD Contrast",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.lcdcontrast]))
+        options = map(str, range(0, 12+1))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "lcdcontrast", "LCD Contrast",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.lcdcontrast]))
         options = ["off", "d4", "d3", "d2", "d1"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("dimmer", "Dimmer",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.dimmer]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "dimmer", "Dimmer",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.dimmer]))
         options = ["TRX Normal", "RX Reverse", "TX Reverse", "TRX Reverse"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("dcsmode", "DCS Mode",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.dcsmode]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "dcsmode", "DCS Mode",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.dcsmode]))
         options = ["50 ms", "100 ms"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("dtmfspeed", "DTMF Speed",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.dtmfspeed]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "dtmfspeed", "DTMF Speed",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.dtmfspeed]))
         options = ["50 ms", "250 ms", "450 ms", "750 ms", "1 sec"]
-        rs = RadioSetting("dtmftxdelay", "DTMF TX Delay",
-                        RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.dtmftxdelay]))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "dtmftxdelay", "DTMF TX Delay",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.dtmftxdelay]))
-        options = map(str,range(1,8+1))
-        rs = RadioSetting("dtmf_active", "DTMF Active",
-                RadioSettingValueList(options,options[_settings.dtmf_active]))
+        options = map(str, range(1, 8 + 1))
+        rs = RadioSetting(
+                "dtmf_active", "DTMF Active",
+                RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.dtmf_active]))
         # setup 8 dtmf autodial entries
-        for i in map(str, range(1,9)):
+        for i in map(str, range(1, 9)):
             objname = "dtmf" + i
             dtmfsetting = getattr(_settings, objname)
             dtmflen = getattr(_settings, objname + "_len")
@@ -610,9 +646,9 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             dtmf.set_charset(FT90_DTMF_CHARS + list(" "))
             rs = RadioSetting(objname, objname.upper(), dtmf)
         return top
     def set_settings(self, uisettings):
         _settings = self._memobj.settings
         for element in uisettings:
@@ -637,4 +673,3 @@ class FT90Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
             except Exception, e:
                 print element.get_name()
diff --git a/tools/cpep8.blacklist b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
index 1582188..12e7260 100644
--- a/tools/cpep8.blacklist
+++ b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # cpep8.blacklist: The list of files that do not meet PEP8 standards.
 # DO NOT ADD NEW FILES!!  Instead, fix the code to be compliant.
 # Over time, this list should shrink and (eventually) be eliminated.

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