[chirp_devel] [PATCH 11/24] Fix style issues in rfinder.py (#2355)

Zach Welch
Tue Mar 3 00:38:06 PST 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Zach Welch <zach at mandolincreekfarm.com>
# Fake Node ID 65001f06deb9ab778e50659a30ca3f804f53ea25

Fix style issues in rfinder.py (#2355)

diff --git a/chirp/drivers/rfinder.py b/chirp/drivers/rfinder.py
index a82bc21..ee0bc79 100644
--- a/chirp/drivers/rfinder.py
+++ b/chirp/drivers/rfinder.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import hashlib
 import re
 from math import pi, cos, acos, sin, atan2
 from chirp import chirp_common, CHIRP_VERSION
 EARTH_RADIUS = 3963.1
@@ -47,18 +46,22 @@ SCHEMA = [
 def deg2rad(deg):
     """Convert degrees to radians"""
     return deg * (pi / 180)
 def rad2deg(rad):
     """Convert radians to degrees"""
     return rad / (pi / 180)
 def dm2deg(degrees, minutes):
     """Convert degrees and minutes to decimal degrees"""
     return degrees + (minutes / 60.0)
 def deg2dm(decdeg):
     """Convert decimal degrees to degrees and minutes"""
     degrees = int(decdeg)
@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ def deg2dm(decdeg):
     return degrees, minutes
 def nmea2deg(nmea, direction="N"):
     """Convert NMEA-encoded value to float"""
     deg = int(nmea) / 100
@@ -81,35 +85,37 @@ def nmea2deg(nmea, direction="N"):
     return dm2deg(deg, minutes) * sign
 def deg2nmea(deg):
     """Convert degrees to a NMEA-encoded value"""
     degrees, minutes = deg2dm(deg)
     return (degrees * 100) + minutes
 def meters2feet(meters):
     """Convert meters to feet"""
     return meters * 3.2808399
 def feet2meters(feet):
     """Convert feet to meters"""
     return feet * 0.3048
 def distance(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     """Calculate the distance between two points"""
     lat_a = deg2rad(lat_a)
     lon_a = deg2rad(lon_a)
     lat_b = deg2rad(lat_b)
     lon_b = deg2rad(lon_b)
     earth_radius = EARTH_RADIUS
-    tmp = (cos(lat_a) * cos(lon_a) * \
-               cos(lat_b) * cos(lon_b)) + \
-               (cos(lat_a) * sin(lon_a) * \
-                    cos(lat_b) * sin(lon_b)) + \
-                    (sin(lat_a) * sin(lat_b))
+    tmp = (cos(lat_a) * cos(lon_a) * cos(lat_b) * cos(lon_b)) + \
+          (cos(lat_a) * sin(lon_a) * cos(lat_b) * sin(lon_b)) + \
+          (sin(lat_a) * sin(lat_b))
     # Correct round-off error (which is just *silly*)
     if tmp > 1:
@@ -121,6 +127,7 @@ def distance(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     return dist * earth_radius
 def bearing(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     """Calculate the bearing between two points"""
     lat_me = deg2rad(lat_a)
@@ -135,6 +142,7 @@ def bearing(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     return (bear + 360) % 360
 def fuzzy_to(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     """Calculate a fuzzy distance to a point"""
     bear = bearing(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b)
@@ -155,6 +163,7 @@ def fuzzy_to(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b):
     return direction
 class RFinderParser:
     """Parser for RFinder's data format"""
     def __init__(self, lat, lon):
@@ -168,18 +177,18 @@ class RFinderParser:
         print user
         print pw
         args = {
-            "email"  : urllib.quote_plus(user),
-            "pass"  : hashlib.new("md5", pw).hexdigest(),
-            "lat"   : "%7.5f" % coords[0],
-            "lon"   : "%7.5f" % coords[1],
+            "email": urllib.quote_plus(user),
+            "pass": hashlib.new("md5", pw).hexdigest(),
+            "lat": "%7.5f" % coords[0],
+            "lon": "%7.5f" % coords[1],
             "radius": "%i" % radius,
-            "vers"  : "CH%s" % CHIRP_VERSION,
+            "vers": "CH%s" % CHIRP_VERSION,
-        _url = "https://www.rfinder.net/query.php?%s" % (\
-            "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in args.items()]))
+        _url = "https://www.rfinder.net/query.php?%s" % \
+               ("&".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in args.items()]))
-        print "Query URL: %s" % _url    
+        print "Query URL: %s" % _url
         f = urllib.urlopen(_url)
         data = f.read()
@@ -247,7 +256,8 @@ class RFinderParser:
                 number += 1
             except Exception, e:
-                import traceback, sys
+                import traceback
+                import sys
                 print "Error in received data, cannot continue"
                 print e
@@ -259,6 +269,7 @@ class RFinderParser:
         """Return the Memory objects associated with the fetched data"""
         return self.__memories
 class RFinderRadio(chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio):
     """A network source radio that supports the RFinder repeater directory"""
@@ -266,13 +277,13 @@ class RFinderRadio(chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
         self._lat = 0
         self._lon = 0
         self._user = ""
         self._pass = ""
         self._miles = 25
         self._rfp = None
     def set_params(self, (lat, lon), miles, email, password):
@@ -290,7 +301,7 @@ class RFinderRadio(chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio):
                                                   (self._lat, self._lon),
     def get_features(self):
         if not self._rfp:
@@ -309,6 +320,7 @@ class RFinderRadio(chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio):
         return self._rfp.get_memories()[number-1]
 def _test():
     rfp = RFinderParser()
     data = rfp.fetch_data("KK7DS", "dsmith at danplanet.com",
diff --git a/tools/cpep8.blacklist b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
index 0669c24..2fbf1ce 100644
--- a/tools/cpep8.blacklist
+++ b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@

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