[chirp_devel] [PATCH] Updated Memory Edit View

Dan Smith
Sat Jan 31 08:46:32 PST 2015

> This change 1) modified the memory editor taskbar to include a button
> which connects to the memory property page as well as icons for the
> remaining buttons

I'm cool with this change. Can you make it so that if a memory is not
selected, the Properties button (and menu item) is insensitive? I think
it's probably confusing to start chirp up, nothing is selected, yet a
user can click on the button.

> 2) reogranized the menu system to include a few
> more items, such as "select all" and a accel ('r') to properties,

Please put these in a separate patch.

> 3) renamed a few memory entries and dialogs to be more slightly
> more consitent.

These should also be in a separate patch so we can discuss these changes
separate from the above.



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