[chirp_devel] [PATCH 22/22] Fix style issues in tools (#2355)

Zach Welch
Sat Feb 28 22:54:59 PST 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Zach Welch <zach at mandolincreekfarm.com>
# Fake Node ID 0bb87d9c5b84de44d96edb84f20cc47fa65a6a21

Fix style issues in tools (#2355)

diff --git a/tools/bitdiff.py b/tools/bitdiff.py
index a13c63b..d06bdb2 100644
--- a/tools/bitdiff.py
+++ b/tools/bitdiff.py
@@ -1,81 +1,89 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-## Copyright 2013 Jens Jensen AF5MI <kd4tjx at yahoo.com>
+# Copyright 2013 Jens Jensen AF5MI <kd4tjx at yahoo.com>
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import time
-import sys, os, argparse, time
 def printDiff(pos, byte1, byte2, args):
-	bits1 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte1)
-	bits2 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte2)
-	print "@%04Xh" % pos
-	print "1:%02Xh, %sb" % (byte1, bits1)
-	print "2:%02Xh, %sb" % (byte2, bits2)
-	if args.csv:
-	    writeDiffCSV(pos, byte1, byte2, args)
+    bits1 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte1)
+    bits2 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte2)
+    print "@%04Xh" % pos
+    print "1:%02Xh, %sb" % (byte1, bits1)
+    print "2:%02Xh, %sb" % (byte2, bits2)
+    if args.csv:
+        writeDiffCSV(pos, byte1, byte2, args)
 def writeDiffCSV(pos, byte1, byte2, args):
     bits1 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte1)
     bits2 = '{0:08b}'.format(byte2)
     csvline = '%s, %s, %04X, %02X, %s, %02X, %s, %s, %s' % \
-        (args.file1, args.file2, pos, byte1, bits1, byte2, bits2, args.setting, args.value)
+        (args.file1, args.file2, pos, byte1, bits1,
+         byte2, bits2, args.setting, args.value)
     if not os.path.isfile(args.csv):
         fh = open(args.csv, "w")
-        header = "filename1, filename2, byte_offset, byte1, bits1, byte2, bits2, item_msg, value_msg"
+        header = "filename1, filename2, byte_offset, byte1, " \
+            "bits1, byte2, bits2, item_msg, value_msg"
         fh.write(header + os.linesep)
         fh = open(args.csv, "a")
     fh.write(csvline + os.linesep)
 def compareFiles(args):
-	f1 = open(args.file1, "rb")
-	f1.seek(args.offset)
-	f2 = open(args.file2, "rb")
-	f2.seek(args.offset)
-	while True:
-		pos = f1.tell() - args.offset
-		c1 = f1.read(1)
-		c2 = f2.read(1)
-		if not (c1 and c2):
-			break
-		b1 = ord(c1)
-		b2 = ord(c2)
-		if b1 != b2:
-			printDiff(pos, b1, b2, args)
-	pos = f1.tell() - args.offset
-	print "bytes read: %02d" % pos
-	f1.close()
-	f2.close()
+    f1 = open(args.file1, "rb")
+    f1.seek(args.offset)
+    f2 = open(args.file2, "rb")
+    f2.seek(args.offset)
+    while True:
+        pos = f1.tell() - args.offset
+        c1 = f1.read(1)
+        c2 = f2.read(1)
+        if not (c1 and c2):
+            break
+        b1 = ord(c1)
+        b2 = ord(c2)
+        if b1 != b2:
+            printDiff(pos, b1, b2, args)
+    pos = f1.tell() - args.offset
+    print "bytes read: %02d" % pos
+    f1.close()
+    f2.close()
 def compareFilesDat(args):
-	f1 = open(args.file1, "r")
-	f1contents = f1.read()
-	f1.close()
-	f2 = open(args.file2, "r")
-	f2contents = f2.read()
-	f2.close()
-	f1strlist = f1contents.split()
-	f1intlist = map(int, f1strlist)
-	f2strlist = f2contents.split()
-	f2intlist = map(int, f2strlist)
-	f1bytes = bytearray(f1intlist)
-	f2bytes = bytearray(f2intlist)
-	length = len(f1intlist)
-	for i in range(length):
-		b1 = f1bytes[i]
-		b2 = f2bytes[i]
-		pos = i
-		if b1 != b2:
-			printDiff(pos, b1, b2, args)
-	pos = length
-	print "bytes read: %02d" % pos
+    f1 = open(args.file1, "r")
+    f1contents = f1.read()
+    f1.close()
+    f2 = open(args.file2, "r")
+    f2contents = f2.read()
+    f2.close()
+    f1strlist = f1contents.split()
+    f1intlist = map(int, f1strlist)
+    f2strlist = f2contents.split()
+    f2intlist = map(int, f2strlist)
+    f1bytes = bytearray(f1intlist)
+    f2bytes = bytearray(f2intlist)
+    length = len(f1intlist)
+    for i in range(length):
+        b1 = f1bytes[i]
+        b2 = f2bytes[i]
+        pos = i
+        if b1 != b2:
+            printDiff(pos, b1, b2, args)
+    pos = length
+    print "bytes read: %02d" % pos
 def convertFileToBin(args):
     f1 = open(args.file1, "r")
@@ -88,34 +96,53 @@ def convertFileToBin(args):
 def convertFileToDat(args):
     f1 = open(args.file1, "rb")
     f1contents = f1.read()
     f2 = open(args.file2, "w")
-    for i in range(0, len(f1contents)): 
+    for i in range(0, len(f1contents)):
         f2.write(" %d " % (ord(f1contents[i]), ))
         if i % 16 == 15:
-## main
+# main
 ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="byte-/bit- comparison of two files")
 ap.add_argument("file1", help="first (reference) file to parse")
 ap.add_argument("file2", help="second file to parse")
 mutexgrp1 = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-mutexgrp1.add_argument("-o", "--offset", help="offset (hex) to start comparison", default=0)
-mutexgrp1.add_argument("-d", "--dat", help="process input files from .DAT/.ADJ format (from 'jujumao' oem programming software for chinese radios)", action="store_true")
-mutexgrp1.add_argument("--convert2bin", help="convert file1 from .dat/.adj to binary image file2", action="store_true")
-mutexgrp1.add_argument("--convert2dat", help="convert file1 from bin to .dat/.adj file2", action="store_true")
-ap.add_argument("-w", "--watch", help="'watch' changes. runs in a loop", action="store_true")
+mutexgrp1.add_argument("-o", "--offset", default=0,
+                       help="offset (hex) to start comparison")
+mutexgrp1.add_argument("-d", "--dat", action="store_true",
+                       help="process input files from .DAT/.ADJ format "
+                            "(from 'jujumao' oem programming software "
+                            "for chinese radios)")
+mutexgrp1.add_argument("--convert2bin", action="store_true",
+                       help="convert file1 from .dat/.adj to "
+                       "binary image file2")
+mutexgrp1.add_argument("--convert2dat", action="store_true",
+                       help="convert file1 from bin to .dat/.adj file2")
+ap.add_argument("-w", "--watch", action="store_true",
+                help="'watch' changes. runs in a loop")
 csvgrp = ap.add_argument_group("csv output")
-csvgrp.add_argument("-c", "--csv", help="file to append csv results. format: \
-            filename1, filename2, byte_offset, byte1, bits1, byte2, bits2, item_msg, value_msg")
-csvgrp.add_argument("-s", "--setting", help="user-meaningful field indicating setting/item modified, e.g. 'beep' or 'txtone'")
-csvgrp.add_argument("-v", "--value", help="user-meaningful field indicating values changed, e.g. 'true->false' or '110.9->100.0'")
+csvgrp.add_argument("-c", "--csv",
+                    help="file to append csv results. format: filename1, "
+                         "filename2, byte_offset, byte1, bits1, byte2, "
+                         "bits2, item_msg, value_msg")
+csvgrp.add_argument("-s", "--setting",
+                    help="user-meaningful field indicating setting/item "
+                         "modified, e.g. 'beep' or 'txtone'")
+csvgrp.add_argument("-v", "--value",
+                    help="user-meaningful field indicating values "
+                         "changed, e.g. 'true->false' or '110.9->100.0'")
 args = ap.parse_args()
 if args.offset:
     args.offset = int(args.offset, 16)
@@ -130,10 +157,10 @@ while True:
     elif (args.convert2bin):
     elif (args.convert2dat):
-        convertFileToDat(args)    
+        convertFileToDat(args)
-		compareFiles(args)
+        compareFiles(args)
     if not args.watch:
-	    break
+        break
     print "------"
diff --git a/tools/cpep8.blacklist b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
index 2824a96..5d7ad07 100644
--- a/tools/cpep8.blacklist
+++ b/tools/cpep8.blacklist
@@ -70,5 +70,3 @@
diff --git a/tools/img2thd72.py b/tools/img2thd72.py
index a68a15c..407bdf7 100644
--- a/tools/img2thd72.py
+++ b/tools/img2thd72.py
@@ -18,43 +18,46 @@
 # along with this software.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys, getopt
+import sys
+import getopt
 from PIL import Image as im
 def die(msg):
     print msg
 def thd72bitmap(fname, invert):
     img = im.open(ifname)
-    if img.size != (120,48):
+    if img.size != (120, 48):
         die("Image has wrong dimensions: must be 120x48")
     colors = img.getcolors()
     if len(colors) != 2:
         die("Image must be 1 bits per pixel (black and white)")
-    if ('-i','') in opts:
-        c,black = colors[0]
-        c,white = colors[1]
-    else:
-        c,white = colors[0]
-        c,black = colors[1]
+    if ('-i', '') in opts:
+        c, black = colors[0]
+        c, white = colors[1]
+    else:
+        c, white = colors[0]
+        c, black = colors[1]
-    colors = { black: 1, white: 0 }
+    colors = {black: 1, white: 0}
     data = img.getdata()
     buf = ''
     for y in range(6):
         for x in range(120):
             b = 0
             for i in range(8):
-                b |= colors[data[x + 120*(y*8+i)]] << i
+                b |= colors[data[x + 120 * (y * 8 + i)]] << i
             buf += chr(b)
     return buf
 def display_thd72(buf):
-    dots = { 0: '*', 1: ' '}
+    dots = {0: '*', 1: ' '}
     lines = []
     for y in range(48):
         line = ''
@@ -65,8 +68,10 @@ def display_thd72(buf):
     for l in lines:
         print l
 def usage():
-    print "\nUsage: %s <-s|-g> [-i] [-d] <image-file> <thd72-nvram-file>" % sys.argv[0]
+    print "\nUsage: %s <-s|-g> [-i] [-d] " \
+          "<image-file> <thd72-nvram-file>" % sys.argv[0]
     print "\nThis program will modify whatever nvram file provided or will"
     print "create a new one if the file does not exist.  After using this to"
     print "modify the image, you can use that file to upload all or part of"
@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-    if ('-d','') in opts:
+    if ('-d', '') in opts:
     blocks = [0, ]
@@ -120,4 +125,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     print "Modified block list:", blocks

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