[chirp_devel] Build test results: Failure

Dan Smith
Sun Feb 1 13:19:44 PST 2015

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./run_tests", line 1128, in <module>
>     failed = tr.run_all()
>   File "./run_tests", line 1052, in run_all
>     run_list = self._make_list()
>   File "./run_tests", line 964, in _make_list
>     run_list.append((directory.get_radio(drv_name), image))
>   File "../chirp/directory.py", line 67, in get_radio
>     raise Exception("Unknown radio type `%s'" % driver)

This is what I was concerned about. This means the filename doesn't
match the model information. Having parens and/or dots in the model
number is what I'd like to avoid. Can we just call this a TH-UV3R-25 or


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