[chirp_devel] ImportError: No module named gtk

Tue Nov 25 10:54:25 PST 2014

I'm trying to develop chirp on windows.  I followed the instructions
from here: 
I installed everything described and tried this step:

C:\MyWorkspace> cd chirp.hg
C:\MyWorkspace\chirp.hg> python chirpw

When I did I got this error:

C:\Users\rob\Documents\chirp\chirp.hg>python chirpw
CHIRP 0.3.0dev on WinVista/7 (Python 2.7.8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chirpw", line 92, in <module>
    import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk

C:\Users\rob\Documents\chirp\chirp.hg>python chirpw
CHIRP 0.3.0dev on WinVista/7 (Python 2.7.8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chirpw", line 92, in <module>
    import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk


I tried re-installing GTK, but that didn't help.  Is there a path
variable I need to set so it finds it?

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