[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [bj-uv55] fix fm setting #1335

Dan Smith
Wed Jan 8 17:35:55 PST 2014

> 1. do you work on openstack development at all?


> 2. have you looked at moving chirp to github?

Personally I really don't like github, so no.

> I was thinking they have some nice features like code review, and maybe
> some intrinsics like system multi-site/backup redundancy.

Hah, that's funny. Github is extremely well-known for being down all the
time. It was down today, in fact :)

> Was curious as to what kind of redundancy you have for chirp hg repo?

It's backed up in several places, runs on a machine in a datacenter and
is backed by RAID1. It's more than reliable enough for our purposes I
think :)

% uptime
 17:33:43 up 387 days, 21:44,  2 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.23, 0.22


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