[chirp_devel] [PATCH] Expand ftm350 capabilities

Michal Demin
Tue May 21 09:46:13 PDT 2013


This is related to set_freq and get_freq functions, which i had to copy
from ft7800.py file, and extend them to support more fractional frequencies.

I think that the same functions could be used for ft7800 model (and
derived), but i didn't want to break all of them at once. So once i chceck
that other "bits" are not used on FT-xx00 radios I will produce another
patch, that cleans up the code.

Plus there is the 0x10 bit not implemented and could mean another
"fraction" - used or unused by other radios. I might even try how my ftm350
reacts to that.


On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 1:26 AM, Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com> wrote:

> > - fixed support for fractional frequencies (should be eventually
> > moved to upper class?)
> Can you describe the fixes? If they apply to the other radios, it'd be
> great to get them applied there as well.
> Thanks!
> --
> Dan Smith
> www.danplanet.com
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