[chirp_devel] [PATCH][UV-5R] Add VFO Frequency Presets to Work Mode Tab [#467]

Andrew Errington
Mon Jan 28 08:24:07 PST 2013

On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 19:33:44 Jim Unroe wrote:
> I'm don't believe I understand what "try with integers" means.
> Here's the portion of code that I think the problem is in. More
> specifically the 'def convert_freq_to_bytes(real_freq) part.
> +        def convert_bytes_to_freq(bytes):
> +           real_freq = 0
> +           for byte in bytes:
> +               real_freq = (real_freq * 10) + byte
> +           return real_freq / 100000.0
> +
> +        def convert_freq_to_bytes(real_freq):
> +            bytes = [ 0 for x in range(0,8) ]   # init list with 8 times 0
> +            real_freq = int(freq * 100000)      # it has to be integer

Don't you mean "real_freq" here, not "freq"?



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