[chirp_devel] VFO Frequency Presets

Dan Smith
Sat Jan 19 15:08:22 PST 2013

> +        real_freq = 0
> +        for byte in self._memobj.vfoa.freq:
> +            real_freq = (real_freq * 10) + byte
> +        real_freq /= 100000

I think if you change this to the following it will do what you want:

  real_freq /= 1000.0

You need at least one side to be a float to get a float in return. Then
I think that this will work:

> +        val1a = RadioSettingValueFloat(136, 512, real_freq)
> +        val1a.set_callback(my_validate)
> +        rs = RadioSetting("footest", "VFO A Frequency", val1a)
> +        workmode.append(rs)

Since you have to do this twice, I'd like you to make it a helper
function, like this:

def convert_bytes_to_freq(bytes):
    real_freq = 0
    for byte in self._memobj.vfob.freq:
        real_freq = (real_freq * 10) + byte
    return real_freq / 1000.0

Then you can do this:

val1b = RadioSettingValueFloat(136, 512,

On the set side, you'll need to do the opposite of the above,
potentially with a special-case for those two values (I forget how that
code is organized). I imagine getting the "get" side working first is
your priority, so we can work on that after you're happy with this.

Dan Smith
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