[chirp_devel] Chirp 0.3.1 and ID-51

Dean Gibson AE7Q
Mon Apr 8 08:54:41 PDT 2013

Thanks!  Yes, I had seen the roadmap, but I thought that new radios (not 
subject to regressions) might be in the new release.

What is the cutoff date for 0.4.0 ??  I think there is still a bug in 
the ID31 code that I corrected when I created the ID51 code: the MyCall 
"struct" table there didn't have the tag field.  Also, the ID-880H uses 
the common frequency multiplier function, which is incorrect for that 
table and leads to erroneous frequencies being displayed (eg, for 121.5, 
the international distress/MayDay frequency).

I want to get to both of those (the first is a trivial fix) before the 
0.4.0 cutoff, but I'm busy now.

-- Dean

On 2013-04-08 08:31, Tom Hayward wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Dean Gibson AE7Q <data at ae7q.net> wrote:
>> Is Chirp 0.3.1 supposed to support the ID-51?  When I attempt to open an
>> ID-51 .img file, Chirp doesn't recognize it.
> ID-51 is only supported in the daily builds and is targeted for 0.4.0
> (see http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/roadmap).
> 0.3.1 supports the same set of radios as 0.3.0. Chirp point releases
> like this do not add any new features. They just fix some of the bugs
> found in the previous major release.
> Tom KD7LXL

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