[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [vx7] Fix power levels mix up during get/set_memory

Marco Filippi IZ3GME
Sun Sep 9 02:07:34 PDT 2012

# HG changeset patch
# User Marco Filippi <iz3gme.marco at gmail.com>
# Date 1347181492 -7200
# Node ID 7caa3ad6478679f88cc12d9d4a5da700d6b7e5bb
# Parent  75f19c73de256a40cd80a3b7ca164360a82032ae
[vx7] Fix power levels mix up during get/set_memory
fix bug #283

diff -r 75f19c73de25 -r 7caa3ad64786 chirp/vx7.py
--- a/chirp/vx7.py	ven set 07 11:14:12 2012 -0600
+++ b/chirp/vx7.py	dom set 09 11:04:52 2012 +0200
@@ -90,12 +90,13 @@
     list(".,:;!\"#$%&'()*+-.=<>?@[?]^_\\{|}") + \
     list("\x00" * 100)
-POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Hi", watts=5.00),
+POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("L1", watts=0.05),
+                chirp_common.PowerLevel("L2", watts=1.00),
                 chirp_common.PowerLevel("L3", watts=2.50),
-                chirp_common.PowerLevel("L2", watts=1.00),
-                chirp_common.PowerLevel("L1", watts=0.05)]
-POWER_LEVELS_220 = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("L2", watts=0.30),
-                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("L1", watts=0.05)]
+                chirp_common.PowerLevel("Hi", watts=5.00)
+                ]
+POWER_LEVELS_220 = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("L1", watts=0.05),
+                    chirp_common.PowerLevel("L2", watts=0.30)]
 def _is220(freq):
     return freq >= 222000000 and freq <= 225000000
@@ -250,10 +251,11 @@
         mem.tuning_step = STEPS[_mem.tune_step]
         mem.skip = pskip and "P" or skip and "S" or ""
-        if mem.freq > 220000000 and mem.freq < 225000000:
-            mem.power = POWER_LEVELS_220[1 - _mem.power]
+        if _is220(mem.freq):
+            levels = POWER_LEVELS_220
-            mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[3 - _mem.power]
+            levels = POWER_LEVELS
+        mem.power = levels[_mem.power]
         for i in _mem.name:
             if i == "\xFF":

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