[chirp_devel] FT817ND

Dan Smith
Mon Jan 16 08:45:25 PST 2012

> Gone with mercurial and attached you can find an updated diff.


> I have done some changes in memory structure and completed set_memory
> and clone_out. I've also corrected a "development" bug in vx7.py
> If you change the block_lengths to test with ft817 please note that I
> changed the meaning of values not counting block number and checksum so
> your last block has to be 118 now

Okay, attached is a revised version of your patch to add in the regular 
817. It downloads for me, but does not upload yet. I will look into 
this. I also integrated your vx7 changes into the repository.

The diff *from* your other patch is included below, but I would 
recommend you just take the attached patch and work forward from that.

> Now is the time for others to help :)

I'll be glad to jump in and work on this a bit. I do worry about having 
too many people making changes and only communicating by sending 
patches. If it gets confusing, it may be best to create a branch in the 
tree for this sort of development, but we'll see how it goes.


Dan Smith

diff -r 222ed1daa3fe chirp/ft817nd.py
--- a/chirp/ft817nd.py  Mon Jan 16 08:38:29 2012 -0800
+++ b/chirp/ft817nd.py  Mon Jan 16 08:38:59 2012 -0800
@@ -163,15 +163,14 @@
                  chirp_common.PowerLevel("L2", watts=1.00),
                  chirp_common.PowerLevel("L1", watts=0.5)]

-class FT817NDRadio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
+class FT817Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
      BAUD_RATE = 9600
-    VENDOR = "Yaesu"
-    MODEL = "FT-817ND"
+    MODEL = "FT-817"

      _model = ""
-    _memsize = 6521
+    _memsize = 6509
      # block 9 (130 Bytes long) is to be repeted 40 times
-    _block_lengths = [ 2, 40, 208, 182, 208, 182, 198, 53, 130, 118, 130]
+    _block_lengths = [ 2, 40, 208, 182, 208, 182, 198, 53, 130, 118, 118]

      def sync_in(self):
@@ -324,3 +323,12 @@
      def match_model(cls, filedata):
          return len(filedata) == cls._memsize
+class FT817NDRadio(FT817Radio):
+    BAUD_RATE = 9600
+    MODEL = "FT-817ND"
+    _model = ""
+    _memsize = 6521
+    # block 9 (130 Bytes long) is to be repeted 40 times
+    _block_lengths = [ 2, 40, 208, 182, 208, 182, 198, 53, 130, 118, 130]

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