[chirp_devel] FT817ND

Marco Filippi IZ3GME
Thu Jan 12 16:16:35 PST 2012

On 13/01/2012 01:07, Dan Smith wrote:
>> BTW Have you got an ND or old one?
> It is an original/old/non-ND one.

Let's hope they didn't change the clone protocol between sub models ...

Good news are I'm looking at my ft817 _ND_ memories in chirp :)

Please Dan, there are two things I don't know how to arrange:
- seems that "PKT" mode is not in common.MODES, may I add it?
- radio has different valid steps for FM, AM, SSB; how I can arrange for 
them to set valid_tuning_steps in get_features?

73 de IZ3GME Marco

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