[chirp_devel] [PATCH 0 of 3] [RFC] Radio Mods Interface

Richard Farina
Wed Apr 6 21:09:17 PDT 2011

On 04/06/11 23:48, Dan Smith wrote:
> (pulling the list back into this thread)
> On 04/06/2011 12:25 PM, Robert Terzi wrote:
>> Reading between the lines for some of the stuff I've read about
>> the VX-8R, there was a firmware setting that could be reached
>> through a service menu/backdoor, which would change the frequency
>> ranges it would tx on. I believe the purpose was changing
>> the region. Doing this changed the model number that was
>> reported by the radio for the clone interface and would cause
>> all of the settings to be reset (so the radio lost all programming).
> Are you sure you're not thinking of the VX7?  What you describe is
> exactly how it works for that radio, but the VX8 makes a departure from
> the three-block protocol that the 7 (and others of that vintage) use.
> The block missing is the one with the mods in it.
> Rick did some work on the VX3 trying to figure out the soft mod but I'm
> not aware that anything ever came of it.  Personally, I think its likely
> that Yaesu didn't carry that "feature" forward past the VX5/7 days.
>> For what is worth looking at vx6tool.c, the vx6 could be
>> freebanded by changing two bytes looks like offset 8&  9.
> Yep, the 2,5,6, and 7 all have that one block in between the header and
> the memory data, but the 3 and 8 do not (which is the source of my
> skepticism)
I am familiar with the mods for 2, 5, and 7.  I'm not personally 
familiar with the 6 mod, but if you say it is possible I'm sure it is 
very similar to the others.

VX3 and VX8* are rather similar in that the really convenient mod 
interface is definately gone.  I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I 
need someone to take a clone of their radio before and after 
hardmod/reset as I am not comfortable modding my VX3 (I really suck at 

>> On whether mods in terms of freebanding should be part of a
>> general settings interface -- my inclination is to say no,
>> especially from the user interface point of view.
>> Aside from the obvious liability issues, if changing the frequency ranges
>> causes radios like the vx-8 do a full reset, it would be
>> problematic for the user, they'd probably have to download
>> to the radio multiple times, there is currently no backup
>> or manipulation of the regular settings through chirp. I'd
>> rather see the frequency range settings done through a separate
>> UI even though it probably shares most of the code/models of
>> the radio underneath.
> Hmm, well, I'm not too worried about the liability issues.  I certainly
> plan to throw up a huge blinking buzzing warning about doing something
> to your radio that you might regret.
> I think that it will be fairly easy to re-use the same key/value
> mechanism underneath the covers without making the UI (for settings and
> mods) a big mess of knobs.  That's what I meant about using this system
> for generic settings and mods.  It will definitely need a little
> augmentation to allow it to be organized.
> Thanks for the feedback!

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